Negative Mass and its Implications

In summary, the idea of a negative mass creating hills in the fabric of space-time is theoretically possible, but it raises several issues and has not been observed in nature. Negative mass also has unstable thermodynamic properties and may not be able to exist in the way we think of it. However, there are some theories that propose ways to overcome these issues. Overall, the implications of negative mass in creating hills in space-time are still largely unknown and require further research.
  • #1
I was thinking the other day about how mass creates valleys in fabric of space-time and how objects follow that path. Then I came to think, isn't it theoretically possible that there could be a negative mass that creates hills in the fabric of space-time?

What do you guys think about this? Is it plausible? What would be the implications of this?
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  • #2
Swapnil said:
I was thinking the other day about how mass creates valleys in fabric of space-time and how objects follow that path. Then I came to think, isn't it theoretically possible that there could be a negative mass that creates hills in the fabric of space-time?

What do you guys think about this? Is it plausible? What would be the implications of this?
In the rubber-sheet analogy, all that's important is the curvature of the surface, not its orientation. In the absence of non-gravitational forces, general relativity says that all objects should follow "geodesics" in curved spacetime. On a curved 2D surface like a rubber sheet, a geodesic would be the shortest path along the surface between the two points--for example, on a globe geodesics would always be segments of a great circle, like the equator or a line of longitude. The shortest path doesn't depend on how you orient the curved 2D surface in 3D space--if you imagine a metal sheet with dimples on it, the shortest paths between points will be the same even if you flip it over so the dimples become bumps.

In general relativity, the geodesics are in curved spacetime rather than just curved space as in the rubber-sheet analogy--usually they are the worldlines with the largest value of the "proper time" (the time as measured by a clock that moves along that worldline), although technically a geodesic has an "extremal" value of the proper time which could in some cases be a minimum (I'm not sure what kind of curved spacetime you'd need for the extremal path to be a minimal path, though). For example, in the flat spacetime of special relativity inertial paths are geodesics, and you may remember from the twin paradox that the inertial twin always experiences more time between the departure and return of his non-inertial twin who accelerates during the journey.

edit: that said, you can discuss the possibility of negative mass and negative energy in physics, it just doesn't have anything to do with creating "hills" rather than "valleys"--see pervect's post below.
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  • #3

One annoying theoreitical problem with negative mass is its unstable thermodynamic properties. A collection of particles of negataive mass forming a gas would have a negtative temperature. This assumes the equivalence principle holds, and that a negative gravitational mass implies a negative inertial mass. See

It might not be obvious at first glance, but thermodynamically the negative temeprature of a negative mass gas would result in the negative mass gas losing an unbounded amount of energy (i.e. gaining negative energy) to its surroundings. So a container of negative mass gas would tend to heat up its surroudnings, losing energy, until the container ultimately imploded under the unbounded negative pressure, assuming you can come up with a way to contain negative mass particles in the first place. (Not necessarily easy, when you start to think about the way negative mass particles move _towards_ repelling forces).

Of course nobody has actually seen such a thing.
  • #4
pervect said:

One annoying theoreitical problem with negative mass is its unstable thermodynamic properties. A collection of particles of negataive mass forming a gas would have a negtative temperature. This assumes the equivalence principle holds, and that a negative gravitational mass implies a negative inertial mass. See

It might not be obvious at first glance, but thermodynamically the negative temeprature of a negative mass gas would result in the negative mass gas losing an unbounded amount of energy (i.e. gaining negative energy) to its surroundings. So a container of negative mass gas would tend to heat up its surroudnings, losing energy, until the container ultimately imploded under the unbounded negative pressure, assuming you can come up with a way to contain negative mass particles in the first place. (Not necessarily easy, when you start to think about the way negative mass particles move _towards_ repelling forces).

Of course nobody has actually seen such a thing.
These problems with negative energy are also discussed here:

As I understand it, the authors believe that various "quantum inequalities" put restrictions on negative energy in such a way that some of the more troubling behaviors, like the unstable thermodynamic properties mentioned above, could be avoided.
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FAQ: Negative Mass and its Implications

What is negative mass?

Negative mass is a theoretical concept in physics where mass has a negative value instead of a positive one. This means that it would have the opposite properties of conventional mass, such as repelling instead of attracting other objects gravitationally.

Is negative mass real?

Currently, there is no evidence to suggest that negative mass exists in our universe. It is a theoretical concept that has not been observed or measured in any experiments. However, it is still a topic of study and research in theoretical physics.

What are the implications of negative mass?

If negative mass were to exist, it would have significant implications for our understanding of physics and the laws of nature. It could potentially explain phenomena such as dark matter and dark energy, which are still mysteries in the field of cosmology.

Can negative mass be created in a lab?

At this time, there is no known way to create negative mass in a laboratory setting. It is purely a theoretical concept and has not been observed or replicated in experiments. However, scientists are continuing to explore different theories and possibilities for creating and studying negative mass.

Could negative mass be used for space travel?

The idea of using negative mass for space travel has been explored in science fiction, but in reality, it is currently impossible. If negative mass did exist, it would have unusual properties that could potentially allow for faster-than-light travel. However, the concept is still purely theoretical and would require a significant advancement in technology to even begin to consider using it for space travel.
