What is the Nelder-Mead algorithm and how can it be implemented in pure Python?

  • Python
  • Thread starter m4r35n357
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    Pure Python
In summary, the algorithm is:
  • #1
Adapted from this code, which is an implementation of the algorithm described here.
from copy import copy
from sys import stderr, argv

def replace_worst(data, new):
    del data[-1]

def nelder_mead(f, x_0, x_δ, stuck_threshold=10e-12, stuck_break=10, max_iterations=0, α=1.0, γ=2.0, ρ=-0.5, σ=0.5):

    # initial simplex
    dim = len(x_0)
    assert dim == len(x_δ)
    dimensions = range(dim)
    prev_best = f(x_0)
    results = [[x_0, prev_best]]
    for i in dimensions:
        x = copy(x_0)
        x[i] += x_δ[i]
        score = f(x)
        results.append([x, score])
    iterations = no_improvement = nt = nr = ne = nc = ns = 0

    while True:
        nt += 1

        # 1. order
        results.sort(key=lambda z: z[1])
        best = results[0][1]

        # break after max_iter
        if max_iterations and iterations >= max_iterations:
            return results[0], nt - 1, nr, ne, nc, ns
        iterations += 1

        # break after no_improvement iterations with no improvement
        print('...best so far:', best, file=stderr)
        if best < prev_best - stuck_threshold:
            no_improvement = 0
            prev_best = best
            no_improvement += 1
        if no_improvement >= stuck_break:
            return results[0], nt - 1, nr, ne, nc, ns

        # 2. centroid
        x0 = [0.0] * dim
        for result in results[:-1]:
            for i, c in enumerate(result[0]):
                x0[i] += c / (len(results)-1)

        # 3. reflect
        xr = [x0[i] + α * (x0[i] - results[-1][0][i]) for i in dimensions]
        r_score = f(xr)
        if results[0][1] <= r_score < results[-2][1]:
            nr += 1
            replace_worst(results, [xr, r_score])

        # 4. expand
        if r_score < results[0][1]:
            xe = [x0[i] + γ * (x0[i] - results[-1][0][i]) for i in dimensions]
            e_score = f(xe)
            ne += 1
            replace_worst(results, [xe, e_score] if e_score < r_score else [xr, r_score])

        # 5. contract
        xc = [x0[i] + ρ * (x0[i] - results[-1][0][i]) for i in dimensions]
        c_score = f(xc)
        if c_score < results[-1][1]:
            nc += 1
            replace_worst(results, [xc, c_score])

        # 6. shrink
        x1 = results[0][0]
        reduced = []
        for result in results:
            xs = [x1[i] + σ * (result[0][i] - x1[i]) for i in dimensions]
            score = f(xs)
            ns += 1
            reduced.append([xs, score])
        results = reduced

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example: python NelderMead.py 3.0 3.0 0.1 0.1
    def himmelblau(z):
        x, y = z
        return (x ** 2 + y - 11) ** 2 + (x + y ** 2 - 7) ** 2

    print(nelder_mead(himmelblau, [float(argv[1]), float(argv[2])], [float(argv[3]), float(argv[4])]))
    print(__name__ + " module loaded", file=stderr)
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  • #2
Why did you remove numpy? Usually that can accelerate an algorithm right?
  • #3
For working with large arrays, yes, but not in this case (Nelder-Mead fails with many dimensions). Pretty much all my work is "embarrassingly unparallellizable" (or something like that). In my case it is a colossal dependency that I never use. In practice, the list comprehensions and sums keep it compact. BTW I've refactored it for more type safety, better progress and result reporting, and easier understanding, first the test library:
from sys import stderr
from copy import copy
from collections import namedtuple

Point = namedtuple('PointType', ['x', 'f'])

def replace_worst(data, new):
    del data[-1]

def nelder_mead(f, x_0, x_δ, ε=10e-12, stuck_break=100, max_iterations=1000, α=1.0, γ=2.0, ρ=-0.5, σ=0.5):

    dim = len(x_0)
    assert dim == len(x_δ)
    dimensions = range(dim)
    prev_best = f(x_0)
    simplex = [Point(x=x_0, f=prev_best)]
    for i in dimensions:
        x = copy(x_0)
        x[i] += x_δ[i]
        simplex.append(Point(x=x, f=f(x)))
    iterations = stuck_counter = nt = nr = ne = nc = ns = 0
    latest = ""

    while True:
        nt += 1

        simplex.sort(key=lambda z: z.f)
        best = simplex[0]
        worst = simplex[-1]
        second_worst = simplex[-2]
        best_value = best.f

        data = '{} {} {}'.format(iterations, simplex, latest)
        if best_value < prev_best:
            stuck_counter = 0
            prev_best = best_value
            stuck_counter += 1
        if stuck_counter >= stuck_break:
            raise RuntimeError("STUCK for {} steps! ".format(stuck_counter) + data)
        if max_iterations and iterations >= max_iterations:
            raise RuntimeError("UNFINISHED! " + data)
        print(data, file=stderr)
        if sum((best.x[i] - worst.x[i])**2 for i in dimensions) < ε and (best.f - worst.f)**2 < ε:
            return best, nt - 1, nr, ne, nc, ns
        iterations += 1

        centroid = [0.0] * dim
        for result in simplex[:-1]:
            for i, c in enumerate(result.x):
                centroid[i] += c / (len(simplex)-1)

        xr = [centroid[i] + α * (centroid[i] - worst.x[i]) for i in dimensions]
        r_score = f(xr)
        if best.f <= r_score < second_worst.f:
            nr += 1
            replace_worst(simplex, Point(x=xr, f=r_score))
            latest = "reflection"

        if r_score < best.f:
            xe = [centroid[i] + γ * (centroid[i] - worst.x[i]) for i in dimensions]
            e_score = f(xe)
            ne += 1
            replace_worst(simplex, Point(x=xe, f=e_score) if e_score < r_score else Point(x=xr, f=r_score))
            latest = "expansion" + ("(e)" if e_score < r_score else "(r)")

        xc = [centroid[i] + ρ * (centroid[i] - worst.x[i]) for i in dimensions]
        c_score = f(xc)
        if c_score < worst.f:
            nc += 1
            replace_worst(simplex, Point(x=xc, f=c_score))
            latest = "contraction"

        reduced = []
        for vertex in simplex[1:]:
            xs = [best.x[i] + σ * (vertex.x[i] - best.x[i]) for i in dimensions]
            ns += 1
            reduced.append(Point(x=xs, f=f(xs)))
        simplex = reduced
        latest = "reduction"print(__name__ + " module loaded", file=stderr)
and the test program:
from sys import argv
from NelderMead import nelder_mead

class Rosenbrock(object):

    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def func(self, z):
        x, y = z
        return (self.a - x)**2 + self.b * (y - x**2)**2

def himmelblau(z):
    x, y = z
    return (x**2 + y - 11)**2 + (x + y**2 - 7)**2

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example: python Rosenbrock.py -3.0 -3.0 0.1 0.1
    init = [float(argv[1]), float(argv[2])]
    deltas = [float(argv[3]), float(argv[4])]
    print(nelder_mead(Rosenbrock(1.0, 100.0).func, init, deltas))
    print(nelder_mead(himmelblau, init, deltas))
  • #4
Found and fixed the "shrink/reduce" function which was not being exercised until now. Also refactored and significantly shortened. I think the termination code makes more sense now too.

BTW this minimal code is just a bit of fun for those who want to kick the tyres, learn and debug etc. without messy dependencies.

from sys import stderr

def nelder_mead(f, x_0, x_δ, ε, stuck_limit=100, limit=1000, α=1.0, γ=2.0, ρ=-0.5, σ=0.5):
    n = len(x_0)
    assert n == len(x_δ)
    dim = range(n)
    best = f(x_0)
    s = [[x_0, best]]
    for i in dim:
        v = [x for x in x_0]
        v[i] += x_δ[i]
        s.append([v, f(v)])
    count = stuck_count = nr = ne = nc = ns = 0
    latest = ""

    while True:
        s.sort(key=lambda z: z[1])
        c = [0.0] * n
        for v in s[:-1]:
            for i, x in enumerate(v[0]):
                c[i] += x / n

        data = '{} {} {}'.format(count, s, latest)
        if s[0][1] < best:
            stuck_count = 0
            best = s[0][1]
            stuck_count += 1
        if stuck_count > stuck_limit:
            raise RuntimeError("STUCK for {} steps! ".format(stuck_count) + data)
        if count > limit:
            raise RuntimeError("ABANDONED after {} steps! ".format(count) + data)
        print(data, file=stderr)
        if max([abs(s[0][0][i] - c[i]) for i in dim]) < ε and abs(s[0][1] - s[-1][1]) < ε:
            return s[0], count, nr, ne, nc, ns
        count += 1

        xr = [c[i] + α * (c[i] - s[-1][0][i]) for i in dim]
        fr = f(xr)
        if s[0][1] <= fr < s[-2][1]:
            nr += 1
            del s[-1]
            s.append([xr, fr])
            latest = "reflection"

        if fr < s[0][1]:
            xe = [c[i] + γ * (c[i] - s[-1][0][i]) for i in dim]
            fe = f(xe)
            ne += 1
            del s[-1]
            s.append([xe, fe] if fe < fr else [xr, fr])
            latest = "expansion" + ("(e)" if fe < fr else "(r)")

        xc = [c[i] + ρ * (c[i] - s[-1][0][i]) for i in dim]
        fc = f(xc)
        if fc < s[-1][1]:
            nc += 1
            del s[-1]
            s.append([xc, fc])
            latest = "contraction"

        reduced = [s[0]]
        for v in s[1:]:
            xs = [s[0][0][i] + σ * (v[0][i] - s[0][0][i]) for i in dim]
            reduced.append([xs, f(xs)])
        ns += 1
        s = reduced
        latest = "reduction"

print(__name__ + " module loaded", file=stderr)
Here is the test code, now including a simple constrained optimization at the end:
from sys import argv, float_info
from NelderMead import nelder_mead

class Rosenbrock(object):

    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def func(self, z):
        x, y = z
        return (self.a - x)**2 + self.b * (y - x**2)**2

def himmelblau(z):
    x, y = z
    return (x**2 + y - 11)**2 + (x + y**2 - 7)**2

def basic(z):
    x, y = z
    f = x**2 + y**2 - 4.0
    c = 0.0 if x + y >= 2.0 else float_info.max
    return f + c

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example: python Rosenbrock.py 3.0 3.0 0.1 0.1
    init = [float(argv[1]), float(argv[2])]
    deltas = [float(argv[3]), float(argv[4])]
    print(nelder_mead(Rosenbrock(1.0, 100.0).func, init, deltas, 1.0e-9))
    print(nelder_mead(himmelblau, init, deltas, 1.0e-9))
    print(nelder_mead(basic, init, deltas, 1.0e-9))

FAQ: What is the Nelder-Mead algorithm and how can it be implemented in pure Python?

What is Nelder-Mead in pure Python?

Nelder-Mead in pure Python is a popular optimization algorithm used for finding the minimum or maximum of a function. It is a derivative-free method that does not require the gradient of the function to be known. It is a simple and efficient algorithm that is widely used in various fields, including machine learning, engineering, and economics.

How does Nelder-Mead in pure Python work?

Nelder-Mead in pure Python works by starting with a set of points, also known as the simplex, and then iteratively moves these points towards the minimum or maximum of the function. The algorithm evaluates the function at each point and uses this information to determine the next set of points to evaluate. This process continues until the desired accuracy is achieved.

What are the advantages of using Nelder-Mead in pure Python?

Nelder-Mead in pure Python has several advantages, including its simplicity, efficiency, and robustness. It does not require the gradient of the function to be known, making it suitable for optimizing complex and non-differentiable functions. It also has a low memory footprint and is easy to implement, making it a popular choice for many optimization problems.

Are there any limitations to using Nelder-Mead in pure Python?

While Nelder-Mead in pure Python is a powerful optimization algorithm, it does have some limitations. It can struggle with high-dimensional problems and can get stuck in local minima or maxima. It also does not provide any guarantees on the optimality of the solution, so it is important to carefully consider the results and potential trade-offs when using this algorithm.

How can I implement Nelder-Mead in pure Python in my project?

Nelder-Mead in pure Python is available in various libraries such as SciPy, NumPy, and PyTorch. These libraries provide pre-written functions that you can use to optimize your function. Alternatively, you can also implement the algorithm from scratch using basic Python programming. It is recommended to consult the documentation and examples provided by these libraries to understand how to use Nelder-Mead in pure Python in your project.
