Neural network problems with multi-input dependencies

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of neural networks and error functions for fingerprint recognition. The individual is seeking advice on training a neural network to handle multiple property values for each fingerprint and also considering using an error function with varying threshold values. Suggestions are provided, including the possibility of using a convolutional neural network and combining different neural networks for better results.
  • #1
I'm working on a fingerprint recognition project and have run into a road block. As of now, I am using a 3 layer feed-forward neural network to find the minutiae in a fingerprint. If a minutiae is detected, it's location in the image (row, col) and the type (n types) of bifurcation is noted; these parameters will be known as properties. I do this for my target (database) set and for my input fingerprint. What I want to do now is to maybe use another neural network to compare the properties of the input fingerprint to the properties of the fingerprints in the database.

The problem here is that I basically have 3 property values. row can range from 1 to max row in target and col can range from 1 to max column in target. The type n, for the sake of explanation, is say 6. Is it possible to train a neural network to recognize any integer value for these three properties?

Another possibility that I was thinking of implementing was the use of an error function. I could come up with some sort of error function that's dependent on the input fingerprint and the target fingerprint properties. Basically the error function would return a 1 or 0 depending on if the value falls or exceeds a certain threshold. The problem with this is that I would have different threshold values.

Any thoughts or suggestions on the feasibility or possibility of such a neural network/error function? Your help is greatly appreciated.
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  • #2

I understand your frustration with running into roadblocks in your project. It seems like you have already made a lot of progress with using a 3 layer feed-forward neural network to detect minutiae in fingerprints. However, I can see how the issue of having multiple property values for each fingerprint could be a challenge.

To answer your first question, yes, it is possible to train a neural network to recognize any integer value for these three properties. This is because neural networks are highly flexible and can be trained to recognize patterns and relationships between different variables. However, it may require some additional preprocessing of your data to make it more manageable for the neural network to handle. For example, you could try converting the row and column values into relative positions within the fingerprint image, rather than absolute values.

As for your second idea of using an error function, it could also be a viable approach. However, as you mentioned, the challenge would be determining the appropriate threshold values for each property. This could potentially require some trial and error, and it may not be as accurate as using a neural network.

In terms of suggestions, have you considered using a convolutional neural network (CNN) for your project? CNNs are specifically designed for image recognition tasks and may be better suited for your fingerprint recognition project. Additionally, you could also try using a combination of different neural networks, such as using a CNN for feature extraction and then feeding those features into a feed-forward neural network for classification.

Overall, I think both of your ideas have potential and it may be worth exploring both options to see which one yields better results. It's also important to continue gathering and analyzing data to ensure that your neural network is being trained on a diverse and representative dataset. I wish you the best of luck with your project and hope that my suggestions are helpful.

Related to Neural network problems with multi-input dependencies

1. What are neural network problems with multi-input dependencies?

Neural network problems with multi-input dependencies refer to situations where the input data to a neural network has complex relationships and dependencies between different input features. This can make it difficult for the network to accurately learn and generalize patterns from the data, leading to decreased performance.

2. How do multi-input dependencies affect neural network performance?

Multi-input dependencies can significantly impact neural network performance as they can cause the network to struggle with identifying and learning patterns in the data. This can lead to decreased accuracy and slower convergence, making it more challenging for the network to solve complex problems.

3. What are some techniques for dealing with multi-input dependencies in neural networks?

There are several techniques for addressing multi-input dependencies in neural networks. One approach is to preprocess the data and reduce the number of input features by removing redundant or highly correlated features. Another technique is to use regularization methods, such as dropout, to prevent the network from relying too heavily on specific input features. Additionally, using more advanced network architectures, such as recurrent neural networks or convolutional neural networks, can also help handle multi-input dependencies.

4. How can we identify if a neural network is struggling with multi-input dependencies?

One way to identify if a neural network is struggling with multi-input dependencies is to monitor its performance on a validation dataset. If the network has high performance on the training data but significantly lower performance on the validation data, it may be overfitting due to multi-input dependencies. Additionally, analyzing the weights and activations of the network can also provide insights into which input features the network is relying on the most.

5. Are there any benefits to having multi-input dependencies in a neural network?

While multi-input dependencies can pose challenges for neural networks, they can also provide benefits. In some cases, certain input features may have strong correlations and dependencies, and the network can learn these relationships to improve its performance. Additionally, having multi-input dependencies can also help the network handle noisy or incomplete data by using other input features to compensate for missing information.

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