NeuroQuantology another gem, hiding in plain sight

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In summary: These experiences were particularly common in those who had a strong right hemispheric connection.In summary, Dr Persinger believes that the human brain exists in two different energy states, associated with the two hemispheres. The quantal equation f=(Ea-Eb)/h, where Ea is the energy of state a and Eb is the energy of state b and h is Planck's constant, and the solution for temperature from Boltzmann's constant predicted that a difference of only 1 degree Celsius between the two cerebral hemispheres would be sufficient to produce disparities within brain space. This transient condition could facilitate the intrusions into awareness of "another consciousness" reported as a "sensed presence". The results supported his prediction.
  • #1
Gold Member
NeuroQuantology© is the only single journal which deals with the relationship between quantum physics and neuroscience.
The rapidly accumulating empirical data in the neuroscience, cognitive science and technical domains will be made available to theorists in order to stimulate a synthesis or provoke new models. NeuroQuantology is published quarterly. Though the journal is devoted mainly to original reports of experimental and theoretical research, we also welcome literature surveys, methodological articles, empirical findings, book reviews, news, comments, letters, and abstracts.

This" in collaboration with Stuart Hammeroff.

This site is fairly active, with up to 600 views of papers posted on the site. I keep checking it from time to time and the hits on certain papers keeps growing, a good sign. It is attracting a small but growing number of researchers in the field, along with the curious like myself, willing to step outside my "comfort zone", and consider how QM is shaping our view of the world. Here is the:" :

I found this paper by Dr Michael Persinger, from December 2008, Volume 6 Issue 4:" ,
spent some time reading, probing and getting a "layman's view" of it. First, the abstract:
NeuroQuantological principles predict that equations applicable within the
microcosmic world should also be valid within macroscopic brain space.We tested
the hypothesis that the human brain exists in two different energy states
associated with the two hemispheres. The quantal equation f=(Ea-Eb)/h, where
Ea is the energy of state a and Eb is the energy of state b and h is Planck's constant,
and the solution for temperature from Boltzmann's constant predicted that a
difference of only 1 deg C between the two cerebral hemispheres would be
sufficient to produce disparities within brain space. This transient condition could
facilitate the intrusions into awareness of "another consciousness" reported as a
"sensed presence".
The results supported our prediction. Moderate strength
correlations were found between the report of a sensed presence and the
increase in tympanic membrane temperature in the right ear compared to the left
ear following 30 min exposure to an optimal environment that involved weak,
transcerebral magnetic field stimulation whose point durations could access
quantal dimensions.

Some interesting observations from the paper regarding sensed presence: (Note:" has been doing research in "Sensed Presence" for over twenty years, and considered an expert in the field. In the link above, Dr Persinger claims to have paid for much of this research out of his own pocket. Some of his experiments with sensed presence have not been reproduced by others in the field to date. I have not fully investigated this, will leave it to you to judge for yourself if his experiments appear genuine.

  • Human brain generates repeating classes of electric matricies or states (Koenig et al (1999), duration (8 Hz to 12 Hz), these match the minimal duration of a precept (Efron 1970)
  • According to (Koenig et all (2002))four classes of microstates are manifested in different temporal proportions, two of these states involve diagonal polarities that cross from one hemisphere to the other.
  • Transition states can be quantified according the the Einstein Relation as: frequency = (Ea - Eb)/h, where Ea is energy state of a, Eb is energy state b, h is Planck's constant 6.6 X 10^34 Js. Frequency is then converted into distance or wavelength between the two states by dividing this value into the velocity of light. Using 8.317 J/K mol (the gas constant) and 6.023 x 10^23 particles per mol (Boltzmann's constant). The energy dislayed by the particle would be this constant multiplied by the temperature.
  • The difference of only 1 degree Celsius or the transition between 37 degrees Celsius and 38 degrees Celsius, the energy would be 1.4 x 10^-23 Joules. When divided by Planck's constant, the frequency is 0.2 x 10^11 hz. The wavelength is (3 x 10^8 m/s) /0.2 x 10^11Hz or 15 x 10^-3 m oe 1.5 cm.
  • So a change of only 1 degree Celsius produces a translocation of electromagnetic matrices of consciousness by about 1.5 cm.
  • Since 1992 Persinger and Makarec believe that sensed presence to be the right hemispheric equivalent of the left hemispheric sense of self. For this reason, right hemispheric processes could be experienced as: "another consciousness". This fact has been driven home by Neuroanatomist Dr Jill Taylor's account of her massive left hemispheric stoke at the age of 37. She describes how in the moment, wonderful she felt when only her right hemisphere was active during her stroke. Her experience proves that her right hemisphere has a unique non-verbal view of the world, totally unique and separate from the left hemisphere, which for most people is more in control most of the time.
  • As an example of natural sensed presence, in 542 during the first known pandemic of bubonic infection, people experienced mild fever that lead to feelings of "presences" and "apparitions" that people concluded would lead to death if the were touched by the phenomena (Kohn, 2001).
  • As early as 1986 a number of scientists (Eccles, Hameroff, Penrose, Umezawa, Jibu and Yasue, Persinger and Koren) believed that an increase in temperature (1 degree Celsius) within the right hemisphere compared to the left could produce sensed presence which was derived from "quantum" physical neuroscience.
  • During the experiment, using a helmet with four pairs of solenoids on each side, designed so that the strengths of the magnetic fields would be asymmetrical for the space in which the right and left hemispheres were located on each side at the approximate level of the temporal/parietal lobes. A burst or sham field was generated over a thirty minute period.
  • The average right/left peak to peak amplitude of the burst firing pattern was 5300 nano tesla over the right hemisphere and 3300 nano tesla over the left, a difference of 2000 nano tesla (2 micro tesla) between the two sides.
  • The intensity of the magnetic field was about 1 micro tesla stronger than the static field and traversed, during its peak to peak variation, the extent of the discrepancy between the left and right sides of the brain.
  • After completing the experiment which included male and female college students, both groups showed a significant correlation between net increase in temperature within the right hemisphere compared to the left and the incidence of sensed presence.
  • The authors believe that the principles of NeuroQuantology can be studied in a laboratory and tested by experiment. The one degree discrepancy in hemispheric temperature was sufficient to create a sensed presence experience as predicted from Einstein's Relation (defined as: the transition between two states that can be expressed by a particular frequency which is equal to the difference in energy between the two divided by Planck's constant) that had been previously been applied to particle-wave transitions.
As a side note: this paper lists 51 references that span over 30 years of research into neurological and quantum mechanical investigation, some authors provided more than a single research paper, for example, Dr Persinger includes 11 references.

This is my first tentative foray into this emerging field of study. NeuroQuantology is now exposed to the PF community. My hope is that it may inspire PF members to take a look at the papers provided here, to pick one or more and then report back on what you found interesting. I hope you find the field interesting... I know I did... One more thing, don't forget to" , you need to in order to access the papers provided. Good luck...

Rhody... :biggrin:

P.S. I will be back from vacation on Wed and will be adding more personal stories in the Competitive/Adaptive Brain Plasticity... and you... thread, then on to researchers discoveries and mentors who inspired them.
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Biology news on
  • #2
This looks very interesting, I will definitely start reading all of the material you have posted right away!

Thank you for posting this. :)
  • #3
I've always been amazed at how eastern philosophers can be so intelligently exquisite.
Not sure if any of what they say is true, but sure sounds good.
  • #4
pallidin said:
I've always been amazed at how eastern philosophers can be so intelligently exquisite.
Not sure if any of what they say is true, but sure sounds good.


The paper I listed and reviewed was not done by eastern philosophers. I am puzzled, could you explain ?

  • #5
rhody said:

The paper I listed and reviewed was not done by eastern philosophers. I am puzzled, could you explain ?


NeuroQuantology journal supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of quantum physics and its relation to the nervous system.

It sounds crackpot. Nature of quantum physics ?
  • #6
This isn't science, this is blatant crackpottery.
There's only one journal about this because legitimate journals almost never publish this stuff. It's a classic crackpot method to get the guise of respectability - start your own journal.

I have a PhD in quantum chemistry and I study/have studied biochemical systems.
There is plenty of legitimate research going on in the field of 'quantum biochemistry' (if you want to call it that, I don't see the point to that term). This is not part of it.
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  • #7
We require that journals that are cited on this website are indexed by the ISI web of Knowledge. Despite its 7 year existence, the journal of NeuroQuantology is not mentioned in the ISI Journal Citation Report and thus this thread is closed.

Thomson Reuters said:
Journal Citation Reports® offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data. By compiling articles' cited references, JCR Web helps to measure research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals. Available in Science and Social Sciences editions.

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Related to NeuroQuantology another gem, hiding in plain sight

1. What is NeuroQuantology?

NeuroQuantology is an emerging field of science that combines principles from neuroscience, quantum physics, and consciousness studies to explore the relationship between the brain and consciousness.

2. How is NeuroQuantology different from traditional neuroscience?

Traditional neuroscience focuses on the physical and biological processes of the brain, while NeuroQuantology also takes into account the role of consciousness and quantum principles in brain function.

3. What are some potential applications of NeuroQuantology?

NeuroQuantology has potential applications in fields such as medicine, psychology, and artificial intelligence, as well as potential implications for our understanding of consciousness and the nature of reality.

4. Is there scientific evidence to support the concepts of NeuroQuantology?

While the field is still in its early stages, there have been several studies and experiments that have shown promising results in support of the principles of NeuroQuantology. However, more research is needed to fully validate its concepts.

5. How can I learn more about NeuroQuantology?

There are many books, articles, and online resources available to learn more about NeuroQuantology. Additionally, attending conferences and workshops on the topic can provide valuable insights and discussions with experts in the field.

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