Neutral Pion and Right-Handed Neutrinos

In summary, the conversation discusses the quark content of the neutral pion and the possibility of it being a superposition of states of different mass. It also delves into the existence of right-handed neutrinos and their relationship with left-handed neutrinos. The conversation concludes that the Dirac equation is not applicable to neutrinos and that the different mass of u and d quarks does not affect the neutral pion's mass due to mixing effects. The mixing concept is also applied to mesons, particularly when the s quark is included.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hello, i'd really need some help with the following questions.

1) Neutral Pion
It's quark content is written as: [tex]\pi^0=(u\overline{u}-d\overline{d})/\sqrt{2}[/tex]
But the u-quark have a (quite) different mass than the d-quarks. This means that the neutral pion is a superposition of states of different mass??

2) Right-Handed (RH) Neutrinos
First of all, I am talking about SM neutrinos with zero mass! We know that neutrinos interact only via the weak interactions and only with their Left-Handed (LH) component. So, the theory actually predicts that we cannot observe RH neutrinos. Does this mean that they do not exist? I ask this because my proffessor made that assertion, and also because in Quarks&Leptons of Halzen&Martin they say
<<There is no empirical evidence for the existense of RH neutrinos and it could well be that they do not exist in nature.>>
I have an argument via which i make the assertion that RH neutrinos (and LH antineutrinos) MUST exist, even thought we cannot interact with them and see them. It goes like this:
A neutrino satisfies the dirac equation with zero mass. Solving it, we get four solutions.
2 spinors for the neutrino (RH and LH neutrino)
2 spinors for the antineutrino (RH and LH antineutrino).
If we want to have a complete set of solutions, all 4 spinors must hold (that is, exist). We cannot say that i keep the LH neutrino and throw away the RH one. This argument is the same with the one we make about the negative energy solutions. We cannot just simply say that "E<0 solutions are unacceptable" since the E>0 by themselves don't make a complete set of solutions.
(To be honest i haven't really understood why we MUST have a complete set of solution, but the point is that its true)
So i conclude that RH neutrinos MUST exist.

What do you think?
Physics news on
  • #2
JK423 said:
1) Neutral Pion
It's quark content is written as: [tex]\pi^0=(u\overline{u}-d\overline{d})/\sqrt{2}[/tex]
But the u-quark have a (quite) different mass than the d-quarks. This means that the neutral pion is a superposition of states of different mass??
No : it is not a superposition of quark, it is a superposition of quark-antiquark pairs. Each pair has the same mass, the pion mass.
JK423 said:
What do you think?
Have you heard of Weyl neutrinos ?
  • #3
humanino said:
No : it is not a superposition of quark, it is a superposition of quark-antiquark pairs. Each pair has the same mass, the pion mass.
But if u and d have different masses, then shouldn't the u,u-bar, d,d-bar pairs have different masses?
humanino said:
Have you heard of Weyl neutrinos ?
No i havent. Looked for it in wikipedia but there is not.
What are they? And what's the flaw in my argument?
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  • #4
JK423 said:
But if u and d have different masses, then shouldn't the u,u-bar, d,d-bar pairs have different masses?
Well, no : if you are given a u,u-bar pair, it will not be stable : it has enough uncertainty to fluctuate into a d,d-bar pair, and in fact it is a neutral pion (at least in its ground state). Notice that most of the pion mass is not in the quark masses anyway, but in the glue field binding it.

JK423 said:
No i havent. Looked for it in wikipedia but there is not.
What are they? And what's the flaw in my argument?
Dirac, Majorana and Weyl fermions
The flaw is in the premise that neutrinos satisfy the Dirac equation. If they did, you are right that you need both the left and the right. But in fact, the left could be the anti-particle of the right (physical interpretation), which gives you the Majorana-Weyl equation (mathematical premise).

The Dirac equation is a tensorial product of two Weyl fermions. The Dirac neutrino belongs to the (1/2,1/2) representation which is (1/2,0)x(0,1/2).
  • #5
The intuition of JK423 is close to reality: these mixings, when formulated in the framework of SU(3) flavour and introducing the values of the masses, just because of the "tunneling" that humanino is describing. It is more noticeable when you put the strange quark in the game. Isospin, alone, can be masked by other effects.
  • #6
Thanks a lot, you were perfectly clear about the neutrinos, i`ll study the (very good) reference you gave me.

But i think that i lost you on the pion's mass question. I asked whether the u,u-bar, d,d-bar pairs have different masses (since u and d quarks are different) and you said no.
How is that possible? By definition u and d are different! I assume that your 'no' has something to do with the fact that u,u-bar is unstable.
Can you elaborate a little more on this please??

Arivero i think that i lost you too..
  • #7
JK, think two separate wells in 1D QM, similar depth so that if there is an infinite barrier between them, you just have two degenerated states of equal energy, particle in the left or particle in the right well. Now enable some mix across the barrier, and what happens is that now you have two eigenstates of different energy, a symmetric one and a higher, asymmetric (in wave function, but not in wave probability, which is the square). This situation is similar to the pion with equal mass for u and d.

But if you put now only slight different masses in u and d, it is to say slight different wells before the opening of the tunnel, the situation still works in a very similar way; the two states mix because of the tunnel, and the "mostly symmetric" and the "mostly antisymmetric" part get a mass difference change from the tunnel effect. Or the mix, if you wish.

In mesons, this is irrelevant for d and u, but becomes important when you add the s quark into play. So what matters is the mixing between dd, uu and ss.

FAQ: Neutral Pion and Right-Handed Neutrinos

1. What is a neutral pion?

A neutral pion (π0) is a subatomic particle that is composed of two up quarks and two down quarks. It is a type of meson, which is a particle made up of a quark and an antiquark. The neutral pion is the lightest meson, with a mass of about 135 times that of an electron. It is also electrically neutral, meaning it has no charge.

2. What is the role of neutral pions in particle physics?

Neutral pions play an important role in the study of the strong nuclear force, which is responsible for holding atomic nuclei together. They are also used to study the structure of protons and neutrons, which are composed of quarks. In addition, neutral pions are important in understanding the nature of the early universe, as they were present shortly after the Big Bang.

3. What are right-handed neutrinos?

Right-handed neutrinos are hypothetical particles that are predicted by some theories in particle physics. They are the right-handed partners to the more commonly known left-handed neutrinos. Unlike left-handed neutrinos, right-handed neutrinos do not interact through the weak nuclear force and are therefore difficult to detect. They are also thought to be much heavier than left-handed neutrinos.

4. What is the significance of right-handed neutrinos?

The existence of right-handed neutrinos would have important implications for our understanding of the universe and the Standard Model of particle physics. They could help explain the origin of matter and the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the universe. Additionally, the presence of right-handed neutrinos would have implications for the mass of other particles and the nature of dark matter.

5. How are neutral pions and right-handed neutrinos related?

There is no direct relationship between neutral pions and right-handed neutrinos. However, both particles are important in the study of particle physics and could provide insight into the fundamental laws of the universe. Some theories also suggest that right-handed neutrinos could be involved in the decay of neutral pions, which would have implications for our understanding of the weak nuclear force.

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