Neutrino Anti-Particle and Flavor Mass Hierarchy

In summary, if the hierarchy of neutrino masses is inverted, there is a minimal possible value for the effective neutrino mass that can be tested in neutrinoless double beta decay experiments. This is due to the potential cancellation of masses in the normal hierarchy. The cosmological limit on the sum of neutrino masses and the current bound on the effective neutrino mass are both factors in determining this minimum value.
  • #1
"Other experiments to test whether the neutrino is, weirdly, its own antiparticle may be feasible only if the hierarchy is inverted."

Physics news on
  • #2
As far as I know, the minimal effective mass in neutrinoless double beta decays would be higher, see e.g. this article and the plots shown there.
@Orodruin will know that in more detail.
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  • #3
mfb said:
As far as I know, the minimal effective mass in neutrinoless double beta decays would be higher,

The point is that, given the current knowledge on the neutrino mass squared differences and mixing angles, there is a minimal possible value for the effective neutrino mass to which neutrinoless double beta decay experiments are sensitive if the neutrino mass ordering is inverted. If the mass ordering is normal, then there is always a possibility of having a cancellation (for a range of absolute neutrino masses) and thus no lower bound on the neutrinoless double beta decay rate.

The plots shown in the paper linked by mfb summarises this - with the lowest neutrino mass on the x-axis and the effective neutrino mass to which neutrinoless double beta decay experiments are sensitive on the y-axis:

(The IS is the inverted and the NS the normal ordering and the bands show the possible values based on current knowledge (or rather, what was current in 2012 - bounds have improved but the basic idea is the same))
The cosmological limit on ##m_{min}## comes from cosmology placing a bound on the sum of the neutrino masses, while the current bound is the (2012) bound on the effective neutrino mass relevant for neutrinoless double beta decay experiments at the time.
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FAQ: Neutrino Anti-Particle and Flavor Mass Hierarchy

What is a neutrino anti-particle?

A neutrino anti-particle is the antiparticle of a neutrino, which is a subatomic particle that has no electric charge and very little, if any, mass. It is the counterpart to the neutrino in the Standard Model of particle physics.

What is flavor mass hierarchy in relation to neutrinos?

Flavor mass hierarchy refers to the relative masses of the different types of neutrinos (electron, muon, and tau). It is still a topic of study and debate in the scientific community, but current theories suggest that the mass hierarchy may be hierarchical, with the electron neutrino being the lightest and the tau neutrino being the heaviest.

How does the mass hierarchy of neutrinos affect their properties?

The mass hierarchy of neutrinos can affect their properties, such as their oscillation behavior. Oscillation is the phenomenon where a neutrino can change from one flavor to another as it travels through space. The specific mass hierarchy of the neutrino can impact the rate and extent of this oscillation.

Why is the study of neutrino anti-particles and flavor mass hierarchy important?

Studying neutrino anti-particles and flavor mass hierarchy can help scientists better understand the fundamental laws of nature and the inner workings of the universe. It can also provide insights into the origin and evolution of the universe and can have potential applications in various fields, such as astrophysics and particle physics.

What techniques are used to study neutrino anti-particles and flavor mass hierarchy?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to study neutrino anti-particles and flavor mass hierarchy, including particle accelerators, detectors, and computational simulations. These methods allow for the observation and measurement of neutrino interactions and properties, providing valuable data for further analysis and understanding.
