Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation possible?

In summary, the conversation touched upon the topic of annihilation between particles and their antiparticles, specifically focusing on the process between electrons and positrons, as well as between neutrinos and antineutrinos. It was noted that while the former can easily annihilate into pairs of photons due to their lighter masses, the latter cannot do so as no such lighter particles exist. Instead, they can form a Z0 boson, but due to its off-mass shell state, it quickly decays into another pair of neutrinos. However, it was also mentioned that in theory, neutrinos can still annihilate to photons, but the process is highly suppressed and thus, not significant in a cosmological context. The conversation also briefly discussed
  • #1
As far as I know, the anihilation of an electron by a positron is an electromagnetic process described by QED. Neutrinos, however, do not participate in the elektromagnetic interaction. Does that mean a Antineutrino will not anihilate a Neutrino of the same kind? Is there an interaction between Neutrino and Antineutrinofields and how does it look like? Maybe the weak interaction can also cause anihilation processes?
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  • #2
Yes, any particle can annihilate with its antiparticle. As you say, it would be caused by the weak interaction.
  • #3
Sure, an electron neutrino and an electron antineutrino can be annihilated into an electron-positron pair. In the electroweak standard model the leading-order diagram is a W-boson exchange diagram.
  • #4
No, it's a [itex]Z^{0}[/itex]-boson exchange, since the total incoming (and outgoing) charge is zero.
  • #5
There is a key difference between low-energy electron/positron and neutrino/antineutrino pairs, though. The former can annihilate into pairs of photons because the latters' masses (zero) are less than the electrons'. In the case of anti/neutrinos, however, no such lighter particles exist. They can bump into one another and form a Z0, but the latter is off mass shell so has to decay almost immediately, and the only pair it has enough energy to create when decaying is another anti/neutrino pair. In effect, therefore, everyday anti/neutrinos such as ones from the cosmic background cannot annihilate.
  • #6
It is true that low-energetic neutrinos cannot annihilate similar to electrons/positrons, but with a W-boson exchange there are allowed Feynman diagrams. I would assume that the cross-section is negligible, but not 0.
  • #7
AdrianTheRock said:
There is a key difference between low-energy electron/positron and neutrino/antineutrino pairs, though. The former can annihilate into pairs of photons because the latters' masses (zero) are less than the electrons'. In the case of anti/neutrinos, however, no such lighter particles exist. They can bump into one another and form a Z0, but the latter is off mass shell so has to decay almost immediately, and the only pair it has enough energy to create when decaying is another anti/neutrino pair. In effect, therefore, everyday anti/neutrinos such as ones from the cosmic background cannot annihilate.

Neutrinos have non-zero mass; and, as such can, at least in principle, annihilate to photons. The problem with this is that the annihilation involves a loop diagram with a highly off-shell W. This suppresses the cross-section significantly, making it essentially cosmologically irrelevant. But, it isn't correct to say that annihilation to photons is not allowed at all.
  • #8
Good point - thanks.
  • #9
Dickfore said:
No, it's a [itex]Z^{0}[/itex]-boson exchange, since the total incoming (and outgoing) charge is zero.

There is also t-channel W exchange. I don't know for sure, but suspect that it's the dominant process.
  • #10
Vanadium 50 said:
There is also t-channel W exchange. I don't know for sure, but suspect that it's the dominant process.

Ah, yes. The difference in cross-sections may be explained by the properties of the corresponding branching ratios for the decay of the corresponding weak vector boson.
  • #11
Thank you for your answers. You helped me a lot :smile:.

FAQ: Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation possible?

1. What is Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation possible?

Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation is a process in which a neutrino and an antineutrino collide and annihilate each other, producing other particles as a result.

2. Why is Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation important?

This process is important because it helps scientists understand the nature of neutrinos and antineutrinos, as well as the fundamental laws of physics. It also plays a role in the energy production of stars.

3. How does Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation occur?

Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation occurs when a neutrino and an antineutrino collide with each other at high enough energies. The two particles then combine to form a W or Z boson, which quickly decays into other particles.

4. Can Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation be observed?

Yes, Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation has been observed in high-energy particle physics experiments, such as those conducted at the Large Hadron Collider. However, it is a rare event and requires specialized equipment to detect.

5. What are the potential applications of Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation?

Currently, there are no practical applications for Neutrino Antineutrino annihilation. However, the knowledge gained from studying this process could potentially lead to advancements in particle physics and energy production in the future.
