Neutrino Mass & Right Handed Neutrinos

  • Thread starter Jim Kata
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In summary, it has been shown that neutrinos have mass, but it is not clear whether this implies the existence of right handed neutrinos. This is because you can have a Majorana mass term consisting of only one type of neutrino field, but to make this term (after spontaneous symmetry breaking) to be invariant under the unbroken gauge group (SU(3) color and U(1) electric charge), then you need a new scalar field. If there are right handed neutrinos, there may be an explanation as to why they haven't been observed.
  • #1
Jim Kata
Does that fact that it has been shown that neutrinos have mass in any way imply that there must be right handed neutrinos?
Physics news on
  • #2
Follow up question. If there are right handed neutrinos is there an explanation as to why they haven't been observed?
  • #3
Jim Kata said:
Does that fact that it has been shown that neutrinos have mass in any way imply that there must be right handed neutrinos?

not necessarily, because you can have a majorana mass term consisting of only one type of neutrino field: [tex](\nu_L)^c \nu_L \Delta[/tex] but to make this term (after spontaneous symmetry breaking) to be invariant under the unbroken gauge group (SU(3) color and U(1) electric charge), then you need [tex]\Delta[/tex] to be a triplet field under weak-SU(2). So you can do without the right handed neutrino [tex]\nu_R[/tex] but have to introduce a new scalar field [tex]\Delta[/tex] to the Standard Model instead to give neutrino a mass.

having said that there are reasons to favor the existence of the right-handed neutrino to explain neutrino mass (eg. see-saw mechanism)
Jim Kata said:
Follow up question. If there are right handed neutrinos is there an explanation as to why they haven't been observed?

One explanation (the typical one) is that they are too heavy to be seen at colliders at current operating energies. The see-saw mechanism where light neutrino masses are related to heavy right-handed neutrino masses via
[tex]M_\text{light} \simeq \frac{\langle\phi\rangle^2}{M_\text{heavy}}[/tex]
where [tex]\langle\phi\rangle[/tex] is the electroweak breaking VEV which is about 174GeV, tells us that if [tex]M_\text{light} \sim 0.1 \,\text{eV}[/tex] then that implies a [tex]M_\text{heavy}[/tex] of the order of [tex]10^{14}\,\text{GeV}[/tex] which is 100,000,000,000 times higher in energy than the current colliders can reach. :smile:
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  • #4
mjsd said:
not necessarily, because you can have a majorana mass term consisting of only one type of neutrino field: [tex](\nu_L)^c \nu_L \Delta[/tex] but to make this term (after spontaneous symmetry breaking) to be invariant under the unbroken gauge group (SU(3) color and U(1) electric charge), then you need [tex]\Delta[/tex] to be a triplet field under weak-SU(2). So you can do without the right handed neutrino [tex]\nu_R[/tex] but have to introduce a new scalar field [tex]\Delta[/tex] to the Standard Model instead to give neutrino a mass.

Actually, if you allow for non-renormalizable operators in the SM (coming from a GUT theory, for example) then you immediately get a Majorana mass without adding anything (no new scalars)! In fact, the UNIQUE(!) dimension-5 operator will do it:


where L is the lepton doublet and H is the Higgs doublet, and c is some dimensionless coupling, and M is the UV scale where the SM breaks down (GUT scale, for instance). When you set H equal to its vev, then this will become a Majorana mass for the left handed neutrino, whose value is the same as what you'd expect from the see-saw mechanism. No RH neutrinos necessary. No new scalars necessary.
  • #5
blechman said:
Actually, if you allow for non-renormalizable operators in the SM (coming from a GUT theory, for example) then you immediately get a Majorana mass without adding anything (no new scalars)! In fact, the UNIQUE(!) dimension-5 operator will do it:

yes, perhaps it would be a good idea to point this out to the OP as well.
hope I didn't confuse anyone.

FAQ: Neutrino Mass & Right Handed Neutrinos

1. What are neutrinos and why are they important in understanding mass?

Neutrinos are subatomic particles that are electrically neutral and have very little mass. They are important in understanding mass because they are the only known particles that have mass but do not interact with the Higgs field, which gives other particles their mass.

2. What is the current understanding of neutrino mass?

The current understanding of neutrino mass is that it is very small, but not exactly zero. The exact value of the neutrino mass is still unknown, but scientists have been able to measure the differences in mass between different types of neutrinos.

3. What is the role of right-handed neutrinos in the theory of neutrino mass?

Right-handed neutrinos are hypothetical particles that are predicted by some theories to exist. They are important in the theory of neutrino mass because they could help explain why neutrinos have such a small mass compared to other particles.

4. How are scientists trying to determine the mass of neutrinos?

Scientists are using a variety of methods to try to determine the mass of neutrinos. These include studying the behavior of neutrinos in particle accelerators, observing the effects of neutrinos on cosmic rays, and analyzing data from neutrino detectors.

5. What are the potential implications of discovering the mass of neutrinos?

The discovery of the mass of neutrinos could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. It could also have practical applications, such as improving our ability to detect and study subatomic particles and potentially leading to new technologies based on the properties of neutrinos.

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