Neutrinos going through neuclei?

  • Thread starter David_777
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In summary, the conversation discusses the weak interaction of neutrinos and their ability to pass through matter with little interaction. The speaker poses several hypotheses about what may happen when neutrinos pass through nuclear matter, and the difficulty in studying them experimentally due to their limited interactions. The reason for the weak interaction of neutrinos is also mentioned, as well as the importance of understanding their interactions with nuclear matter in relation to supernovae.
  • #1
First let me relate that my understanding of quantum physics is rather shallow. What I'm looking for below is not some abstract mathematically response but rather a more spatially conceptual answer.

Theory predicts every second supposedly 70 billion solar neutrinos pass through every square centimeter of the Earth facing the sun. And that almost all pass through the whole Earth without interactions and in fact could pass through light-years of solid lead likewise. And in recent years these previously seemingly massless particles may actually have a mass estimated to be maybe 2 or 3 eV. Due to the extremely limited interactions of the weak force, finding out anything experimentally is very difficult so what is known is more apt to be theoretical.

Now considering neutrinos that go through neuclear matter. Obvious a small percentage of those neutrinos per the radius of atomic nuclei are also going through each nucleus. That tends this mind of limited understanding to consider a few things that might be happening though I expect them to be rather naive interpretations:

1)There is also a lot of empty space within what appears to possibly be solid nuclear particles.
2) Or that either the path of neutrinos or the neutrons, protons, quarks etc involved in the strong forces keeping that all together somehow move aside for these neutrinos
3) Or that the neutrinos punch holes right through whatever matter it meets.
4) Some quantum tunneling type action occurs when meeting other matter so it simply appears on the other side as though it went right through.
5) It somehow is not effected for any Pauli exclusion reasons thus goes right through whatever the substance is of other particles.

Another similar question might be what happens when neutrinos go through neutron stars? And I expect the reason one does not read any explanations for what might be happening is there is it is simply too mysterious to form any hypotheses. However I'm sure some of you can come up with some possible explanations better than mine.
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  • #2
neither of your interpretations are "correct"

The reason why neutrinos interact so weakly, in comparison with strong- and electromagnetic interaction. Neutrinos ONLY have weak interaction, i.e via the Weak Force, through the gauge bosons W(+/-) and Z(0). So that is the reason why neutrinos have penetration length in lead in the orders of light years.
  • #3
(1) is basically correct. The mean separation between quarks in nuclear matter is about 10^-13 cm. On the other hand, a neutrino and a quark won't interact unless the distance between them is less than the Compton wavelength of a W, about 10^-16 cm. So to a neutrino, nuclear matter is mostly empty space.

This discussion is, of course, greatly oversimplified. In fact the interactions of neutrinos with nuclear matter is important for understanding supernovae, and there has been a lot of work on it.

FAQ: Neutrinos going through neuclei?

1. What are neutrinos?

Neutrinos are subatomic particles that have no electric charge and very little mass. They are one of the fundamental particles that make up the universe.

2. How do neutrinos interact with nuclei?

Neutrinos interact with nuclei through the weak nuclear force, which is one of the four fundamental forces in the universe. This interaction is very rare and requires a high-energy neutrino to come into close proximity with a nucleus.

3. How do scientists study neutrinos going through nuclei?

Scientists use detectors, such as large underground tanks filled with liquid, to study neutrinos going through nuclei. When a neutrino interacts with a nucleus in the detector, it produces a tiny flash of light that can be detected and analyzed.

4. Why is it important to study neutrinos going through nuclei?

Studying neutrinos going through nuclei can provide valuable information about the properties of neutrinos and their role in the universe. It can also help us better understand nuclear reactions and the behavior of matter at a subatomic level.

5. Can neutrinos going through nuclei be dangerous?

No, neutrinos going through nuclei are not dangerous. They rarely interact with matter and have very little energy. In fact, trillions of neutrinos are passing through our bodies every second without causing any harm.

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