Neutron Resonance: Cross Sections in Reaction w/ Targets

In summary, neutron resonance is a phenomenon where a neutron's energy matches that of a nucleus, causing absorption and release of energy. Cross sections measure the likelihood of this happening and are important in understanding and predicting nuclear reactions. These cross sections can be measured through experiments and are affected by factors such as neutron energy, target nucleus, and external conditions.
  • #1
I want to know more about the cross sections in reaction neutron + targets which neutron has energy in the resonance of target. Help me!
Physics news on
  • #2
Read Krane - Introductory Nuclear Physics, or similar textbook.
  • #3

Sure, I'd be happy to provide more information on neutron resonance and cross sections in reactions with targets.

Neutron resonance refers to the phenomenon where a neutron's energy matches that of a nucleus in a target material, causing a strong interaction between the two. This can result in the formation of a compound nucleus or the emission of other particles, such as gamma rays.

Cross sections, in this context, refer to the probability of a neutron-target interaction occurring at a given energy. In other words, it is a measure of how likely it is for a neutron with a specific energy to interact with a target nucleus.

The cross section is dependent on the energy of the neutron, the type of target nucleus, and the specific reaction taking place. For example, the cross section for a neutron capture reaction may be different from that of a neutron scattering reaction.

One important aspect of neutron resonance and cross sections is their role in nuclear reactors. In a nuclear reactor, neutrons are slowed down to increase their chances of interacting with target nuclei and sustaining a chain reaction. The cross section and resonance effects play a crucial role in determining the efficiency and safety of a reactor.

To determine the cross sections for a particular reaction, experimental measurements are typically carried out using particle accelerators or nuclear reactors. These measurements can then be used to validate theoretical models and make predictions for other reactions.

I hope this helps to answer your question and provide a better understanding of neutron resonance and cross sections in reactions with targets. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

FAQ: Neutron Resonance: Cross Sections in Reaction w/ Targets

What is neutron resonance?

Neutron resonance is a phenomenon in which a neutron's energy matches the energy levels of a nucleus, causing it to be absorbed and releasing energy in the form of gamma rays. This is an important process in nuclear reactions.

What are cross sections in relation to neutron resonance?

Cross sections in neutron resonance refer to the likelihood of a neutron being absorbed by a nucleus at a given energy level. It is a measure of the effective area for a nuclear reaction to occur.

What is the importance of studying neutron resonance cross sections?

Studying neutron resonance cross sections is crucial for understanding and predicting nuclear reactions, which is essential in various fields such as nuclear energy, nuclear medicine, and astrophysics.

How are neutron resonance cross sections measured?

Neutron resonance cross sections can be measured through experiments using a neutron source and a target nucleus. The number of neutrons absorbed by the target is measured, and the cross section is calculated based on the neutron flux and the target's density and size.

What factors affect neutron resonance cross sections?

The energy of the neutron, the type of target nucleus, and the spin and parity of the nucleus are all factors that can affect neutron resonance cross sections. Additionally, temperature, pressure, and the presence of other particles can also influence these cross sections.

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