Neutron Star at Near Light Speed

In summary: So...I am curious as to whether or not it would be appropriate to say that the particle at CERN is actually traveling at near the speed of light or whether it is just relativistically moving?
  • #1
What would happen to a neutron star (on the cusp of becoming a black hole) if it were sped up to near the speed of light? Or more easily done, if I sped up to near the speed of light. Would the additional mass from the near light speed cause the neutron star to collapse in on itself and form a black hole?

I am guessing that a black hole would not form, but I am curious as to the reason why. If my guess is wrong and a black hole would form, then what would a person stationary to (and light hours away from) the black hole see? The stationary person would not detect an increase in mass to cause the collapse.

Any insight would be appreciated.
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  • #2
You, right now as you read this, are traveling at .999999999999999c. This is enough speed to cause you to become REALLY massive in the sense that you mean. Do you feel any heavier now that you know that? The accelerated particle that I used to make that determination of your speed is in a rest frame from which you appear to be going as fast as I said, and from that IRF you "appear" very massive, again, "in the sense that you mean".

The point here is that in the rest frame of any object, it is standing still.

Does that answer your question?
  • #3
You are talking about relativistic mass, which is a misleading concept that is rapidly disappearing from scholarly use. It is basically only useful for talking about the force necessary to further accelerate a massive body traveling at relativistic speeds.
  • #4
Chronos said:
You are talking about relativistic mass, which is a misleading concept that is rapidly disappearing from scholarly use. It is basically only useful for talking about the force necessary to further accelerate a massive body traveling at relativistic speeds.

Interesting. I had not heard that. So, if two bodies were traveling at near the speed of light relative to one another and they interacted gravitationally, would their interaction happen according to their rest masses or to their apparent, relativistic masses?
  • #5
I read a little on relativistic mass, so maybe I can answer my own question. From what I can gather, it is an effect of space-time itself and not the internal structure of the object itself. The neutron star would not turn into a black hole no matter how fast it went.

However, I am still unclear how two objects approaching each other at near the speed of light would interact gravitationally. Since relativistic mass is a space-time effect, I would guess that the two objects would interact as if they were more massive. But that is just a guess.
  • #6
Correct! A massive body that is not a black hole in its own inertial reference frame is not a black hole in any inertial reference frame. Gravitational interactions between bodies traveling at relativistic speeds looks complicated, but, is not. It still looks like plain old Newtonian gravity. This, of course, is theoretical. Stars of any kind are not known to travel anywhere near relativistic velocities.
  • #7
Chronos said:
Correct! A massive body that is not a black hole in its own inertial reference frame is not a black hole in any inertial reference frame. Gravitational interactions between bodies traveling at relativistic speeds looks complicated, but, is not. It still looks like plain old Newtonian gravity. This, of course, is theoretical. Stars of any kind are not known to travel anywhere near relativistic velocities.

Although I understand, and in fact agree w/ what I believe you mean, it does lead to the question of whether or not that way of putting it is consistent with SR. After all, according to an accelerated particle at CERN, they DO travel at relativistic speeds.

Related to Neutron Star at Near Light Speed

1. What is a neutron star?

A neutron star is a highly dense and compact celestial object that is created when a massive star undergoes a supernova explosion. It is composed almost entirely of neutrons and has a diameter of about 20 kilometers.

2. How fast can a neutron star travel?

A neutron star can travel at incredibly high speeds, with some reaching velocities close to the speed of light. However, the exact speed depends on various factors such as the star's initial rotation, mass, and magnetic field.

3. What happens when a neutron star reaches near light speed?

As a neutron star approaches near light speed, it undergoes significant changes. Its mass and density increase, and it becomes more oblate in shape. The intense gravitational and magnetic fields also become stronger, causing the star to emit intense radiation.

4. Can anything escape the intense gravity of a neutron star at near light speed?

It is nearly impossible for anything to escape the intense gravity of a neutron star at near light speed. The gravitational pull is so strong that even light cannot escape, making it one of the most massive and dense objects in the universe.

5. How do scientists study neutron stars at near light speed?

Scientists use various methods to study neutron stars at near light speed, including analyzing the radiation emitted by the star, studying its effects on nearby objects, and using computer simulations to model its behavior. They also use telescopes and other instruments to observe and gather data about these celestial objects.

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