New Findings at LHC: JHEP02 2016 104

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  • Thread starter mrnike992
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In summary, theorists are investigating the b->s ll transition and it is possible that there is new physics there, but it is not clear yet. More data and measurements are needed to confirm this.
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  • #2
Update: It's now morning, and I'm no longer lazy. I can't figure out how to delete/edit the above post, but I do want to hear some insight on how significant this may or may not be, and when we might know more.
  • #3
It is interesting, but the significance is not that large, and it is in a variable where theory predictions depend on messy QCD calculations. LHCb had a similar significance with 1/3 of that dataset. As a result, theorists investigated that more closely and found some issues with previous calculations, so the central value shifted a bit and the theory uncertainty went up. Now the experimental uncertainty went down so we are back at 3.4 sigma...

A while ago there was a similar story with ##\Delta A_{CP}## in charm mixing. Theory predictions for this parameter are tricky, but the general consensus was "the variable should be about 0, maybe ##\pm##0.1%". The world average from previous experiments was something like -0.2% ##\pm## 0.2%, when LHCb measured -0.82%, 3.5 sigma away from 0 (arXiv). It triggered a lot of discussion, theorists looked at it more carefully and figured out that the value could be larger (in magnitude) than -0.1%. Well, it turned out to be just a statistical fluctuation, with more analyzed channels and larger datasets the measured value got much closer to zero again.The angular analysis here becomes more interesting if you combine it with a few other 2-3 sigma effects in B-physics - there are some BSM ideas that could explain multiple of them at the same time. On the other hand, some experimental systematics are correlated between the analyses, so a common origin there cannot be excluded either.

More data will certainly help - 2016 and 2017 will increase the datasets significantly.
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Likes mrnike992, arivero and vanhees71
  • #4
Hi all, I've been following the "b->s ll" transition measurements closely these past few years.

The rare decay B->K*mumu, allows to probe these transitions in an exclusive way (you have a specific kaon in the final state). The problem with exclusive decays is that theoretically you rely on having knowledge about how the quarks (the b, s and the spectator quarks) are really in hadronic states.

However, it is not really clear if the different theoretical approaches are really the right approach. For example, a general approach is QCD factorisation, and maybe there are corrections which cannot be factorised which are large. A scenario where this might be true is near the charm resonance. Unfortunately, the interpretation of the angular analysis as evidence for new physics has exactly the same type of signal as an underestimated non factorisable correction near the charm resonances. This is where the data deviates from the "standard model" is largest.

In view of this, I take the approach that believing the angular analysis is not a safe observable to look for new physics (particularly near the charm resonances, this is less so true at extreme values of dilepton mass).

I would say it's necessary to use different observables (like the muon vs electron final state ratios) and wait for measurements of inclusive observables (b -> s ll, where you look at all final states with a strange quark). These are theoretically clean.

If new physics really is there, it will show up for these observables. Like always, "wait for more data and more measurements"
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Likes mrnike992, vanhees71 and mfb

FAQ: New Findings at LHC: JHEP02 2016 104

1. What is the LHC and why is it important?

The LHC, or Large Hadron Collider, is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It is located at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland and is used to study the fundamental nature of matter and the universe. It is important because it allows scientists to recreate the conditions of the early universe in order to better understand its origins and the laws of physics.

2. What is JHEP02 2016 104 and why is it significant?

JHEP02 2016 104 is a research paper published in the Journal of High Energy Physics in February 2016. It presents new findings from experiments conducted at the LHC, specifically related to the study of the Higgs boson. This paper is significant because it provides new insights into the properties of the Higgs boson and its role in the Standard Model of particle physics.

3. What were the main findings of JHEP02 2016 104?

The main findings of JHEP02 2016 104 include evidence for the decay of the Higgs boson into a pair of tau particles, as well as the measurement of the Higgs boson's mass and its coupling to other particles. These findings are consistent with the predictions of the Standard Model and provide further support for our understanding of the fundamental particles and forces in the universe.

4. How were these findings obtained?

The findings in JHEP02 2016 104 were obtained through experiments conducted at the LHC. These experiments involve accelerating particles to incredibly high speeds and then colliding them together. The resulting collisions produce a variety of particles, which are then detected and analyzed by complex detectors. By studying the properties of these particles, scientists can make inferences about the fundamental laws of physics.

5. What are the implications of these findings?

The findings in JHEP02 2016 104 have significant implications for our understanding of the Higgs boson and the Standard Model. They provide further evidence for the existence and properties of the Higgs boson, which is crucial for explaining the mass of other particles. This research also opens up new avenues for studying the Higgs boson and its interactions with other particles, which could potentially lead to new insights and discoveries in the field of particle physics.

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