New form of goverment or constitution?

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In summary, the new form of government or constitution should be divided into critical thinkers, those who will make bills that will benefit and insure the security of the nation, and nature, those who will make sure the bill is studied and analized every single detail of it before passing it to the third group, and those who will make the final decision for that bill. Any military action will have to be agreed upon all 3 groups, and it will have to be for reasons such as rebellion against the government, environmental hazards, or quarantine areas. The requirements for group members are that they be very profecient with math, have a good knowledge on all the countries, be pointed out by a large groups of people, and swear onther
  • #1
New form of government or constitution??

Hello, I have been always browsing this forum and learning interesting things, i thank you guys for all the help you guys have given all of us!

I come here today to present a little project that i decided to bring,

My point of view, is that, we need a form of modernize government, and this government will need to be interacting constantly to those of other countries.

We need to ensure our future, we need to change the way we think about things,

Well My point is that, we need to kind of have a global government in which they should be interacting with other forms of government and finding out how to make the world a better place ,and trying to preserve this home of ours.

This is what i have made until the moment.

This is the start of my project!
(remember that I have taken this system from different constitutions:P)
First Article:
sec1.No one will have absolute power, the power should be divided into the groups who will have the best national,international, interest, they will have to be critical thinkers, those who will for sure get out country and our home moving foward with time, never falling behind, their interest should be at most, the people, and nature, never compromising the planet in any way. They shall, make the best decision, and publicide the decision they have made before any final decisions are made. They Will have the best interest of our future, and will work to achieve great success to all of our best interest.

sec2. The group should be divided into (3):

First group: Critical thinkers, these will be the ones who will make bills that will benefit and insure the security of the nation, and nature. These will make sure that they have consult among each other and agreed opon the bill before they have made the final decision to publicide this bill, after more than 60% of the public agrees to the bill, it will then pass to the other group.

Second group: They will ensure that the bill will be Studied and will analize every single detail of it before passing it to the third group. Their job will be to analize, and search for any weakness in the bill, if they find any weakness, they will make sure to point it out to the first group, so they can rewrite it, and pass it again, each bill will need to be analize with a period of 2 months if it is a small bill, and a period of a year(depending on how crucial it is) if it is a large bill. After this period of time, they will inform the public where the bill is heading next, and what conclusion they have made until the moment.

Third Group: This will be the group that will make the final decision for that bill, This group will have to use pass the bill if agreed opon the public, and the first two group, even if not agreed opon(how ever, if it finds that it violates any human, or enviromental laws or rights, it will make sure to point it out, and make the groups rewrite that bill, and analyze it even more.


Any military action will have to be agreed upon all 3 groups, and it will have to be for reasons such as : Rebelions against the government, eviromental hazzards, quarantine areas shall always be watched upon on, have the best interest of the public.

Military will have no mercy upon any group like those that will be mentioned: People breaking any crucial law, people selling illegal supplies(I.E Drugs,weapons, or anything that is consider a threat for both the public, nature, and those whos best interest is to destroy), Murderers, Or any who posses a threat(potential or concrete) to us.

It will help with any enviromental hazzard, will ensure its security, and the security of: The leaders, the people, the enviroment, and all other allied groups.

Every soldier will have the best interest at heart to help such groups, if not, they will be excluded from the military.

Groups members requirements.
Each groupmember will need to have a primitive knowledge and will be tested upon the following:

They will need to be very profecient with math.

They will need to have a gerenal knowledge of science(physics,chemistry and biology)

They will need to have a good knowledge on all the countries, and will have to know some basic principles of those countries.

They will need to be pointed out by a large groups of people

They will need to ensure and swear onther the constitution that they will make the best choice via the public's interest and choice.

They will need to be very good on plotting ideas, making correct assumptions, and be all critical thinkers.

They would most preferably have a master or doctorals degree on the following:
Physics,Chemistry, Biology, Any engeneering degrees, Any mathematical degrees, any other science degrees.

They will need to pass an exam also who will be created by the groups: This exam will have different content on general yet crucial areas such as those degrees mentioned above.

Once a canditate have pass all of the requirements mentioned, they shall go to everystate and intreduce him/her self to the general public, and shows his/her views and what he/she will do to make sure our country is secure, and a stable place.

after this, there will be a election, for all of the candidates, this election will be possesed to choose among those who qualify, who will be in the groups.

They will always need to have the best interest for the country, the states, and for the world, if not, they will be immediately excluded from any of the groups.


Religion will be respected at all cost, there will be no descrimination, they will be no segregation, there will be no repulsive behavior for against religion or any "personal practice"

We have no evidence of the ultimate cause of the creation of this oberservable universe, we will be base on proven facts, not opinions, only those facts will be a fundamental pillar for our society.

please can you guys suggest me more ideas? and i want ideas that will benefit all of the world, we need to form a bigger union with all the countries, we need to start acting now,

Thanks for your contribution!
Physics news on
  • #2

Moved to politics...
  • #3

They would most preferably have a master or doctorals degree on the following:
Physics,Chemistry, Biology, Any engineering degrees, Any mathematical degrees, any other science degrees.

Personal opinion:
You don't get good politicians/leaders out of those degrees. You should take out the science component and reconsider the situation.

My point of view, is that, we need a form of modernize government, and this government will need to be interacting constantly to those of other countries.
If I were to write something similar, ... I cannot think of anything at this moment. I like leaders like Putin (strong and resolute) and would love having such leaders.
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  • #4

Well, in my opinion i think that, there is where we have all the people who actually think, but i see your point, but they also can point out our economic situation, and what can we do etc. That is how i field about people who have those degrees, that they are the only ones who can actually get us far ( i am still a high school kid xd).
  • #5

Several times you mention wanting to make a global government, but then talk about how your leaders need to be knowledgeable about other countries, and how the military needs to help allies. Is this supposed to be a country or a global government?

Well, in my opinion i think that, there is where we have all the people who actually think, but i see your point, but they also can point out our economic situation, and what can we do etc. That is how i field about people who have those degrees, that they are the only ones who can actually get us far ( i am still a high school kid xd).

What is this opinion based on? Why would someone with a degree in chemistry know more about how the economy works than someone with a history degree (who may have actually studied previous economic recessions?) Or even better someone who's been working in various government positions in 20 years and actually has the experience to know what they're talking about when they discuss policy?
  • #6

Well, i am generalizing of what i think, Well basically they may have better intentions than most politics who are for a long time in that position( again that is my opinion) and this view would be base on making a government who will mostly want to advance our technology, well a modern form of it, because i do think most scientist have good intentions with our technology,living conditions, knowledge, etc, it will have more goals, and will want to plan out things with more details than a politic would(that is my opinion) and hey, why not try it?LF!
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  • #7

rootX said:
Personal opinion:
You don't get good politicians/leaders out of those degrees. You should take out the science component and reconsider the situation.

Why is that? I only ask because I've always preferred the advice and influence of scientists over everyone else.
  • #8

That is how i feel aswell, That the people i actually look up to are those who have made fundamental pillars in our technological and scientific advancement over a period of time
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Related to New form of goverment or constitution?

1. What is a new form of government or constitution?

A new form of government or constitution refers to a system of rules and principles that govern a country or organization. It outlines the structure of the government, the rights and responsibilities of citizens, and the decision-making processes.

2. What are the benefits of having a new form of government or constitution?

A new form of government or constitution can bring about positive changes and improvements in the way a country or organization is governed. It can promote equality, protect individual rights, and provide a more efficient and effective system of governance.

3. How is a new form of government or constitution created?

A new form of government or constitution is usually created through a process of drafting, debating, and ratifying. This can involve the input of various stakeholders, such as citizens, government officials, and legal experts.

4. Can a new form of government or constitution be changed?

Yes, a new form of government or constitution can be changed through an amendment process. This allows for updates and revisions to be made in response to changing societal and political needs.

5. What are some examples of new forms of government or constitutions?

Some examples of new forms of government or constitutions include the United States Constitution, the French Constitution, and the South African Constitution. These documents outline the principles and structures of governance for their respective countries.

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