New overview of cosmology for Ashtekar's book

In summary, the author discusses the concept of the local vacuum field as a Gaussian-style reference frame, which could explain the WMAP isotropies as artifacts of our galactic proper motion, galactic rotation, proper motion of Sol within its neighborhood, and motion of Earth around Sol.
  • #1
Science Advisor
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Dearly Missed
A worldclass cosmologist, Thanu Padmanabhhan, has come out with one of these surveys of cosmology for general audience, that a senior cosmologist may do every now and then. It is going to be a 30 page chapter in Abhay Ashtekar's Einstein Centennial book "A Hundred Years of Relativity"
Understanding Our Universe: Current Status and Open Issues
T. Padmanabhan
To appear in "100 Years of Relativity - Space-time Structure: Einstein and Beyond", A.Ashtekar (Editor), World Scientific (Singapore, 2005); 30 pages; 4 figures

"Last couple of decades have been the golden age for cosmology. High quality data confirmed the broad paradigm of standard cosmology but have thrusted upon us a preposterous composition for the universe which defies any simple explanation, thereby posing probably the greatest challenge theoretical physics has ever faced. Several aspects of these developments are critically reviewed, concentrating on conceptual issues and open questions. [Topics discussed include: Cosmological Paradigm, Growth of structures in the universe, Inflation and generation of initial perturbations, Temperature anisotropies of the CMBR, Dark energy, Cosmological Constant, Deeper issues in cosmology.]"
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Can't wait!
  • #3
hello turbo, I trust you are NOT waiting, then, but will go ahead and read
whatever chapters of the book become available as preprints.
Please let me know if you see other chapters appear on arxiv and i miss them

one of the chapters in Ashtekar's book will be by martin bojowald, of LQC fame.
  • #4
marcus said:
hello turbo, I trust you are NOT waiting, then, but will go ahead and read
whatever chapters of the book become available as preprints.
Please let me know if you see other chapters appear on arxiv and i miss them

one of the chapters in Ashtekar's book will be by martin bojowald, of LQC fame.
I just got the chance to read the preprint, and am intriqued by the direction he takes when addressing the deeper problems involving vacuum energy and gravitation, especially the treatment of the local vacuum field as a Gaussian-style reference frame. It is just this concept that has led me to model the CMB as the energy signature of the ZPE field, and to view the WMAP isotropies as artifacts of our galactic proper motion, galactic rotation, proper motion of Sol within its neighborhood, motion of Earth around Sol, etc. When the 2nd year WMAP data becomes available, we should know if this idea has legs.

I'm going to bookmark a Google scholar search of the author and his citations and I'll let you know if other interesting stuff turns up. Thanks for the link!

FAQ: New overview of cosmology for Ashtekar's book

1. What is the main focus of Ashtekar's book on cosmology?

Ashtekar's book primarily focuses on the application of loop quantum gravity to cosmology. It presents a new overview of cosmology that incorporates the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

2. Who is Ashtekar and what is his background in cosmology?

Abhay Ashtekar is a theoretical physicist and professor at the Pennsylvania State University. He is known for his contributions to the development of loop quantum gravity, a theoretical framework that aims to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. Ashtekar has also made significant contributions to the field of cosmology through his research on the early universe and the cosmic microwave background.

3. How does Ashtekar's approach to cosmology differ from traditional models?

Ashtekar's approach to cosmology differs from traditional models in that it incorporates the principles of quantum mechanics into the study of the universe. This leads to a more fundamental understanding of the underlying structure of space and time, and provides a framework for addressing some of the major questions in cosmology, such as the origin of the universe and the nature of dark matter and energy.

4. What are some of the key concepts discussed in Ashtekar's book?

Some of the key concepts discussed in Ashtekar's book include the loop quantum gravity formalism, the cosmological constant problem, inflation, and the cosmic microwave background. Ashtekar also delves into topics such as black holes, quantum fluctuations in the early universe, and the implications of his approach for the search for a theory of everything.

5. Who is the target audience for Ashtekar's book on cosmology?

Ashtekar's book is primarily targeted towards physicists and researchers interested in cosmology and the application of loop quantum gravity to the study of the universe. It may also be of interest to advanced students in these fields, as well as anyone with a strong background in physics and a curiosity about the nature of the universe.

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