New Photos of 'Astounding' Mars:

In summary, on October 13, 2000, a photo was released of what appears to be masses of green Kryptonite just lying around on the surface of Mars. This ends, for many, the years of speculation about the true fate of the planet Krypton.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Like a celebrity under constant photographic scrutiny, Mars continues to show fresh and surprising faces. And as with an enigmatic Hollywood star, more than 10,000 new images of the red planet reveal more puzzles than answers.

"Mars just keeps astounding us with its complexity," said Ken Edgett, staff scientist for Malin Space Science Systems, which built and operates the Mars Orbiter Camera aboard NASA's Mars Global Surveyor.
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Sasquatch Footprints Discovered On Mars!

The image at the link below clearly shows a footprint in the Martian Landscape which, due to its size, can confidently be assumed not to be human. The footprint, three toes of which are unmistakable, is to the right of center in the photo. More to the right is a less distinct print headed in the same direction.

-Zooby :-)
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  • #3
I don't see it. Let me get those "desperately want to believe" glasses on.
  • #4
Goes without saying.
  • #5
The cow jumped over the moon...guess the Sasquatch (a.k.a. "Sassy") was not to be outdone and aimed for Mars given its current close proximity. Just missed...a bit more to the right and he (she?) would have made it past the edge of Mars. :wink:
  • #6
Kryptonite Found In Abundance On Mars

Photo at the link below clearly shows masses of green Kryptonite just lying around on the planet's surface. This ends, for many, the years of speculation about the true fate of the planet Krypton.

MOC Narrow-Angle Image Gallery * Mars Chart 21: Iapygia
Address: Changed:3:25 PM on Friday, October 13, 2000
  • #7

FAQ: New Photos of 'Astounding' Mars:

1. What makes these new photos of Mars astounding?

These new photos of Mars are considered astounding because they provide incredibly detailed and high-resolution images of the planet's surface, showing features that have never been seen before.

2. How were these photos taken?

The photos were taken by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has been orbiting the planet since 2006. It uses a powerful camera called HiRISE (High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) to capture these images.

3. What can we learn from these photos?

These photos can provide valuable information about the geology, topography, and atmosphere of Mars. Scientists can use these images to study the planet's past and present, and potentially find evidence of past water or signs of life.

4. Are these the most detailed photos of Mars ever taken?

Yes, these are currently the most detailed photos of Mars ever taken. The HiRISE camera can capture images with a resolution of up to 25 centimeters per pixel, allowing us to see Martian features in incredible detail.

5. Will there be more photos of Mars released in the future?

Yes, NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter will continue to take photos of the planet as it orbits. In fact, it has already captured over 400,000 images of Mars since it began its mission, and more will be released in the future as the spacecraft continues to gather data.
