New result in high temp superconductivity

In summary, this paper reports a measurement that the most characteristic feature of the BCS model is present but disguised, and that there is reason to believe that no new theory is needed.
  • #1
Science Advisor
I don’t seem to see discussion of this result on PF, so I invite such:

This suggests the possibility no new theory beyond BCS is necessary.

I’m interested especially in comments by members who work in this or related fields.
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Likes Amrator, blaisem, Demystifier and 2 others
Physics news on
  • #2
PAllen said:
Hi Paul:

What does the acronym BCS stand for?

  • #3
Buzz Bloom said:
Hi Paul:

What does the acronym BCS stand for?

Bardeen-Cooper-Scrieffer, the three who explained traditional superconductivity winning a Nobel prize for it (note that Feynman, who helped explain superfluidity, tried mightily to solve superconductivity, but failed). It is a standard acronym. Since high temp superconductors were first investigated, it has been generally assumed that they need a new theory because key features of the BCS model are missing. This paper reports a measurement that the most characteristic feature of this model is present but disguised, and that there is reason to believe that no new theory is needed. In my view, this is a remarkable result and claim. But this is way outside my expertise. I was hoping people here who know much more about this could comment on the paper’s plausibility and what the judgment of other experts is. If validated, this paper would resolve a decades long mystery in condensed matter physics. I note this paper is published in one of the most reputable peer reviewed journals.
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Likes Buzz Bloom and Demystifier
  • #4
I've been out of high-Tc research for a while, so I'm not up to speed on many of these. I did tunneling spectroscopy on these cuprates, so the technique is familiar to me, but I'm not well-verse in the theoretical analysis.

I think the issue here is whether something like Anderson's RVB description or the BCS-like description is still valid for the cuprates is still not settled even with this result. It seldom is with just one set of experiment. When I was analyzing my tunneling and ARPES data, we definitely were assuming the presence of quasiparticles and coupling to some bosonic mode that is the source of the Cooper pairing. In many camps, this is often considered to be a BCS-like analysis. So to read a paper like this isn't a surprise to me.

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Likes jim mcnamara, atyy and PAllen
  • #5

Related to New result in high temp superconductivity

1. What is high temperature superconductivity?

High temperature superconductivity refers to the phenomenon of certain materials exhibiting zero resistance to electrical current at relatively high temperatures, usually above 30 K (-243.2 °C). This is in contrast to traditional superconductors which require extremely low temperatures near absolute zero to achieve superconductivity.

2. What is the significance of new results in high temperature superconductivity?

New results in high temperature superconductivity can contribute to our understanding of the underlying mechanisms behind this phenomenon, potentially leading to the development of more efficient and practical superconducting materials. They can also have implications for various technological applications, such as energy transmission and magnetic levitation.

3. How are these new results in high temperature superconductivity obtained?

The results are typically obtained through experiments conducted in a controlled laboratory setting, using advanced techniques such as X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and spectroscopy. These experiments help researchers to characterize the properties and behavior of different materials under varying conditions.

4. What are some potential challenges in the study of high temperature superconductivity?

One of the major challenges in the study of high temperature superconductivity is the complexity of the materials involved. The mechanisms behind this phenomenon are still not fully understood and there are many competing theories. Additionally, the production and characterization of these materials can be difficult and expensive.

5. What are the potential applications of high temperature superconductivity?

High temperature superconductivity has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including energy, transportation, and healthcare. It could lead to more efficient and sustainable power transmission, faster and more powerful computing devices, and advanced medical imaging techniques. It also has potential uses in quantum computing, high-speed trains, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines.

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