New Scientist Article - Pendulums + Solar Eclipse

In summary, The New Scientist recently published an article discussing the behavior of pendulums during solar eclipses. According to experiments, pendulums exhibit erratic behavior during an eclipse, leading some scientists to question the laws of gravity and Einstein's work. This phenomenon, known as the Allais effect, has been poorly documented and is still being studied. Some believe it could be a result of gravitational interactions between the Moon, Earth, and Sun. Further research is needed to fully understand this strange behavior.
  • #1
Just wondered if anyone read this weeks New Scientist and more to the point the article on gravity.

Aparently experiments have shown that pendulums behave irratically during a solar eclipse, and hence this has lead to some scientist questioning the laws of gravity and the work of Einstien. According to a french researcher the pendlum starts to reverse from a clockwise movement to an anticlockwise movement. Once the eclipse is over the movement returns to a clockwise movement (matching the Earth's spin as expected).

I'm sure this is old news to some of you (indeed it is old research lol) but I think it'd be interesting to see a discussion on the topic. And let's see you all theorise!

If your all yanks then New Scientist is the UK's version of Scientific American. lol

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  • #2
I'd love to see more infomation on this if anyone has any.
  • #3
Frankly, I'd be somewhat skeptical (sceptical, for you Brits!). It sounds like a variation on the hemispheric dependence of bathtub drain vorticity theme. :-)
  • #4
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  • #5
The Allias effect [weird pendulum stuff during solar eclipses] is rather poorly documented, which may or may not mean anything. The most recent treatise I know about is here:
  • #6
well i think the New Scientist website may have the article on their sometime soon

It sounds quite strange, and it leads you ask how serious questions about gravity. The comments above are accurate, the work on the topic sketchy at best, though in the following years many more experiments are planned.

Personally I woudn't be too suprised if they gained some decent results next time round, its one of those things that intuition tells you sounds like it could be true.

  • #7
yep i read it, extremely interesting.
  • #8
If such phenomenum truly occur, then as far as we know, the only forms of interaction possible between the pendulum and, either the moon and the sun or both, are solar radiation and gravitational waves. I doubt solar radiation has any effect on changing the path of a foucault pedulum, so I think it should be something to do with gravity.

Probably some not yet known gravitational interaction occurred between the Moon, Earth and the sun.
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FAQ: New Scientist Article - Pendulums + Solar Eclipse

1. What is the connection between pendulums and solar eclipses?

There is no direct connection between pendulums and solar eclipses. However, pendulums can be used as a tool to detect the subtle changes in Earth's gravitational pull during a solar eclipse.

2. How do pendulums detect changes in Earth's gravitational pull during a solar eclipse?

Pendulums are affected by gravity, and any changes in the strength or direction of gravity will cause the pendulum to swing differently. During a solar eclipse, the Moon's gravitational pull on Earth is slightly stronger, causing the pendulum to swing slightly faster or in a different direction.

3. How accurate are pendulums in detecting changes during a solar eclipse?

Pendulums are not the most accurate tool for detecting changes during a solar eclipse, as the changes are very subtle and can be affected by other factors such as wind or temperature. However, they can still provide useful insights and can be a fun experiment to try during an eclipse.

4. Can pendulums be used to predict solar eclipses?

No, pendulums cannot be used to predict solar eclipses. Solar eclipses are predictable based on the orbit of the Moon around Earth and the tilt of Earth's axis. Pendulums are not affected by these factors and therefore cannot be used for prediction.

5. How can the results from pendulum experiments during a solar eclipse be applied in other areas of science?

The results from pendulum experiments during a solar eclipse can provide valuable data for scientists studying gravity and its effects on Earth. This can have applications in fields such as geology, meteorology, and astrophysics.

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