'New' type of angle measurement to often replace radians

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of using unity instead of radians or degrees to define angles, with the argument that it can reduce unnecessary factors in certain projects. However, it is acknowledged that radians have their place in areas such as physics. The conversation also mentions how this idea is not new and is similar to the use of "grads" by engineers. The conversation also delves into the use of revolutions and cycles in trigonometric functions and their absence on calculators. Finally, the conversation touches on other units of measurement used in engineering and mechanics, such as "rpm" and "turns".
  • #1
Maybe I'm biased because of the kind of projects I'm pursuing (raytracing), but I can't help feeling that for many areas, instead of defining a circle in terms of radians (or degrees for that matter), we should simply use unity and define say, a quarter of a circle as being 0.25.

Obviously a radian has the same length as the radius of a given circle, and I understand that radians have their place (for example, angular velocity in physics), and can help to reduce the number of unnecessary factors. But for other projects, defining angles from zero to one can also help reduce the factors.

Because of the above I'm ending up defining my own trig commands, e.g.:
MySin(0.125) = 0.7071... (1/8th of a circle)
MySin(0.25) = 1... (1/4th of a circle)

Has anyone else found this could be useful or is it just me?
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Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You lose all the nice calculus results like this
  • #3
It's not that far from "grads", used by engineers building roads, etc. where 1 grad is a right angle. 4 of your measures = 1 grad= 90 degrees= pi/2 radian.

However, as Office Shredder says, calculus formulas like d(sin(x))/dx= cos(x), d(cos(x))/dx= - sin(x), [itex]\int sin(x)dx= -cos(x)+ C[/itex], [itex]\int cos(x) dx= sin(x)+ C[/itex] are only true for x measured in radians.
  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
It's not that far from "grads", used by engineers building roads, etc. where 1 grad is a right angle. 4 of your measures = 1 grad= 90 degrees= pi/2 radian.

I thought a grad was 1/400th of a circle
  • #5
This is not a new idea, many people do use a complete revolution as the unit of an angle. Do you know what "rpm" and "Hz" stand for?
  • #6
@Redbelly98: Yes, but I never see any calculators use 'revs' or 'cycles' in addition to degrees or radians, for use in trigonometric functions. That seems pretty strange because as you said, they're used everywhere. So I need to define the functions separately (which the excellent CCalc (console calculator) for example allows one to do thankfully).

Just to clarify, I'm certainly not advocating that we completely replace radians (for the reasons given in the above posts). I'm on the fence about using 'my' system as default, but my bias could certainly be affecting that particular judgment. I just think that using it in addition to the other two popular systems would be very useful.

Again, is there anyone other than me who would find revs instead of radians more useful for their everyday math/sciency stuff?
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  • #7
Office_Shredder said:
I thought a grad was 1/400th of a circle
You are right- I mispoke. There are 100 grads to a right angle. That way engineers can think of grades as "percentages".

What I should have said was "4 of your measures = 100 grads= 90 degrees= pi/2 radian." so that 1 of this "new measure" is 25 grads= 22.5 degrees= \pi/8 radians.
  • #8
Twinbee said:
@Redbelly98: Yes, but I never see any calculators use 'revs' or 'cycles' in addition to degrees or radians, for use in trigonometric functions. That seems pretty strange because as you said, they're used everywhere. So I need to define the functions separately (which the excellent CCalc (console calculator) for example allows one to do thankfully).

Just to clarify, I'm certainly not advocating that we completely replace radians (for the reasons given in the above posts). I'm on the fence about using 'my' system as default, but my bias could certainly be affecting that particular judgment. I just think that using it in addition to the other two popular systems would be very useful.

Again, is there anyone other than me who would find revs instead of radians more useful for their everyday math/sciency stuff?
Wave frequency is typically given in terms of "Herz" and, of course, automotive engineers and mechanics often use "rpm".
  • #9
And then there was the advice my thesis advisor gave me, "When you open up a valve in a vacuum system all the way, be sure to back it off a quarter of a turn so that the threads don't seize up over time."

We also would refer to motions of adjustment screws as "2 turns", "half a turn", etc.

EDIT: I vaguely remember, while I was working out numerical solutions to a DC motor's motion a couple of years ago, that I was using revolutions. But that might have been simply a conversion of the output, after letting the code work things out in radians first.
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FAQ: 'New' type of angle measurement to often replace radians

1. What is the new type of angle measurement?

The new type of angle measurement is called "tau" (τ) and it represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius, much like how pi (π) represents the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. Tau is equal to 2π, making it a more intuitive and convenient unit for measuring angles.

2. How is tau different from radians?

Radians are currently the standard unit for measuring angles in mathematics and science. However, tau offers a more natural way of thinking about angles, as it represents a complete rotation around a circle. Radians also require a separate conversion factor (π/180) to convert to degrees, while tau is already in terms of π.

3. Will tau replace radians in all fields of science?

It is unlikely that tau will completely replace radians, as radians are already well-established in various mathematical and scientific fields. However, there is a growing movement to adopt tau as the primary unit for measuring angles, particularly in fields such as physics and engineering.

4. What are the potential benefits of using tau instead of radians?

One of the main benefits of using tau is its simplicity and intuitiveness. It eliminates the need for conversions and makes calculations involving angles more straightforward. It also helps to avoid common errors such as confusing radians and degrees. Additionally, tau may lead to more elegant and concise equations in certain mathematical and scientific applications.

5. How can I start using tau in my calculations?

If you are interested in using tau in your work or studies, you can simply start substituting tau (2π) for radians (π) in any relevant equations or calculations. There are also several resources and online calculators available to help with conversions between tau and other angle units. However, it is important to note that tau is not yet a universally accepted unit and may not be appropriate in all contexts.

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