Newton Problem (2nd Law of Motion)

In summary, the problem involves a plane with a mass of 3.5x10^5 kg that is landing with a speed of 27 m/s and a net braking force of 4.30x10^5 N. The goal is to find the speed and distance traveled 7.5 seconds later. To do this, the acceleration is first calculated using F=MA, which gives a value of 5.282 m/s^2. Using the equation x=x0+v0t+0.5at^2, the distance traveled is found to be 53.94 m. Then, using this distance and the given time, the acceleration is recalculated to be 7.192 m/s. The initial
  • #1
the problem: a plane with a mass of (3.5X10^5)kg is landing. If the speed is 27 m/s and the net braking force is (4.30X10^5) N then a) what is the speed 7.5 sec later? and b) how far has it traveled in this time?

this is how i started, because speed is distance/time i felt that it would be better for me to fine the the distance first.
so: with the given information i solved for the acceleration using F=MA.
the a turned out to be 5.282 m/s^2. from here i used the eq: x=x0+ v0t + .5a(t^2). and this gave me the distance of 53.94 m.
then i used this to solve for a which was just 53.94/7.5= 7.192m/s.

i am just wonder if my thought process is correct. in the problem it is not stated the the 27 m/s is the initial velocity so i am wondering if it is ok if i used it as such. if anyone could shine some light on the problem or tell if i did it correctly i would appreciated.
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  • #2
What you did is perfect. 27m/s IS the intial velocity. Initial velocity just means the velocity at some time t=0, but you get to pick when that time is. In this problem you essentially chose t=0 to be the instant when the plane is moving 27m/s.
  • #3
ahh thank you so much.
  • #4
how did you get the accerleration=5.282 m/s^2?
I try a= F/m but got a different answer: 1.22m/s^2

FAQ: Newton Problem (2nd Law of Motion)

What is the Newton Problem (2nd Law of Motion)?

The Newton Problem, also known as the Second Law of Motion, is a fundamental principle in physics proposed by Sir Isaac Newton in his work "Principia" in 1687. It states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object and inversely proportional to its mass.

What is the formula for the Second Law of Motion?

The formula for the Second Law of Motion is F=ma, where F is the net force applied to an object, m is the mass of the object, and a is the resulting acceleration of the object.

What is the significance of the Second Law of Motion?

The Second Law of Motion is significant because it explains the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration, which are essential concepts in understanding the motion of objects. It also serves as the basis for many other laws and principles in physics.

How does the Second Law of Motion differ from the First Law of Motion?

The First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion unless acted upon by a net external force. The Second Law of Motion expands on this by explaining how the object will accelerate when a net force is applied to it.

Can the Second Law of Motion be applied to objects in space?

Yes, the Second Law of Motion can be applied to objects in space. Newton's law of gravitation, which is derived from the Second Law of Motion, explains the motion of objects in space due to the gravitational force between them.
