Newton's 2nd Law: Force, Mass and Acceleration

In summary, force can depend on mass and acceleration, but not necessarily on velocity. Gravitational and electromagnetic forces are examples of forces that do not depend on acceleration, while weight is a force that does.
  • #1
I´m currently studying Newtons 2nd law and I don't get how can force only depend on mass and acceleration and not on velocity..
I mean, if I punch something with my fist going at constant velocity ( acceleration=0) it stills has a force right?
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  • #2
ttesss said:
...going at constant velocity ( acceleration=0) it stills has a force right?
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Likes russ_watters
  • #3
ttesss said:
I mean, if I punch something with my fist going at constant velocity ( acceleration=0) it stills has a force right?
You can't punch something with constant velocity. The instant you make contact, it will accelerate and your fist will decelerate (and both will deform).

Have you studied momentum yet? That's the concept you are looking for.
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  • #4
russ_watters said:
You can't punch something with constant velocity.
[sigh] Before I get a "but what if...?" Ok, sure, it is theoretically possible, but practically speaking it is really not.
  • #5
ttesss said:
Summary:: F=m x a

I mean, if I punch something with my fist going at constant velocity ( acceleration=0) it stills has a force right?

When you say it still has a force what do you mean by "it"? If you're talking about your fist then you need to look at the net force on your fist. The thing that your fist hits will exert a force on your fist. But the rest of your body also exerts a force on your fist. If the two forces exerted on your fist are equal but opposite, then the net force on your fist is zero and the acceleration of your fist is also zero.
  • #6
ttesss said:
Summary:: F=m x a

it stills has a force right?
Whilst it's on its way, at a constant velocity, your fist 'has' no force. The force comes into the situation during actual contact when the fist or the object or both, changes velocity - i.e. accelerates. Then the force is its mass times the acceleration. If there is something resilient in the way (a cushion or spring) then the acceleration may be less so the force will also be less (but spread over a longer distance).
  • #7
ttesss said:
Summary:: F=m x a

I´m currently studying Newtons 2nd law and I don't get how can force only depend on mass and acceleration and not on velocity..

Newton 2 just tells you what forces do (changing the momentum of a body with the rate m·a) but not what they depend or not depend on. That is subject of force laws. Of course there can be forces that depend on velocity (e.g. drag). Than you have F(v) = m·a.
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  • #8
I'm a bit puzzled by this question since forces usually depend on position and velocity but not on acceleration. The paradigmatic examples are Newton's gravitational interaction
$$\vec{F}_{12}=-\frac{G m_1 m_2 (\vec{r}_1-\vec{r}_2)}{|\vec{r}_1-\vec{r}_2|}$$
and Lorentz's force on a charge in an electromagnetic field (in SI units)
$$\vec{F}=q [\vec{E}(t,\vec{x}) + \vec{v} \times \vec{B}(t,\vec{x})],$$
where ##\vec{x}## is the position of the particle and ##\vec{v}## its velocity.

Except for gravitational interactions forces usualy don't depend on mass either.
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  • #9
This is a reply to ttess (posting #1)
Weight is a force and as we know force = mass * acceleration, (where acceleration = 9.80665 meters / sec²).
A mass of 1 kilogram on the Earth's surface has a force of 9.80665 Newtons.
Basically, we know that objects don't need velocity to have weight (or force), just acceleration.

FAQ: Newton's 2nd Law: Force, Mass and Acceleration

What is Newton's 2nd Law?

Newton's 2nd Law, also known as the Law of Force and Acceleration, states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.

What is the formula for Newton's 2nd Law?

The formula for Newton's 2nd Law is F=ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration.

How does mass affect acceleration according to Newton's 2nd Law?

According to Newton's 2nd Law, the greater the mass of an object, the more force is needed to accelerate it. This means that objects with larger masses have a smaller acceleration compared to objects with smaller masses when the same force is applied.

How does force affect acceleration according to Newton's 2nd Law?

According to Newton's 2nd Law, the greater the force applied to an object, the greater its acceleration will be. This means that a larger force will cause a larger change in an object's motion compared to a smaller force.

What are some real-life examples of Newton's 2nd Law?

Some examples of Newton's 2nd Law in action include pushing a shopping cart, throwing a ball, and riding a bicycle. In each of these situations, the force applied to the object (the cart, ball, or bike) causes it to accelerate in the direction of the force.
