Newtons cooling law problem given in precalc

When you get down to it, all that you are doing is using the initial temperature of 98.6 and the final temperature of 78 to find k. Actually, you are doing this three times, with different sets of numbers each time. These different sets of numbers correspond to different values of t, which is the time after the person was murdered. Each of these different values of t gives you a different value of k. What you should do is find the average of these values of k, and use that value of k to find the value of t at which the body's temperature was 83 degrees. This value of t is the time after the person was murdered. In summary, it is important to take into account the
  • #1
I'm going to write this up the same way my teacher gave me the sheet

Homework Statement

At 9am on october 19, 2009 a body was found in room 327 at University Center. The room is kept at a constant temperature of 72 degrees. The medical examiner was called and he arrived in eight minutes. The first thing he did was to take the temperature of the body. It was 83 degrees. Thirty minutes later the temperature of the body was taken again and it was now 78 degrees. Help the police by telling them when the person was murdered.


t= time
y= temp. in degrees Fahrenheit of an object in a room
T= temperature in degrees Fahrenheit of the room
T= 72
yinitial(0)= 98.6 (assumed)
yfirst(t+8?)= 83
ysecond(t+38?)= 78
I put the question marks cause I'm not sure whether that is the right time.

Homework Equations

This is the equation as it was given to me

ln|y-T|= kt + C

but everywhere else I look has a different formula than this one the closest i could find/come up with (i can't remember at this point) is

y-T=e^(kt + C)

The Attempt at a Solution

I have tried the equation (and just about every other one I could find or think of) so many times that I cannot figure them out on the paper anymore and I am basically lost as to where to start because every way I've tried by plugging the numbers back into try and get the temp at the time comes out wrong. Can someone please help?? Thanks to whomever can
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  • #2
pezgoon said:
I'm going to write this up the same way my teacher gave me the sheet

Homework Statement

At 9am on october 19, 2009 a body was found in room 327 at University Center. The room is kept at a constant temperature of 72 degrees. The medical examiner was called and he arrived in eight minutes. The first thing he did was to take the temperature of the body. It was 83 degrees. Thirty minutes later the temperature of the body was taken again and it was now 78 degrees. Help the police by telling them when the person was murdered.


t= time
y= temp. in degrees Fahrenheit of an object in a room
T= temperature in degrees Fahrenheit of the room
T= 72
yinitial(0)= 98.6 (assumed)
yfirst(t+8?)= 83
ysecond(t+38?)= 78
I put the question marks cause I'm not sure whether that is the right time.

Homework Equations

This is the equation as it was given to me

ln|y-T|= kt + C

but everywhere else I look has a different formula than this one the closest i could find/come up with (i can't remember at this point) is

y-T=e^(kt + C)
The two equations above are equivalent. IOW, they say exactly the same thing.
pezgoon said:

The Attempt at a Solution

I have tried the equation (and just about every other one I could find or think of) so many times that I cannot figure them out on the paper anymore and I am basically lost as to where to start because every way I've tried by plugging the numbers back into try and get the temp at the time comes out wrong. Can someone please help?? Thanks to whomever can

Show us what you've tried. Assume that the body was found at time t = X, where X represents the number of minutes after the person was murdered. You know the temperature of the body at three different times: t = 0 (98.6 deg. F), t = M + 8 (83 deg. F), and t = M + 30 (78 deg. F). Use these times and temperatures in your equation to find k, C, and M.
  • #3
This still makes no sense this is what I tried and got stuck at:


so k and 0 cancel and i get


so then since I don't know M (which i think you originally used x) but from going from 908 to 938 and there being a 5 degree drop I assumed that's constant and figure 30 minutes after he died the temp would be at 93.6 so i did:


and get


so I tried both dividing first and subtracting first and when i checked both dividing first gave me wild numbers and subtracting actually gave me the right answer so:

-3.280911216 -3.280911216
gives me
gives me
so then to check it i did
and got something around 93.59999333 or so rounding up to 93.6 so I thought it had worked so then i tried this to check it

so then
-3.280911216 -3.280911216
getting this
so to check it i divide 127 ish by 30 to see how many halfs there are (4.240826263) then multiply that by 5 (21.20413132) then I add 83 to see if it gets back to 98.6 since that was the original, and end up with 104.2041313... sooo I am completely lost again
  • #4
pezgoon said:
This still makes no sense this is what I tried and got stuck at:


so k and 0 cancel and i get

OK, this is what I get.
pezgoon said:
so then since I don't know M (which i think you originally used x) but from going from 908 to 938 and there being a 5 degree drop I assumed that's constant and figure 30 minutes after he died the temp would be at 93.6 so i did:
No, that's not right. You're assuming that the temperature is going to drop at a constant rate. It's not. The temperature drop is rapidest at the time when the body's temperature is largest in comparison with the ambient room temperature. In the half-hour between 9:08 and 9:38 the body's temperature dropped 5 degrees. In the half-hour right after death, the temperature drop would have been greater than this.

Because of this assumption, all your work from here on is incorrect.
pezgoon said:

and get


so I tried both dividing first and subtracting first and when i checked both dividing first gave me wild numbers and subtracting actually gave me the right answer so:

-3.280911216 -3.280911216
gives me
gives me
so then to check it i did
and got something around 93.59999333 or so rounding up to 93.6 so I thought it had worked so then i tried this to check it

so then
-3.280911216 -3.280911216
getting this
so to check it i divide 127 ish by 30 to see how many halfs there are (4.240826263) then multiply that by 5 (21.20413132) then I add 83 to see if it gets back to 98.6 since that was the original, and end up with 104.2041313... sooo I am completely lost again

You got C. Let's see if you can work through the rest of the problem. I'll set it up slightly different than I set it up before.

This time, let M = number of minutes between death and time 9:08
Then M + 30 = number of minutes between death and time 9:38

At 9:08, the body temp was 83 degrees, so
ln(83 - 72) = kM + C

At 9:38, the body temp was 78 degrees, so
ln(78 - 72) = k(M + 30) + C

You have C, and you now have two equations in two unknowns. Can you solve for k and M?

I get that he was killed sometime between 6am and 7am.
  • #5
ok well see through me trying to do all of this this was the problem, i don't know how to solve for both variables, i feel like itll end up being this after subtracting c from ln(83-72)
-.883015943= k

-.883015943= m

(m and k are being divided out)

and if i tried the second temp itd be something similar and i have no idea how to go any further than that
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  • #6
Once you have solved for k in one equation (with M on the other side), substitute for k in the other equation.
  • #7
do I just use k=(-.883015943)/m ?

i tried doing that and this is what happened

so it becomes

1.791759469=-.883015943+30+c ?

or would it be


or would the 30 multiply to the -.883015943?

like i can never remember when variables cancel does it just become 1 or (in this case)
doing this it turns out as either


by subtracting c+30 first then dividing by -.8830... or

by dividing -.8830... first then subtracting C+30.

but neither of these seem right at all

after 7 hours and 30 or so minutes of working on this problem (total) this is just getting rediculous
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  • #8
pezgoon said:
do I just use k=(-.883015943)/m ?
pezgoon said:
i tried doing that and this is what happened
Yes, this is fine.
pezgoon said:
so it becomes

1.791759469=-.883015943+30+c ?
No. What happened to m?
pezgoon said:
or would it be

No, it's not that one, either. This time you lost one of the m's.
pezgoon said:
or would the 30 multiply to the -.883015943?

like i can never remember when variables cancel does it just become 1 or (in this case)
If you can't remember when variables cancel, then you should NEVER cancel them, at least not until you understand what's really happening with this operation.

Cancelling means removing factors that are equal to 1, as in this example.
[tex]\frac{Ma + Mb}{M}~=~\frac{M(a + b)}{M}~=~\frac{M}{M}\frac{a + b}{1}~=~ a + b[/tex]
But cancellation cannot be done in the following example.
[tex]\frac{Ma + b}{M}~\neq~a + b[/tex]
M is not a factor of the numerator.
pezgoon said:
doing this it turns out as either


by subtracting c+30 first then dividing by -.8830... or

by dividing -.8830... first then subtracting C+30.

but neither of these seem right at all

after 7 hours and 30 or so minutes of working on this problem (total) this is just getting rediculous

FAQ: Newtons cooling law problem given in precalc

1. What is Newton's cooling law problem in precalculus?

Newton's cooling law problem in precalculus involves calculating the rate of temperature change for an object that is cooling down or heating up in a given environment. It is based on Newton's law of cooling, which states that the rate of change of temperature is proportional to the difference between the object's temperature and the ambient temperature.

2. What is the formula for Newton's cooling law?

The formula for Newton's cooling law is: dT/dt = k(T - TA), where dT/dt is the rate of temperature change, k is the proportionality constant, T is the temperature of the object, and TA is the ambient temperature.

3. How do you solve a Newton's cooling law problem in precalculus?

To solve a Newton's cooling law problem, you need to first identify the given values, including the initial temperature of the object, the ambient temperature, and the proportionality constant. Then, plug these values into the formula and solve for the rate of temperature change. Finally, use the rate of temperature change to determine the temperature of the object at a specific time.

4. What are some real-life applications of Newton's cooling law?

Newton's cooling law has many real-life applications, including predicting the rate of food spoilage, calculating the cooling rate of beverages, determining the cooling rate of molten metal during casting, and estimating the rate of heat loss in a building.

5. How does Newton's cooling law relate to other laws of thermodynamics?

Newton's cooling law is a specific application of the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transferred or converted from one form to another. In this case, the energy is transferred in the form of heat, causing a change in temperature of the object.

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