Newtons first law and inertial reference systems. (noob)

In summary, if there is no net force on an object, it will not accelerate and will move relative to any reference frame.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

Recently i started a self-study in classical physics by reading through some books. In the section that described Newton's first law I stumbled upon something that did not make much sense. The following section of text got me confused.

"If the net force acting on a body is zero, then it is possible to find a set of reference frames in which that body has no acceleration". (these frames are later referred to as inertial reference frames).

My problem started here. Let's assume for simplicity that our solar system is the only thing in the universe (also ignoring the rotation of the Earth around its axis). There is a centripetal force that keeps objects rotating around the sun. Let's assume there is an object on Earth with a net force of 0 exerted on it. This means that the centripetal force required to rotate around the sun is canceled by other forces. This object will not rotate around the sun like the Earth does, so it will accelerate and move relative to any reference frame on the earth. Therefore there can not be any inertial reference frame on the earth, since any object with net force = 0 will move relative to the earth!

Using the same reasoning, the solar system will also rotate around the centre of the Milky Way. Any object in the solar system with a net force of 0 will have its centripetal force for rotation around the centre of the milky-way cancelled. This object will accelerate and move relative to any reference frame in the solar system (because this reference system does rotate around the centre of the Milky Way).

The only real inertial reference system I can think of is one that does not move relative to the centre of the universe. But this is not really practical for applications on Earth. The book I'm using does use examples with inertial reference frames on Earth. For example a person observing a car hitting the brakes really hard (he sees the objects inside the car move without a change in velocity although the person inside the car seems to observe objects accelerate with no force exerted on them). But according to my reasoning before there can not be an inertial reference frame on Earth! Am I over-thinking right now or do I maybe misunderstand the concept of inertial reference frames? (or does this require relativity theory or something?) Thanks for reading this far! I hope you can give me a tip.

With kind regards,

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  • #2
Yes, if you assume the center of the universe as an inertial system, then only systems moving with respect to it at constant velocity are inertial systems (Galileo's Relativity). This, of course, in the framework of Newtonian mechanics. Every system that has acceleration respect the center of the universe is not inertial. However, if the acceleration is small compared to the typical acceleration of the body you are observing, then your system is quasi-inertial, and, for practical purposes, you can regard it as inertial. So, for example, you can take the Earth as inertial even if it rotates about itself, around the Sun, around the Milky Way, etc. Try calculating the centrifugal acceleration on the Earth's surface due to its rotation, or due to rotation around the Sun, and you will see that it is much smaller than 9.81 m/s^2. However, if your measurements are accurate enough, you can see the non inertiality of Earth, so, for example, you weigh more at the poles than on the equator.
  • #3
Thanks :)! That clears it up for me. It would be nice if (introductory) physics books were more focusing on these details. Now it caused unnecessary confusion.
  • #4
Well I guess you already got the answer, but clearing it up again for you,
"Earth is not an inertial system", so you are right about that. Almost all textbooks "mention this fact". I wonder how yours doesn't. All textbooks do mention the fact that Earth is "approximately" an inertial frame, for practical purposes.

Since there is no "center of the universe", a better way to think about an actual inertial frame, is to say, a frame that does not interact with any other thing in the universe. The only way of interaction as far as we know are the four fundamental forces about which, I presume, you already know.
So a frame which doesn't interact with any other thing, will not feel any force on it, and thus "will not accelerate with respect to any other thing in the universe and nor will any other object accelerate with respect to this frame".

  • #5
Thanks for the help! It's much clearer for me now.

FAQ: Newtons first law and inertial reference systems. (noob)

1. What is Newton's first law and how does it relate to inertial reference systems?

Newton's first law states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will continue in motion with a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force. This law is closely related to inertial reference systems, which are frames of reference that are not accelerating or rotating. In these systems, the laws of motion, including Newton's first law, can be applied accurately.

2. How does the concept of inertia tie into Newton's first law?

Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. This ties into Newton's first law as it explains why an object will remain at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an external force. In other words, an object's inertia allows it to maintain its current state of motion, whether that is at rest or in motion.

3. Can you provide an example of Newton's first law in action?

One example of Newton's first law in action is a soccer ball rolling on a flat surface. If there are no external forces acting on the ball, such as friction or a kick from a player, the ball will continue rolling at a constant velocity. This is because the ball's inertia allows it to maintain its state of motion.

4. How does the concept of an inertial reference frame affect the accuracy of measurements?

Inertial reference frames are important in scientific measurements as they provide a consistent and accurate frame of reference for observing and measuring motion. Without an inertial reference frame, external forces acting on the object being measured could affect the accuracy of the measurements.

5. Are there any exceptions to Newton's first law?

While Newton's first law is generally true for most objects, there are some exceptions. One example is when an object is in outer space, where there is minimal friction or resistance, and it can continue in motion indefinitely without the need for an external force. Another exception is on a microscopic level, where quantum effects can cause objects to behave differently than predicted by classical mechanics.

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