Newton's G or Planck's Length?

  • Thread starter arivero
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of fundamental dimensionful constants, with a focus on h, c, and G. It raises the question of which is the most interesting mathematical object between G_N and L_p. The conversation also explores the idea of G being derived from c, h, and l_p through the Planck relations, and how this relates to Newton's inverse square relation and the horizon in Schwartzschild's geometry. The concept of gravity as the most fundamental constant is also discussed, as well as the role of Planck's length in string theory and LQG. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the implicit assumption about the dimensionality of space and the role of Einstein-Hilbert action in
  • #1
Gold Member
Time ago there was an interesting article on the arxiv title "Trialogue", about h, c, and G as fundamental dimensionful constants. A doubt can be raised additionaly: which is the more interesting mathematical object, [tex]G_N[/tex] or [/tex]L_p[/tex].

If Planck's length is the fundamental object, one can recover Gauge QFT in a single limit L-->0, but a double limit is needed to recover Newton's constant: h-->0, L--->0. And the single limit h-->0 is rather strange, because if Planck's length (and c) remains finite then G goes to infinite.
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  • #2
So you regard G as derivitive from c, h, and l_p via the Planck relations? What do you get (you made the claim; you do the work:biggrin: ) when you plug this definition of G into Newton's inverse square relation or Schwartzschild's expression for the horizon in his geometry?
  • #3
If I had to vote for 'the most fundamental' constant, it would definitely be gravity [g]. I can see how you might derive other fundamental constants using 'g', but, not how you could derive 'g'.
  • #4
selfAdjoint said:
So you regard G as derivitive from c, h, and l_p via the Planck relations? What do you get (you made the claim; you do the work:biggrin: ) when you plug this definition of G into Newton's inverse square relation or Schwartzschild's expression for the horizon in his geometry?

[tex]F= {l_p^2 c^3 \over \hbar} {m_1 m_2 \over r_{12}^2} [/tex] :biggrin:

[tex]R_M=2 M {c \over \hbar} l_p^2 [/tex]

And yes, here is the paradox: F is a classical quantity, so not c neither h should appear; and R is a relativistic unquantised object, so we do not expect h to appear. If we want to be free to remove h in the second expression, lp^2 must go to 0 too. And if we want to remove both h and c in the expression for Newton force, we need a different kind of dependence of lp.

Still, string theory postulates that the fundamental quantity is lp (or its cousin, Planck force) and the same claim seems to emerge from LQG.
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  • #5
Hmm, in function of the stress tension of the fundamental string, call it T_P, we should get
[tex]F\propto = {c^4 \over T_P} {m_1 m_2 \over r_{12}^2} [/tex]
[tex]R_M\propto =2 M {c^2 \over T_P} [/tex]

so at least here we do not have explicit h around, but the non relativistic limit is still to be got when c goes to infinite, then again T_P must go to infinity fast enough to counterweight c in Newton's force.
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  • #6
Chronos said:
If I had to vote for 'the most fundamental' constant, it would definitely be gravity [g]. I can see how you might derive other fundamental constants using 'g', but, not how you could derive 'g'.

i presume you mean [itex]G[/itex]. why is that so fundamental? like [itex]\hbar[/itex] and [itex]c[/itex], it just a number that is a human construct (as a function of the anthropometric units we use). there is no intrinsic strength of gravity in the universe, but using our units like meters, kg, and second, we measure that strength.
  • #7
rbj, I already stressed "dimensionful" in the starting post of the thead. You can argue that dimensionful quantities are human constructs, but still Planck's Mass seems more fundamental than, say, the kilogram; I expect you notice the difference.
  • #8
arivero said:
rbj, I already stressed "dimensionful" in the starting post of the thead. You can argue that dimensionful quantities are human constructs, but still Planck's Mass seems more fundamental than, say, the kilogram; I expect you notice the difference.

certainly the Planck Mass is more fundamental (being less anthropocentric in definition) than the kilogram. i just couldn't understand what the other poster meant by "g" other than G.

i tend to think that the Planck units (with a possible substitution of [itex]4 \pi G[/itex] for [itex]G[/itex] and [itex]\epsilon_0[/itex] for [itex]4 \pi \epsilon_0[/itex]) simply have to be the natural units of physical reality. it obviates the need to answer the questions of why Nature would bother to take some quantity (say, flux density) and scale it with some number to get some other directly related quantity (in this case, field strength). those conversion factors just go away so we wouldn't need to try to explain why Nature would be fiddling with them. (there are always the dimensionless quantities like [itex] \alpha [/itex] that still need explaining.)
  • #9
rbj said:
c (with a possible substitution of [itex]4 \pi G[/itex] for [itex]G[/itex]
Posibly better, [tex]c^4/G[/tex] instead of G. Two reasons: it is the string tension :biggrin:, and it is the quantity one needs to match the units of Einstein-Hilbert action.
  • #10
Just a comment: It seems to me that there is an implicit assumption about the dimensionality of space[time] here. For example, if one generalizes the Poisson equation to n-dimensions, the analogue of the Newton constant "G" would depend on n. A similar argument could be applied to the Coulomb constant. One implication is that the resulting "dimensionless constants" would take different forms in different spacetime-dimensions.
  • #11
robphy said:
Just a comment: It seems to me that there is an implicit assumption about the dimensionality of space[time] here. For example, if one generalizes the Poisson equation to n-dimensions, the analogue of the Newton constant "G" would depend on n.
Hmm, it should if you extract it from the original Newton formula. On the very very opposite side, string tension is always a tension. Just now I am not sure which is the position of Einstein-Hilbert action between these two extremes.
  • #12
Chapter 3 (and problems 3.9, 3.10) of Zwiebach's book has an interesting discussion of electromagnetism, gravity, and the Planck lenghth in higher dimensions.
  • #13
George Jones said:
Chapter 3 (and problems 3.9, 3.10) of Zwiebach's book has an interesting discussion of electromagnetism, gravity, and the Planck lenghth in higher dimensions.
A pity, Zwiebach lecture notes do not include problems 3.9, 3.10.

It is very interesting the notation [tex]G^{(n)}[/tex] meaning this dimension-dependent Newton constant.

Still (see or the wikipedia), it sounds different when we look at Einstein-Hilbert action:
S= {c^4 \over 16 \pi G} \int R \sqrt {-g} dx^4
and Zwiebach does not care about it in that chapter.
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  • #14
OK, they are not so different. I think I get it. The point is that the units of [tex]\int R \sqrt {-g} dx^n[/tex] are not L^(n-2) but [tex][L]^{n-2} \over [c][/tex], and thus the compensation factor gets an extra c, becoming [tex]c^{4}/ G^{(n)} [/tex]. This happens because the time coordinate differential, dx^(0), carries this factor c around to be homogeneus with space. Is it?
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Related to Newton's G or Planck's Length?

1. What is Newton's G?

Newton's G, also known as the gravitational constant, is a fundamental constant in physics that represents the strength of the gravitational force between two objects. It is denoted by the symbol G and has a value of approximately 6.674 x 10^-11 N*m^2/kg^2.

2. What is Planck's length?

Planck's length, also known as the Planck scale, is the smallest length that has physical meaning in the universe. It is defined as 1.616199 x 10^-35 meters and is considered to be the length at which quantum effects of gravity become significant.

3. How are Newton's G and Planck's length related?

Newton's G and Planck's length are related through the concept of quantum gravity. Some theories suggest that at the Planck scale, the gravitational force becomes a quantum phenomenon and is no longer described by Newton's law of gravitation. Instead, a new theory of gravity is needed to accurately describe it.

4. What is the significance of Planck's length?

Planck's length is significant because it is the smallest length that can be measured and still have physical meaning. It also marks the scale at which our current understanding of physics breaks down and a new theory of quantum gravity is needed to explain the behavior of particles at this scale.

5. How is Planck's length calculated?

Planck's length is calculated using fundamental constants in physics, such as the speed of light, Planck's constant, and Newton's gravitational constant. It is derived from the Planck mass, Planck time, and Planck energy, which are all related to each other through a set of equations known as the Planck units.

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