Newton's method and complex roots

In summary, the conversation discusses finding complex roots using Newton's method and the equation z=x+yi. The relevant equations are Newton's method and z=x+yi. The speaker also mentions that they were able to find the real roots of the function, but are unsure how to change the function into complex form to find complex roots. The other speaker suggests replacing x with z and using the Newton iteration, but cautions that starting at a non-real z may result in chaotic limit cycles instead of single points. The conversation ends with the first speaker thanking the second for their help and mentioning that they looked up chaotic limit cycles, but are unsure if the graph in their case would have an orbit.
  • #1
1) the problem
I understand Newton's method and I was able to find all the real roots of the function.However, I don't understand how to find the complex roots. I know that z=x+yi, and that I can plug in z for the formula. However I, don't know how to change the function ( x^8-7x^7+14x^6-14x^5+27x^4-14x^3+14x^2-7x+1) to into complex form. because of that I don't know what the initial value would.

2) Relevant equations
Newton's method and z=x+yi)
3) attempts
found real roots

btw the function I wrote is the one I am solving,however that doesn't matter I just need to know how to find the complex roots for any function given in that form.

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  • #2
You are not very verbose with your problem statement :rolleyes: but I assume you want to solve ##f({\bf z}) = 0## for ##{\bf z} \in {\mathbb C}## ?

That's in fact two equations (e.g ## \ \operatorname { Re } (f( {\bf z} ) ) = 0 \ ## and ## \ \operatorname {Im} (f( {\bf z} ) )= 0 ## ) and you'll have to make those explicit before embarking on Newton's method for finding zeroes of a function.
  • #3
Delta31415 said:
1) the problem
I understand Newton's method and I was able to find all the real roots of the function.However, I don't understand how to find the complex roots. I know that z=x+yi, and that I can plug in z for the formula. However I, don't know how to change the function ( x^8-7x^7+14x^6-14x^5+27x^4-14x^3+14x^2-7x+1) to into complex form. because of that I don't know what the initial value would.

2) Relevant equations
Newton's method and z=x+yi)
3) attempts
found real roots

btw the function I wrote is the one I am solving,however that doesn't matter I just need to know how to find the complex roots for any function given in that form.

Just replace ##p(x) = x^8-7 x^7+14 x^6 -14 x^5 +27 x^4 -14 x^3 +14 x^2 -7 x +1## by ##p(z) = z^8-7 z^7+14 z^6 -14 z^5 +27 z^4 -14 z^3 +14 z^2 -7 z +1## and use the usual Newton iteration
$$z_{k+1} = z_k - \frac{p(z_k)}{p'(z_k)}.$$
However, to converge to a non-real root you need to start at a non-real ##z##, and even then there are some starting points that can yield chaotic "limit cycles" rather than single points. Google "Newtons method for complex roots" to find numerous articles on the issue.
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  • #4
Ray Vickson said:
Just replace ##p(x) = x^8-7 x^7+14 x^6 -14 x^5 +27 x^4 -14 x^3 +14 x^2 -7 x +1## by ##p(z) = z^8-7 z^7+14 z^6 -14 z^5 +27 z^4 -14 z^3 +14 z^2 -7 z +1## and use the usual Newton iteration
$$z_{k+1} = z_k - \frac{p(z_k)}{p'(z_k)}.$$
However, to converge to a non-real root you need to start at a non-real ##z##, and even then there are some starting points that can yield chaotic "limit cycles" rather than single points. Google "Newtons method for complex roots" to find numerous articles on the issue

Thank, I was able to find the complex roots and I also looked up chaotic limit cycle the graph isn't a circle or a spiral so there isn't any orbit.right?
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  • #5
Delta31415 said:
Thank, I was able to find the complex roots and I also looked up chaotic limit cycle the graph isn't a circle or a spiral so there isn't any orbit.right?
I don't know if it is right or not; perhaps I should have termed it differently, but the articles on the subject used such terms--possibly more accurately. As I said, there are numerous articles on the topic, and they will tell you everything you need to know. Some of them even include Matlab codes for the problem.
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FAQ: Newton's method and complex roots

1. What is Newton's method for finding complex roots?

Newton's method is an iterative algorithm used to approximate the roots of a complex polynomial function. It involves using the derivative of the function to compute a sequence of increasingly accurate estimates of the root.

2. How does Newton's method work for complex roots?

To use Newton's method for finding complex roots, you start with an initial guess for the root and then use the formula xn+1 = xn - f(xn)/f'(xn) to generate a new estimate for the root. This process is repeated until the desired level of accuracy is achieved.

3. What is the advantage of using Newton's method for complex roots?

The advantage of Newton's method is that it typically converges to the root much faster than other methods, especially when the initial guess is close to the root. It also works for complex roots, which makes it a versatile tool for solving polynomial equations.

4. Can Newton's method fail to find a complex root?

Yes, Newton's method can fail to find a complex root if the initial guess is too far from the root or if the function is not well-behaved in the vicinity of the root. In these cases, the algorithm may converge to a different root or fail to converge at all.

5. Are there any limitations to using Newton's method for complex roots?

One limitation of Newton's method is that it requires the function to be differentiable, which may not always be the case for complex polynomial functions. Additionally, this method can be computationally expensive for higher-degree polynomial equations with multiple complex roots.
