Newton's Method- finding only positive zeros

In summary, the conversation is about the use of Newton's Method to solve a nonlinear equation with positive and negative zeros. The problem at hand requires that only positive zeros be found and the participants discuss various methods to restrict the solutions to greater than zero. Some suggestions include trying different starting points, using graphical or analytical methods to find approximate roots, and using methods specifically designed for optimization with inequality constraints. The conversation also touches on the use of partial Newton steps and higher-order methods like Halley's method to increase the chances of finding the nearest root. It is noted that it is important to roughly locate the roots before using refinement methods like Newton's. The importance of understanding the function and its properties beforehand is also emphasized.
  • #1
I have a situation where I am using Newton's Method to solve a highly nonlinear, non-analytic equation with both positive and negative zeros. My situation requires that only positive zeros be found. Does anyone know any extensions to NM to restrict the solutions to greater than zero?

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  • #2
Suppose you were to chose a starting point greater than any +ve root?
  • #3
As far as I know there is no method that can guarantee anything.
  • #4
I agree with both comments already posted. Pure Newton's method, if it finds a solution (not guaranteed to find one), will find the one closest to the starting point, which isn't necessarily the desired one.

Having said that, there are things you can potentially do, depending on the details of the specific problem you have. One is to try several different starting points and hope that you'll eventually find one that produces the result you want. If the problem has only 1 variable, it should be straightforward to plot f(x) vs x and graphically (or analytically) find an approximate root that you want, and use it as a starting point in Newton's Method.

I believe there is a fair body of publication material on the general topic of optimization with inequality constraints (i.e. minimize f(x) where x >= 0). There might be similar info on finding zeros of functions, I really don't know much about them.

A couple of methods I'm aware of are based on a user defined range for the solution. One is Brent's Method:'s_method

Another is a random method, where f(x) is calculated for randomly generated values for x (within user specified limits), ranked according to value of f(x), a new range defined from the ranking, then repeat.

In both cases, the result could be used as a starter for Newton's Method, but does require you to specify an upper bound on the solution (lower bound would be zero), which may not be straightfoward.
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  • #5
hotvette said:
Pure Newton's method, if it finds a solution (not guaranteed to find one), will find the one closest to the starting point

I don't think so.


Starting point x, yet solution found is x1, not x0. You need additional conditions for the statement to be true.
  • #6
Borek said:
I don't think so.

Ah, right you are. I stand corrected.
  • #7
You're welcome :wink:
  • #8
To elaborate on Borek's comment, you can take additional steps to increase the odds of finding the root nearest to the starting point. One option is to take partial Newton steps, that is, use xi+1 = xi - mu*f/f', where mu is between 0 and 1. The smaller mu is, the more steps are needed to converge, but the less likely to miss the nearest root.

Another option would be to use a higher order method such as Halley's method that utilizes the 2nd derivative as well as the first derivative.'s_method


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  • #9
It is usual to roughly locate the roots, eg by sign change and perhaps bisection, before embarking on any refinement method, such as Newton's.

You haven't told us about your function or even if it is continuous as you require derivatives for N.

If you can get close enough to the root to start with real world functions will, in general, converge.
So if the distance between the greatest root and X0 is halved N would indeed converge to it.

I am aware that it is always possible to construct counter examples, but you should stake out your territory beforehand.

FAQ: Newton's Method- finding only positive zeros

1. What is Newton's Method for finding positive zeros?

Newton's Method is an algorithm used to find the roots or zeros of a function. It involves using an initial guess and repeatedly applying a formula to get closer to the actual root.

2. How do you use Newton's Method to find positive zeros?

To use Newton's Method, you need to have an initial guess for the root and then apply the formula:
xn+1 = xn - f(xn) / f'(xn)
where xn+1 is the new guess, xn is the previous guess, f(xn) is the function evaluated at xn, and f'(xn) is the derivative of the function evaluated at xn.

3. Why is Newton's Method useful for finding positive zeros?

Newton's Method is useful because it is fast and efficient. It can converge to the root in just a few iterations, making it a powerful tool for finding zeros of a function.

4. What are the limitations of Newton's Method for finding positive zeros?

Newtons's Method can only find one root at a time and it is highly dependent on the initial guess. If the initial guess is far from the actual root, the method may fail to converge. Additionally, it may not work for all types of functions, especially those with multiple roots or very steep slopes.

5. Can Newton's Method find negative zeros?

No, Newton's Method can only find positive zeros. In order to find negative zeros, the function needs to be transformed or reflected across the x-axis so that the negative zero becomes a positive one before applying the method.

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