Nine Questions : Please Physicians Help me *_*

  • Thread starter Fazza3_uae
  • Start date
In summary: Sorry, the limit of characters is too low to fit the entire summary. Please refer to the original conversation for the full summary.)In summary, the conversation discussed various questions related to electric potential and electric fields. The first member thanked others for sharing their knowledge and science. The second member expressed their willingness to help and asked for hints on their homework questions. The questions ranged from finding the total flux and electric field at a given radius, to calculating potential difference and surface charge density. The expert summarizer provided a summary of the relevant formulas and suggested methods for solving each question.
  • #1
First i want to thank all the Members who are sharing us their knowledge and science .
Second i will try my best to help others and share information to all .
Third please excuse me because of my english language i am weak at it.

I have 9 questions for my homework which is due to this Thursday. Its actually 21 questions but i solved the others except these questions so i hope i get hints or clues for my questions.

I will be very happy if at least one question is been answered because i will feel that I've been accepted to be a member of this forums.

Forgive me because i have asked too much questions in my first post.

Here are the Questions ,

Question #1

Consider the uniformly charged sphere with
radius R = 4.65461 m,
Q = 6.66731 μC is the
total charge
inside the

a) Find the total flux passing through the
Gaussian surface (a spherical shell) with ra-
dius 2.08762 m.

b) Find the electric field at radius r =
2.08762 m.

c) Find the value of the electrostatic potential
at the same radius r = 2.08762 m.

Relevant Formula :


I have answered part a & b correctly except part c So guys help me out in this part & thanks in Advance.

Question #2

A charge of 9.054 nC is uniformly distributed
along the x-axis from −5 m to 5 m.
What is the electric potential (relative to
zero at infinity) of the point at 6 m on the

Question # 3

Given : ke = 8.98755 × 10^9 Nm2/C2 .

A uniformly charged insulating rod of
length 21.9 cm is bent into the shape of a
If the rod has a total charge of −8.21 μC.

a) Find the horizontal component of the electric
field at O, the center of the semicircle.
Hint: Define right as positive.

b) Determine the value of the electric potential
V at the center of the semicircle.

Question # 4

Consider a solid conducting sphere with a
radius a and charge Q1 on it. There is a
conducting spherical shell concentric to the
sphere. The shell has an inner radius b (with
b > a) and outer radius c and a net charge
Q2 on the shell. Denote the charge on the
inner surface of the shell by Q′2 and that on
the outer surface of the shell by Q′′2 .

Assume: The potential at r = 1 is zero.
Find the potential VP at point P, which is
the midpoint between a and b.

Question # 5

The electric potential in a certain region is
V = a x2 + b x + c,
where a = 19 V/m2, b = −19 V/m, and
c = 55 V.
Determine the position where the electric
field is zero.

Question # 6

A uniform electric field is in the negative x
direction. Points a and b are on the x-axis, a
at x = 3 m and b at x = 11 m.
If the magnitude of Vb − Va is 2.06 × 10^5 V,
what is the electric field?

Question # 7

A particle of mass 3 × 10−4 kg and charge
3 μC moves downward from point A to point
B a distance of 5 m in the earth’s gravita-
tional field. The kinetic energy of the particle
decreases by 3.9 mJ during this movement.
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .
What is the potential difference VB − VA?

Question # 8

Calculate the surface charge density for a solid
spherical conductor of radius 0.371 m if the
potential is 0.703 m from the center of the
sphere is 2.90 kV.

Question # 9

Points A (2 m, 6 m) and B (9 m, 14 m) are in
a region where the electric field is uniform and
given by ~E = Exˆı + Ey ˆj, where Ex = 8 N/C
and Ey = 3 N/C.
What is the potential difference VA − VB?

Please Friends Any help In any question above will help me very much & i will be gratefull to you.
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  • #2

Thank you for reaching out to us with your questions. It is great to see your enthusiasm for learning and your willingness to help others in the forum. I am happy to assist you with your homework questions.

For question #1, part c, you can use the formula V = kQ/r to find the electrostatic potential at the given radius. Remember to convert the charge from μC to C before plugging it into the formula.

For question #2, you can use the formula V = kQ/r to find the electric potential at the given point on the x-axis. Remember to consider the direction of the electric field due to the charge distribution along the x-axis.

For question #3, part a, you can use the formula E = kQ/r^2 to find the horizontal component of the electric field at the center of the semicircle. Remember to consider the direction of the electric field due to the charge distribution along the semicircle.

For question #3, part b, you can use the formula V = kQ/r to find the electric potential at the center of the semicircle. Remember to convert the charge from μC to C before plugging it into the formula.

For question #4, you can use the formula V = kQ/r to find the potential at point P, which is the midpoint between a and b. Remember to consider the contributions from both charges Q1 and Q2.

For question #5, you can use the fact that the electric field is the negative gradient of the electric potential, i.e. E = -dV/dx. So to find the position where the electric field is zero, you can set dV/dx = 0 and solve for x.

For question #6, you can use the formula V = -EΔx to find the potential difference between points a and b. Remember to consider the direction of the electric field and the given magnitude of the potential difference.

For question #7, you can use the fact that the change in kinetic energy is equal to the work done by the electric field, i.e. ΔKE = qΔV. So you can use the given information to find the potential difference between points A and B.

For question #8, you can use the fact that the potential at a distance r from the center of a solid conducting sphere is given by V = kQ/r. You can use this formula to find the
  • #3

Dear member,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your questions with us. We are always happy to help and share knowledge with others.

In regards to your first question, you have already correctly answered parts a and b. For part c, you will need to use the formula V=kq/r, where k is the Coulomb's constant, q is the charge inside the sphere, and r is the radius of the sphere. In this case, you will use the radius of 2.08762 m. This will give you the electrostatic potential at that radius.

Moving on to your second question, you will need to use the formula V=kq/r, where k is the Coulomb's constant, q is the charge distributed along the x-axis, and r is the distance from the point to the charge. In this case, the charge is uniformly distributed from -5 m to 5 m, so you will need to integrate the formula from -5 m to 6 m to find the potential at 6 m.

For your third question, you will need to use the formula E=ke*q/r^2, where ke is the Coulomb's constant, q is the total charge on the rod, and r is the distance from the center of the semicircle to the point O. For part b, you can use the formula V=kq/r, where k is the Coulomb's constant, q is the total charge on the rod, and r is the distance from the center of the semicircle to the point O.

Moving on to your fourth question, you will need to use the formula V=kq/r, where k is the Coulomb's constant, q is the net charge on the shell, and r is the distance from the point to the center of the shell. In this case, you will need to find the potential at the midpoint between a and b, so you will use the formula with r equal to the distance between a and b.

For your fifth question, you will need to find the position where the electric field is zero. This means that the derivative of the electric potential with respect to x is equal to zero. So you can take the derivative of V with respect to x and set it equal to zero, and solve for x.

Moving on to your sixth question, you have been given the potential difference between points a and b and the distance between them. You can use the formula V=Ed, where V

Related to Nine Questions : Please Physicians Help me *_*

1. What is "Nine Questions: Please Physicians Help me *_*"?

"Nine Questions: Please Physicians Help me *_*" is a survey that asks physicians nine questions about their experiences and opinions related to patient care, healthcare systems, and the medical profession. It aims to gather insights and perspectives from physicians in order to improve healthcare delivery.

2. Who can participate in the "Nine Questions" survey?

Any licensed physician can participate in the "Nine Questions" survey, regardless of their specialty or location. The survey is open to physicians from all over the world.

3. How long does it take to complete the "Nine Questions" survey?

The "Nine Questions" survey typically takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. However, the time may vary depending on the individual's responses and the depth of their answers.

4. Is the "Nine Questions" survey confidential?

Yes, the "Nine Questions" survey is completely confidential. We do not collect any personal information that could identify individual participants. The survey responses are analyzed and reported in aggregate form to protect the privacy of the participants.

5. What is the purpose of the "Nine Questions" survey?

The purpose of the "Nine Questions" survey is to gather valuable insights and perspectives from physicians, which can help identify areas for improvement in healthcare delivery. The survey results will be used to inform and guide future efforts to enhance patient care and the medical profession as a whole.

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