NMR Explanation for Proton Spectra of Benzene Ring

In summary, the discussion revolves around the spectra from a given link and the confusion regarding the left side of the proton NMR. The confusion involves the multiplicity and splitting patterns of certain hydrogens. The explanation for these phenomena lies in the concepts of coupling constants and symmetry in molecules.
  • #1
Hi everybody,

Homework Statement

I am working on the spectra from the following link:
http://www.chem.ucla.edu/cgi-bin/webspectra.cgi?Problem=bp22. Relevant factors and first attempt

For the most part, I understand how the spectra available contribute to the answer, but the left (upfield) side of the proton NMR is proving confusing. I see how the methyl group around 4ppm and the lone aldehyde hydrogen around 10.5 ppm produce their respective patterns, but the remaining 4 hydrogens on the left side of the benzene ring mystify me. To be more specific in my confusion:

3. The confusion

1. Why does the 7.0 ppm shift have a multiplicity of two? Given that each hydrogen is a different distance from the either and aldehyde, shouldn't each hydrogen have a different peak?

2. What could account for the two-multiplicty 4-peak split between 6.9-7.0 ppm? Since this is a benzene ring, each hydrogen should be adjacent to a maximum of two hydrogens, no? One on each carbon on each side of the bond?

I understand the other two shifts within the 7-8 ppm range, but not how they might fit in with the one above. What am I not seeing?

Thanks for your help.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Thank you for your question regarding the spectra from the provided link. I would like to offer some insights and explanations to help clarify your confusion.

Firstly, to address your question about the 7.0 ppm shift having a multiplicity of two, this can be attributed to the concept of coupling constants. Each hydrogen in a molecule can interact with its neighboring hydrogens through a process called spin-spin coupling. This interaction leads to the splitting of peaks in the NMR spectrum, resulting in a multiplicity of two. The distance between the peaks, known as the coupling constant, is determined by the number of neighboring hydrogens and their relative positions. Therefore, even though the hydrogens in the 7.0 ppm shift may be at different distances from the aldehyde, their coupling constants are similar, resulting in a doublet peak.

Regarding the two-multiplicity 4-peak split between 6.9-7.0 ppm, this can be explained by the concept of symmetry. In a benzene ring, the hydrogens are equivalent and therefore, the splitting pattern should be the same for all the hydrogens. However, due to the symmetry of the molecule, certain hydrogens may experience a slightly different environment, resulting in a slight difference in their coupling constants. This leads to the splitting pattern you observe in the 6.9-7.0 ppm range.

I hope this explanation helps to clarify your confusion. If you have any further questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to ask. Science is all about curiosity and questioning, and I am happy to assist in any way I can.

FAQ: NMR Explanation for Proton Spectra of Benzene Ring

1. What is NMR?

NMR stands for nuclear magnetic resonance, and it is a technique used to study the interactions between atomic nuclei and their surrounding molecules.

2. How does NMR provide information about the proton spectra of a benzene ring?

NMR measures the energy levels of protons in a molecule, and these energy levels are affected by the chemical environment and bonding patterns of the molecule. This allows NMR to provide information about the proton spectra of a benzene ring, which is a key component of many organic molecules.

3. Why is benzene used as a model for understanding NMR?

Benzene is often used as a model molecule for understanding NMR because it has a symmetrical and planar structure, making its proton spectra relatively simple and easy to interpret.

4. How does the number of proton signals in a benzene ring correspond to its structure?

The number of proton signals in a benzene ring corresponds to the number of different types of protons in the molecule. For example, in a symmetrical benzene ring, there are only two types of protons (equivalent protons), resulting in a single proton signal. In an asymmetrical benzene ring with substituents, there may be multiple types of protons, resulting in multiple proton signals.

5. What factors can affect the proton spectra of a benzene ring?

The proton spectra of a benzene ring can be affected by factors such as the presence of substituents, the chemical environment of the molecule, and the strength of the magnetic field used in the NMR experiment.

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