No, robots aren't taking over or so you think

  • Thread starter Pengwuino
  • Start date
In summary, this robot is disturbingly realistic and could pose a threat to human jobs. It's also interesting to watch for the artistry in the smiles and the eyes.
Physics news on
  • #2
that's scary.

If they make a hot chick robot, it could put all women out of business.

Then we will have political unrest feminists vs. free market advocates
  • #3
The government is eventually going to have to address the security issues of androids. Undoubtedly there will be new divisions specializing in this. It's Blade Runner at last.

I also anticipate android abuse, where jurisdictions will have to deal with people using them as substitutes for victimization. The future is going to get real interesting real fast.

Curl said:
that's scary.

If they make a hot chick robot, it could put all women out of business.

Then we will have political unrest feminists vs. free market advocates

The link has one, in fact.
  • #4
Newai said:
The government is eventually going to have to address the security issues of androids. Undoubtedly there will be new divisions specializing in this. It's Blade Runner at last.

I also anticipate android abuse, where jurisdictions will have to deal with people using them as substitutes for victimization. The future is going to get real interesting real fast.

The link has one, in fact.

read again, I said a HOT chick robot, not just a chick robot.
  • #5
Maybe I'm just getting old because she's hot to me.
  • #6
I want one of those DK's!
I could play some great pranks on people.
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  • #7
no, that thing up there is good artwork.

this is life-like robotics
  • #8
He smiles like a person smiles, when they fake it. The eyes need to be engaged, to make a smile look genuine. I'm being very picky, though. Overall it's amazing.
  • #9
Proton Soup said:
no, that thing up there is good artwork.
The guy's youtube channel said:
This channel is about my Geminoid: a robot build to look exactly like me.
A little narcissistic, no? And seriously creepy.

FAQ: No, robots aren't taking over or so you think

1. Are robots really not taking over the world?

No, despite what science fiction movies may portray, robots are not taking over the world. While robots are becoming more advanced and prevalent in our daily lives, they are still controlled and programmed by humans.

2. How do scientists ensure that robots do not become a threat to humanity?

Scientists and engineers have strict ethical guidelines and safety protocols in place when designing and programming robots. They also constantly monitor and test the robots to ensure they are functioning as intended.

3. Can robots replace human jobs and cause unemployment?

While robots may replace some jobs, they also create new job opportunities in the field of robotics and automation. Additionally, humans are still needed to design, program, and maintain robots, so they are not completely replacing human labor.

4. Are there any regulations in place for the development and use of robots?

Yes, there are regulations and laws in place to ensure the safe and ethical use of robots. For example, the European Union has created the General Data Protection Regulation to protect individuals' personal data collected by robots.

5. What are the potential benefits of using robots in society?

Robots have the potential to improve efficiency, accuracy, and safety in various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation. They can also perform tasks that are dangerous or impossible for humans to do.

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