No symmetries in the Universe at the Big Bang...?

In summary, some scenarios suggest that the beginning of the universe was caused by a quantum fluctuation and violent expansion, but not all models agree on this. Inflation models explain the expansion as a result of the inflaton field going through a phase transition. There is no time translation symmetry in an expanding universe, meaning that energy conservation may not hold and energy and matter could appear from nowhere. However, it is unclear what would happen if these conditions were repeated in a spacetime with no global symmetries. This is because no models have been proposed in this scenario and it is pointless to speculate on the possibilities without any constraints.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
No symmetries in the universe at the Big Bang...?
I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question but...

According to some scenarios about the beginning of the universe (namely cosmological inflation), in layman's terms, everything was born out of a quantum fluctuation which caused a violent expansion. In this case, since an expanding universe breaks the time translation symmetry, energy conservation does not necessarily hold and therefore energy and matter could have appeared from """nowhere""" ()

However, if these conditions were "repeated" in a spacetime with no (global) symmetries, could all conservation laws and the rest fundamental laws of physics have been also violated or approximate? Would this be theoretically possible?
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  • #2
Suekdccia said:
According to some scenarios about the beginning of the universe (namely cosmological inflation), in layman's terms, everything was born out of a quantum fluctuation which caused a violent expansion.
Actually not all inflation models say that. The common feature that all inflation models have is that the "Big Bang" state--the hot, dense, rapidly expanding state that is the earliest state of the universe for which we have good evidence--happened because inflationary expansion ended when the inflaton field (the scalar field driving inflationary expansion) went through a phase transition from a "false vacuum" state to a "true vacuum" state and transferred all of its energy density to the Standard Model fields.

Where inflation models differ is on how the inflationary expansion came about. The original inflation models assumed that inflationary expansion was triggered by some event (possibly a previous phase transition, for example from some kind of Planck scale physics). However, the main front runner inflation models today appear to be "eternal inflation" models, in which inflationary expansion extends infinitely far back into the past--it never starts and there is no state previous to it. Universes like ours get "born" when a fluctuation causes inflation to stop via the phase transition from "false vacuum" to "true vacuum" described above.

Suekdccia said:
since an expanding universe breaks the time translation symmetry, energy conservation does not necessarily hold and therefore energy and matter could have appeared from """nowhere"""
This is a fairly common statement in pop science videos, even by experts like Guth, but you have to be careful about what it means. The inflaton field in its "false vacuum" state, i.e., while inflation is going on, works like dark energy: its energy density is constant everywhere in the inflating region of spacetime. If we look at successive spacelike slices in FRW coordinates with increasing scale factor, this looks like inflaton field energy is continuously being "created from nothing". But, as you will see if you read, for example, Carroll's classic blog post "Energy Is Not Conserved", that's not the only possible interpretation. What is true on any interpretation is that, as you say, there is no time translation symmetry in an expanding universe, and therefore there is no globally conserved energy.

Suekdccia said:
if these conditions were "repeated" in a spacetime with no (global) symmetries, could all conservation laws and the rest fundamental laws of physics have been also violated or approximate? Would this be theoretically possible?
We have no idea since nobody has proposed any model along these lines. It's pointless to ask what is "possible" if you throw out all constraints.
  • #3
PeterDonis said:
We have no idea since nobody has proposed any model along these lines. It's pointless to ask what is "possible" if you throw out all constraints.
Even if it has not been proposed, would inflation occurring in a spacetime that lacks all (global) symmetries mean that all laws associated with these symmetries would be violated in the formation of the universe?
  • #4
Suekdccia said:
Even if it has not been proposed, would inflation occurring in a spacetime that lacks all (global) symmetries mean that all laws associated with these symmetries would be violated in the formation of the universe?
If the laws require symmetry, then without that symmetry existing the laws wouldn't appear to apply. So there's not really any violation that could even occur since the laws wouldn't apply in the first place.
  • #5
Drakkith said:
If the laws require symmetry, then without that symmetry existing the laws wouldn't appear to apply. So there's not really any violation that could even occur since the laws wouldn't apply in the first place.
Well, that makes sense :smile:
  • #6
Suekdccia said:
Even if it has not been proposed
The question is pointless if it is about a model that nobody has proposed and does not exist. How can anyone possibly say anything about a model that does not exist?

FAQ: No symmetries in the Universe at the Big Bang...?

What does it mean to have no symmetries in the Universe at the Big Bang?

Having no symmetries in the Universe at the Big Bang means that the fundamental forces and particles were not distributed in a uniform or symmetrical manner. This implies that the initial conditions of the Universe were highly irregular and anisotropic, leading to the complex structure we observe today.

How does the lack of symmetry at the Big Bang affect the evolution of the Universe?

The lack of symmetry at the Big Bang could have led to the uneven distribution of matter and energy, influencing the formation of galaxies, stars, and other cosmic structures. It may also affect the behavior of fundamental forces and the nature of cosmic inflation, impacting the overall dynamics of the Universe's expansion.

Is there any evidence supporting the idea of no symmetries at the Big Bang?

Evidence supporting the idea of no symmetries at the Big Bang comes from observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. Small anisotropies in the CMB suggest that the early Universe was not perfectly uniform. Additionally, the large-scale structure of the Universe and variations in the distribution of galaxies provide further hints.

What are the implications of no symmetries at the Big Bang for modern physics?

The implications for modern physics include potential revisions to our understanding of fundamental theories, such as the Standard Model of particle physics and general relativity. It may also lead to new insights into the nature of dark matter, dark energy, and the initial conditions of the Universe, prompting the development of more comprehensive cosmological models.

Can the concept of no symmetries at the Big Bang be tested or falsified?

Testing or falsifying the concept of no symmetries at the Big Bang is challenging but possible through precise measurements of the CMB, large-scale structure surveys, and gravitational wave observations. Advanced simulations and theoretical models can also help predict observable consequences, which can then be compared with empirical data to validate or refute the idea.
