Noetherian Modules .... Cohn Theorem 2.2 .... ....

This is always a submodule, because it's the kernel of a projection from a free module. Also, ##(a_1, \dots, a_r) \subseteq N##.In summary, Theorem 2.2 in Section 2.2 of P.M. Cohn's book "Introduction to Ring Theory" deals with chain conditions in Artinian and Noetherian rings and modules. In the proof of this theorem, it is shown that if ##a_j \in N_{i_j}## and ##k = \max\{i_1, \dots, i_r\}##, then equality holds in the chain from ##N_k## onwards. This is because the elements ##a_1,
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading P.M. Cohn's book: Introduction to Ring Theory (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) ... ...

I am currently focused on Section 2.2: Chain Conditions ... which deals with Artinian and Noetherian rings and modules ... ...

I need help with understanding an aspect of the proof of Theorem 2.2 ... ...Theorem 2.2 and its proof (including some preliminary relevant definitions) read as follows:
Cohn - 1 - Theorem 2.2 ... PART 1 ... .png

Cohn - 2 - Theorem 2.2 ... PART 2 ... .png

At the end of the above proof by Cohn we read the following:

" ... ... If ##a_j \in N_{i_j} ## and ##k = \text{ max} \{ i_1, \ ... \ ... \ , i_r \}##, then equality holds in our chain from ##N_k## onwards. ... ... "
Can someone please explain how/why ##a_j \in N_{i_j} ## and ##k = \text{ max} \{ i_1, \ ... \ ... \ , i_r \}## implies that equality holds in our chain from ##N_k## onwards. ... ... ?Help will be appreciated ...



  • Cohn - 1 - Theorem 2.2 ... PART 1 ... .png
    Cohn - 1 - Theorem 2.2 ... PART 1 ... .png
    41.9 KB · Views: 903
  • Cohn - 2 - Theorem 2.2 ... PART 2 ... .png
    Cohn - 2 - Theorem 2.2 ... PART 2 ... .png
    44.1 KB · Views: 907
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  • #2
Math Amateur said:
I am reading P.M. Cohn's book: Introduction to Ring Theory (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) ... ...

I am currently focused on Section 2.2: Chain Conditions ... which deals with Artinian and Noetherian rings and modules ... ...

I need help with understanding an aspect of the proof of Theorem 2.2 ... ...Theorem 2.2 and its proof (including some preliminary relevant definitions) read as follows:View attachment 222878
View attachment 222879
At the end of the above proof by Cohn we read the following:

" ... ... If ##a_j \in N_{i_j} ## and ##k = \text{ max} \{ i_1, \ ... \ ... \ , i_r \}##, then equality holds in our chain from ##N_k## onwards. ... ... "
Can someone please explain how/why ##a_j \in N_{i_j} ## and ##k = \text{ max} \{ i_1, \ ... \ ... \ , i_r \}## implies that equality holds in our chain from ##N_k## onwards. ... ... ?Help will be appreciated ...


It suffices to show that ##N_{k+1} \subseteq N_k##.

Take ##n \in N_{k+1} \subseteq N = (a_1, \dots, a_r)##. Then ##n = \sum \lambda_i a_i## for elements ##\lambda_i##. Now, ##a_1, \dots, a_r## are contained in ##N_k##, because we have an increasing chain, and hence ##n\in N_k## as well, since modules are closed under linear combinations.
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  • #3
Math_QED said:
It suffices to show that ##N_{k+1} \subseteq N_k##.

Take ##n \in N_{k+1} \subseteq N = (a_1, \dots, a_r)##. Then ##n = \sum \lambda_i a_i## for elements ##\lambda_i##. Now, ##a_1, \dots, a_r## are contained in ##N_k##, because we have an increasing chain, and hence ##n\in N_k## as well, since modules are closed under linear combinations.
Thanks for the help Math_QED ...

BUT ... just some clarifications ...

You write:

" ... ... Take ##n \in N_{k+1} \subseteq N = (a_1, \dots, a_r)##. ... ... "

This means ##N_{k+1} \subseteq N## and also ##N = (a_1, \dots, a_r)## ... is that correct ...

But then surely ##n## may equal ##\sum_{ i = 1}^t \lambda_i a_i## where ##t \lt r## ... and so ##a_1, \dots, a_r## may not all be contained in ##N_{k + 1} ## let alone ##N_k## ...

I am really puzzled as to exactly why ##(a_1, \dots, a_r)## are contained in ##N_k## ... ... what is the exact argument?

Can you clarify?

  • #4
Math Amateur said:
Thanks for the help Math_QED ...

BUT ... just some clarifications ...

You write:

" ... ... Take ##n \in N_{k+1} \subseteq N = (a_1, \dots, a_r)##. ... ... "

This means ##N_{k+1} \subseteq N## and also ##N = (a_1, \dots, a_r)## ... is that correct ...

But then surely ##n## may equal ##\sum_{ i = 1}^t \lambda_i a_i## where ##t \lt r## ... and so ##a_1, \dots, a_r## may not all be contained in ##N_{k + 1} ## let alone ##N_k## ...

I am really puzzled as to exactly why ##(a_1, \dots, a_r)## are contained in ##N_k## ... ... what is the exact argument?

Can you clarify?


For your first question, yes that's exactly what it means, for your second question:

We can find coefficients such that ##n = \sum_{i=1}^r \lambda_i a_i##, because ##n \in (a_1 \dots, a_r)##. But ##a_1 \in N_{i_1}##

and ##k = \max\{i_1, \dots, i_r\}##, so ##k \geq i_1##. This implies that ##N_{i_1} \subseteq N_k##, because the chain is increasing, so ##a_1 \in N_k## and you can do the same thing for the other indices, obtaining that ##a_1, \dots, a_r \in N_k##

EDIT: Maybe you don't know what I mean with ##(a_1, \dots, a_r)##. This is the module generated by the elements ##a_1, \dots a_r##. I.e., the smallest submodule that contains these elements.
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FAQ: Noetherian Modules .... Cohn Theorem 2.2 .... ....

1. What is a Noetherian Module?

A Noetherian Module is a module in abstract algebra that satisfies the ascending chain condition. This means that every increasing sequence of submodules eventually stabilizes or terminates. In other words, there are no infinite ascending chains of submodules in a Noetherian Module.

2. Who is Emmy Noether and what is her theorem related to Noetherian Modules?

Emmy Noether was a German mathematician who made significant contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics. Her namesake theorem, Noether's Theorem, states that every differentiable symmetry of a physical system has a corresponding conservation law. In the context of Noetherian Modules, her theorem states that every Noetherian Module is finitely generated.

3. How are Noetherian Modules related to commutative rings?

Noetherian Modules are closely related to commutative rings, as they are modules over these rings. Specifically, a Noetherian Module is a module whose ring of scalars is a Noetherian ring. This means that the ring satisfies the ascending chain condition for ideals, which is similar to the ascending chain condition for submodules in Noetherian Modules.

4. What is Cohn Theorem 2.2 and how does it relate to Noetherian Modules?

Cohn Theorem 2.2 is a theorem in abstract algebra that states that every Noetherian Module over a commutative ring is a direct sum of cyclic modules. This means that a Noetherian Module can be decomposed into simpler, cyclic modules. This theorem is important in the study of Noetherian Modules as it provides a way to understand and classify these modules.

5. How are Noetherian Modules used in algebraic geometry?

Noetherian Modules are used extensively in algebraic geometry, as they provide a framework for studying and understanding algebraic varieties. In algebraic geometry, a Noetherian Module is a coherent sheaf over a Noetherian ring, and these sheaves are used to define and study algebraic varieties. Noetherian Modules are also used in the proof of Hilbert's Basis Theorem, which states that any finitely generated algebra over a Noetherian ring is also Noetherian.

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