Noetherian Rings - Dummit and Foote - Chapter 15

  • MHB
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In summary, Exercise 1 on page 668 of Dummit and Foote asks to prove the converse of Hilbert's Basis Theorem, which states that if the polynomial ring R[x] is Noetherian, then R is Noetherian. The solution involves utilizing the canonical homomorphism from R[x] to R and the preservation of Noetherianity by factoring.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
Dummit and Foote Exercise 1 on page 668 states the following:

"Prove the converse to Hilbert's Basis Theorem: if the polynomial ring R[x] is Noetherian then R is Noetherian"

Can someone please help me get started on this exercise.


[Note: This has also been posted on MHF]
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  • #2
(This is an old question, so I'll be posting a full answer instead of just hints)

Note that there is a canonical homomorphism $R[X] \to R$ given by $X \mapsto 0$. As Noetherianity is preserved by factoring, if $R[X]$ is Noetherian, then so is $R[X]/(X)$; and the latter is, as per the homomorphism, isomorphic to $R$. $\blacksquare$

FAQ: Noetherian Rings - Dummit and Foote - Chapter 15

1. What is a Noetherian ring?

A Noetherian ring is a commutative ring in which every ascending chain of ideals eventually stabilizes. Essentially, this means that there cannot be an infinite "tower" of ideals that continue to get bigger and bigger.

2. Who is Emmy Noether and why is she associated with these rings?

Emmy Noether was a German mathematician who made significant contributions to the field of abstract algebra, including the study of rings. Noetherian rings are named after her in recognition of her work in this area.

3. How are Noetherian rings related to the ascending chain condition?

Noetherian rings are essentially the commutative, ring version of the ascending chain condition. The ascending chain condition states that every ascending chain of submodules in a module eventually stabilizes, while Noetherian rings state that every ascending chain of ideals in a ring eventually stabilizes.

4. Can non-commutative rings be Noetherian?

Yes, non-commutative rings can be Noetherian. However, the definition of Noetherian rings only applies to commutative rings. For non-commutative rings, there is a similar concept called left and right Noetherian rings that involves considering only left or right ideals, respectively.

5. How are Noetherian rings used in mathematics?

Noetherian rings have many applications in mathematics, particularly in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. They are used to prove important theorems, such as the Hilbert basis theorem, and to study algebraic varieties and their properties.
