Non-central nature of nuclear force?

In summary, Nuclear forces are characterized as non-central and described by the Yukawa potential which is a central potential. The electric quadrupole moments indicate the non-spherical structure of the nucleus and can be used to determine its shape. Despite the non-constant angular momentum, the nucleus remains stable due to spin-dependent interactions and error terms that are added to the nuclear force model.
  • #1
Nuclear forces are said to be non-central. By definiton of central force, angular momentum is constant. It is usually found in spherical bodies. How do the electric quadruple moments indicate the non-spherical structure of the nucleus? How is the nucleus stable if the angular momentum is not constant?
Physics news on
  • #2
Hello? Can someone help me here?
  • #3
Reshma said:
How do the electric quadruple moments indicate the non-spherical structure of the nucleus?
Based upon the sign of the electric quadrupolemoment, you know the shape of the charge distribution around the nucleus. It kind of expresses the electrical dipole you have because of a non-sferical structure (like oblate/prolate-ellipsoids)

Quadrupole moment

  • #4
Take classical Yukawa theory, and expand it. Its pretty clear that its not a central potential.
  • #5
Haelfix -- not for the usual scalar interation often used to explain the Yukawa potential. For nucleons and pions. The interaction includes "gamma5". Pions have negative parity, the gamma5 allows parity to be conserved, and provides a spin-dependent interaction.
Reilly Atkinson
  • #6
Yea I realized I misworded my response pretty badly.

The Yukawa potential *is* a central potential, but to see why the nuclear force is *not* it more or less suffices to look at the former and see where it must break down.

Qualitatively in Nuclear physics in many reactions you will get some small angular momentum state mixing that will depart from the Yukawa potential. Typically what is done is you add in these error terms and build a model around it by comparing to experiment. So for instance in pion exchange models you will get a central potential term like the Yukawa force (or Woods Saxon form) and something tensor like. From there its all phenomonology.

FAQ: Non-central nature of nuclear force?

1. What is the non-central nature of nuclear force?

The non-central nature of nuclear force refers to the fact that the force between nucleons (protons and neutrons) in an atomic nucleus is not purely central, meaning it does not act directly between the centers of the particles. Instead, it also has a tensor component that depends on the orientation of the nucleons' spins.

2. How does the non-central nature of nuclear force affect atomic nuclei?

The non-central nature of nuclear force plays a crucial role in determining the structure and stability of atomic nuclei. It is responsible for the binding of protons and neutrons together, and can also lead to the formation of nuclear spin states.

3. What evidence supports the existence of the non-central nature of nuclear force?

Experimental evidence such as the magnetic moment of the deuteron (a bound state of a proton and neutron) and the quadrupole moment of atomic nuclei provide strong support for the non-central nature of nuclear force. Theoretical models also predict and explain the behavior of nuclear forces based on their non-central nature.

4. How does the non-central nature of nuclear force impact nuclear reactions?

The non-central nature of nuclear force affects the dynamics of nuclear reactions, particularly in processes involving spin-dependent interactions. This can lead to different outcomes and reaction rates compared to purely central forces, and is important in understanding nuclear reactions in astrophysics and nuclear energy production.

5. Can the non-central nature of nuclear force be explained by the Standard Model of Particle Physics?

The non-central nature of nuclear force cannot be fully explained by the Standard Model of Particle Physics, which only describes three out of the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces). It is believed to arise from the exchange of virtual mesons between nucleons, but a complete understanding of this force is still being researched.

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