Non-covariant parts of the propagator?

In summary, the origin of the non-covariant parts of the propagator can be traced back to the definition of the generalized polynomial, which is a linear function of q^0. This linear form is chosen to simplify the manipulation of derivative operators. The final result can be written in terms of a covariant polynomial and a non-covariant term. This explanation can be found on page 277 of Weinberg's volume I.
  • #1
I'm reading Weinberg's volume I.
I don't quite understand what's the origin of the non-covariant parts of the propagator.

The propagator can be calculated to be
[tex]\Delta_{\ell m}(2\pi)^{-4}\int d^4q\frac{P_{\ell m}(q)\,e^{iq\cdot(x-y)}}{q^2+m^2-i\epsilon}\quad\cdots(*)[/tex]
[tex]P_{\ell m}(q)\equiv 2\sqrt{\mathbf{q}^2+m^2}\sum_{\sigma}u_\ell(\mathbf{p},\sigma)u^*_m(\mathbf{p},\sigma)\quad\cdots(**)[/tex] is the spin sum of the field coefficients (coefficients of annihilation operator).
Eq(*) is an integral over all the possible four momentum [tex]q[/tex], but the polynomial [tex]P_{\ell m}(q) [/tex] defined by eq(**) is "on-shell", i.e. [tex]q^2=-m^2[/tex]; hence, we have to extend the definition of the polynomial [tex]P_{\ell m}[/tex]. Note that if [tex]q[/tex] is on-shell, we can always write [tex]P_{\ell m}(q)[/tex] as a polynomial "linear" in [tex]q^0[/tex]. Hence, we define the generalized polynomial as a linear function of [tex]q^0[/tex], and the polynomial transforms covariantly, i.e.
[tex]P^{(L)}_{\ell m}(\Lambda q) = D_{\ell\ell'}(\Lambda)D^*_{mm'}(\Lambda)P^{(L)}_{\ell'm'}(q)[/tex], where [tex]D(\Lambda)[/tex] is certain representation of the Lorentz group. Now consider the polynomial of a massive vector field, [tex]P^{(L)}_{\ell m}(p) = \eta_{\mu\nu} + m^{-2}q_\mu q_\nu[/tex], since there is a quadratic term in [tex]q^0[/tex], hence actually the correct polynomial should be [tex]P^{(L)}_{\mu\nu} = \eta_{\mu\nu} + m^{-2}\left[q_\mu q_\nu - \delta^0_\mu\delta^0_\nu(q^2+m^2)\right][/tex].
We substitute this polynomial into eq(*), hence we get the propagator for massive vector field is
[tex](2\pi)^{-4}\int d^4q\frac{(\eta_{\mu\nu} + m^{-2}q_\mu q_\nu)e^{iq\cdot(x-y)}}{q^2+m^2-i\epsilon} + m^{-2}\delta^{(4)}(x-y)\delta^0_\mu\delta^0_\nu[/tex], the second term is the non-covariant part of the propagator.

What I don't understand is, why should we define the generalized polynomial in a way like what he did? Why the linear in [tex]q^0[/tex] so important? I'm confused and I don't get the logic and the reasoning, is there someone who can instruct me? These stuff is contained in p.277 or so basically. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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  • #2
You've probably already resolved this, but:

the extension of the polynomial doesn't need to be defined to be linear in q^0. Weinberg uses that form purely to simplify the manipulation of moving the derivative operators to the left of the theta functions in (6.2.12) (Note the second term's dependence on P^(1)_{lm}.) Then, he rewrites the result in terms of a covariant polynomial and a non-covariant term in (6.2.20,.21).

FAQ: Non-covariant parts of the propagator?

What are non-covariant parts of the propagator?

Non-covariant parts of the propagator refer to terms in the equation that do not follow the rules of covariance, meaning they do not transform in a consistent manner under different coordinate systems.

Why are non-covariant parts of the propagator problematic?

Non-covariant parts of the propagator can lead to inconsistencies and errors in calculations, as they violate the principles of relativity and can produce physically unrealistic results.

How do non-covariant parts of the propagator affect the interpretation of physical theories?

Non-covariant parts of the propagator can affect the interpretation of physical theories by introducing unphysical solutions or making it difficult to compare results between different coordinate systems.

What techniques are used to deal with non-covariant parts of the propagator?

Various techniques, such as gauge transformations and field redefinitions, can be used to eliminate or minimize the effects of non-covariant parts of the propagator in calculations.

Are there any physical phenomena that can be described by non-covariant parts of the propagator?

In general, physical phenomena should not depend on the choice of coordinate system, so non-covariant parts of the propagator do not have a physical interpretation. However, there are some exceptions, such as in the study of topological defects in condensed matter systems.

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