Non-Electrical Methods of Computation

In summary, the box of magnetic pads could be used to achieve infinite accuracy in calculations, due to the use of a fractal algorithm and the lack of overheating or cooling issues.
  • #1
Computation of infinite accuracy could be achieved utilizing a box of magnetic pads, filled with magnetic fluid. The pads would fluctuate their fields, thus circulating the fluid. Behind the pads would be a second pad layer; a grid of electric transmitters, connected to a computer running a specialized fractal algorithm software. The idea is that the computer would feed the magnetic box an equation, which the box would then process, and feed back the results to the computer. This could be achievable because if the number of magnetic particles were known, and the fluid began with zero motion, or a matrix of 0's - it would automatically generate an end-matrix of 0's and 1's. The benefit to this is that there would be no overheating or cooling issues, and it utilizes current technology and mathematics.

If anyone has questions about problems with this concept, you're free to run them by me and I could likely produce a theoretical solution. I'm not an engineer but am eager to share my creativity and work with those who have more technical knowledge.
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  • #2
What is this supposed to mean? And what is a fractal algoritm?
  • #3
Water consists of individual molecules, I doubt that an infinite precision is possible, independent of the algorithm.

There was an analog water computer, and digital logic is possible, but those designs are not very efficient.
  • #4
Hi marcusl, mfb. I've rewritten my original post to add the requested elaborations.
  • #5
Some serious gaps in the explanation:

The idea is that the computer would feed the magnetic box an equation
How do you represent numbers (of "infinite precision"?) in fluids? How/where do the fluids flow?
if the number of magnetic particles were known
In the total fluid?
and the fluid began with zero motion, or a matrix of 0's
How do you represent fluid flow as matrix?
it would automatically generate an end-matrix of 0's and 1's
Why, and "1" where?
The benefit to this is that there would be no overheating or cooling issues
Flow leads to friction.
  • #6
This concept does not make sense. Fluids obey the laws of fluid dynamics, do not move as 1's and 0's, and do not "compute." Nor do the words fractal algorithm mean anything that I know of.

Please post only well-thought-out concepts that are based on established physical principles.
  • #7
I wanted to be vague to begin with, and your questions were semi-expected so allow me to explain further. Engineers need inspiration from sources beyond other engineers - such restraint inhibits true innovation and creates a need for platforms of collaboration; this forum was my best bet.

To continue: The second layer of pads, as mentioned, would be "...a grid of electric transmitters, connected to a computer..." The fluid itself isn't a grid of particles, naturally, but the computer would recognize the fluid as a matrix through the grids. The grids would consist of very fine electromagnets, which would alter fluid motion with outflux, and register the results by back-fed influx.

Mandelbrot is an example of an infinite fractal. From the web, "The boundary area of the set is infinitely complex, therefore fractal, because it is possible to bring out finer and finer detail. Computer graphics artists call the process of unfolding the detail 'zooming in' on the set's boundary or 'magnifying' it." The point being, matrices can be 3D and not just 3D, by "inverting" numbers to other ones or other symbols with infinite combinations.

So essentially, to avoid heating problems, the fluid is simply not overused, and the same effect is achieved. The result is a very complex calculation, completed in a fraction of a second... instead of using a primitive processor to handle the entire matrix. The fractal comes into play not with the hardware but the software. As described, finite math can be contorted into infinite complexity. I was merely suggesting that software could record the fluid dynamics on many levels of intricacy, such as a "moving matrix," where the numbers, be it 0's and 1's or any other symbols, could represent many physical principles. Two equations' end matrices could then be ran against each other at once, producing a new matrix of enhanced complexity for experimental purposes or computational ones.

Nevermind the software elements - those were just side-notes. The idea is that people truly must begin examining alternative hardwares which can evolve humanity technologically. I have the eerie feeling that convention and tradition are almost slipping us backwards technologically, and we must move beyond the usual 2/4-digit processing methods, where severe heating occurs because you're using electricity instead of fluid to do the processing. To simulate such advanced movement using a linear processor alone is silly, and the hardware I've described could be used to process anything, from video games, to simulations, and could help run any application such as operating systems, etc.

Let's be a bit more clever with our designs; I'm a product designer doing corporate licensing, so I don't have time to be an engineer. But please realize that some of the smartest people on Earth are not engineers, while some of them are - and they need a platform to collaborate if only as a source of inspiration and food for thought. There is no such forum in existence so this should be sufficient enough.
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  • #8
Pure speculation.
Thread locked

FAQ: Non-Electrical Methods of Computation

What are non-electrical methods of computation?

Non-electrical methods of computation are techniques used to perform calculations and solve problems without the use of electricity. These methods can include mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and optical systems.

How do non-electrical computers differ from traditional computers?

Non-electrical computers use physical mechanisms to perform calculations, while traditional computers use electronic components. Non-electrical computers are typically slower and less efficient, but can be more reliable and durable in harsh environments.

What are some examples of non-electrical computers?

Some examples of non-electrical computers include abacuses, mechanical calculators, slide rules, and analog computers. Modern examples include pneumatic and hydraulic control systems used in industrial automation and mechanical computers used in some spacecraft.

What are the advantages of using non-electrical methods of computation?

Non-electrical methods of computation can be advantageous in situations where electricity is not available or reliable, or when the environment is too harsh for electronic devices. They can also be more cost-effective for certain applications and may require less maintenance.

Are non-electrical computers still used today?

Yes, non-electrical computers are still used in various industries and applications. While they may not be as prevalent as traditional electronic computers, they continue to serve important roles in fields such as aerospace, automotive, and industrial automation.
