Non-integer value of dimensions?

In summary, there have been various theoretical models and concepts exploring the possibility of a universal theory based on a non-integer number of dimensions. These include the idea of fractional dimensions in subsets of vector spaces and the concept of noncommutative geometry. However, these theories have not yet been fully developed and tested in relation to the physical reality.
  • #1
Given that string theory is built on the idea of one-dimensional entities, which seems much too "nice" given the general fuzziness of interpreting quantum mechanics, would it be possible for a universal theory to be based on a non-integer number of dimensions? I basically know nothing of mathematical formalism, but it was just a thought I had, and I was wondering if it even made any sense or could even be theoretically possible?
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  • #2
Theoretically everything is possible, at the end we need to test our theories with the physical reality.
  • #3
Mathematically, the dimension of a vector space is the number of basis elements it has. This definition doesn't allow non integers

So you'll need a new definition for dimension
  • #6
There are models of quantum gravity indicating that the so-called spectral dimension of spacetime is (approximately) equal to 4 for large distances, but 2 for small distances. This spectral dimension can be defined by a random walk or the "diffusion" of particles on discrete structures like foam.

Usually the solution to a diffusion problem depends on the dimension of spacetime. But one can turn things round and describe a diffusion process on a discrete structure w/o ever referring to its dimension. Then, instead of using the dimension as input, it can be extracted from certain properties of the diffusion process.

One model which indicates this spectral dimension 2 < dim < 4 is the Causal Dynamical Triangulation approach for quantum gravity. For large distances it seems that an ensemble of particles moves in 3-dim. space, whereas closed to Planck scale it seems that space becomes the a 1-dim. real line
  • #7
Fractals aside, the physical reality may be described by something else than a simple vector space. We may live in noncommutative geometry where dimensions may be mixed. Or there may exist "normal" dimensions where vectors have numerical components and "special" dimensions where vectors have operator-valued components. One such theory is supersymmetry, which can be formulated in such a vector space that has several "normal" dimensios and some dimensions where vectors have c-number components.

FAQ: Non-integer value of dimensions?

1. What is a non-integer value of dimension?

A non-integer value of dimension refers to a measurement or quantity that is not a whole number. This can occur in various scientific fields, including physics, mathematics, and computer science.

2. Can non-integer dimensions exist in the physical world?

Based on our current understanding of the physical world, it is not possible for non-integer dimensions to exist. The three dimensions that we experience in our daily lives (length, width, and height) are all represented by whole numbers.

3. How are non-integer dimensions used in scientific research?

Non-integer dimensions are often used as a mathematical tool in theoretical models and simulations. They can also be used to describe complex structures and processes, such as fractals, which exhibit non-integer dimensions.

4. What is the significance of non-integer dimensions?

Non-integer dimensions have important implications in many areas of science, including chaos theory, dynamical systems, and quantum mechanics. They also play a role in understanding the behavior of complex systems and patterns in nature.

5. Are there any real-world applications of non-integer dimensions?

Non-integer dimensions have been applied in various fields, such as image and signal processing, data compression, and finance. They have also been used in engineering to optimize designs and in biology to study the complexity of biological systems.

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