(Non)Isomorphism of V with V** in Infinite-Dimension Case

  • Thread starter WWGD
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a natural isomorphism between a vector space and its double dual in the finite-dimensional case. It is proven that this natural isomorphism exists, and one way to show this is by demonstrating that the identity functor is naturally isomorphic to the double-dual functor. However, this is not the case for the algebraic dual. The conversation then moves on to discussing the failure of this functor argument in the infinite-dimensional case, using the example of continuous functions on [0,1]. The question of whether a non-degenerate bilinear form in a vector space implies a natural isomorphism between the space and its dual is also raised.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hi, please give me some leeway for my laziness here:

We have that , in the finite-dimensional case for vector spaces, V~V** in a natural, i.e.,
basis-independent way ; one way of proving this is by showing that the identity functor is
naturally-isomorphic to the double-dual functor. An easy way of showing that this is not the
case for V~V* is that the two functors ( identity and 1st-dual ) go in opposite directions.

1) Is there a canonical bilinear form B:V-->V** here that gives us the isomorphism V~V**? How do we show there is no such form from V to V*?

2) How/why does the functor argument showing V~V** fail when V is infinite-dimensional?

Thanks for answers, hints, refs.
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  • #2
Example of failure. Let V be space of continuous functions on [0,1], V* is L1[0,1], V** is L∞[0,1].
  • #3
Thanks, Mathman, I understand; only Reflexive spaces have this property; but my confusion is about:

1) How/where the argument of the natural (functor) isomorphism between the identity and the double dual fails in the infinite-dimensional case.

2) The existence of a non-degenerate bilinear form B(x,y) in V implies that there is a natural isomorphism between V and V**. My question is: if there exists a natural isomorphism, is there necessarily an associated non-degenerate form in V? Specifically for the case of V, V** in the finite-dimensional case: since V~V** is natural: is there a bilinear form in V that gives us a natural isomorphism between V, V**?
  • #4
WWGD said:
Hi, please give me some leeway for my laziness here:

We have that , in the finite-dimensional case for vector spaces, V~V** in a natural, i.e.,
basis-independent way ; one way of proving this is by showing that the identity functor is
naturally-isomorphic to the double-dual functor. An easy way of showing that this is not the
case for V~V* is that the two functors ( identity and 1st-dual ) go in opposite directions.

1) Is there a canonical bilinear form B:V-->V** here that gives us the isomorphism V~V**? How do we show there is no such form from V to V*?

I'm dense, but how can a function from ##V## to ##V^{**}## be a bilinear form? What does this have to do with anything?

2) How/why does the functor argument showing V~V** fail when V is infinite-dimensional?

The functor argument will likely use some basis for ##V## and the associated basis for ##V^{**}##. However, if ##V## is finite-dimensional, then you cannot show that the associated "basis" in fact does span the space. It works in the finite-dimensional case because you can just say a linear independent set with a given cardinality is a basis.

mathman said:
Example of failure. Let V be space of continuous functions on [0,1], V* is L1[0,1], V** is L∞[0,1].

You are thinking of the continuous dual, the OP is asking about the algebraic dual.
  • #5
WWGD said:
Thanks, Mathman, I understand; only Reflexive spaces have this property;

No, in fact no infinite dimensional space has the property that ##V\cong V^{**}## if you mean the algebraic dual.
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  • #6
WWGD said:
2) The existence of a non-degenerate bilinear form B(x,y) in V implies that there is a natural isomorphism between V and V**. My question is: if there exists a natural isomorphism, is there necessarily an associated non-degenerate form in V? Specifically for the case of V, V** in the finite-dimensional case: since V~V** is natural: is there a bilinear form in V that gives us a natural isomorphism between V, V**?

You can equip any vector space with an inner product, so there is always a non-degenerate bilinear form. Just pick a basis ##\{e_i~\vert~i\in I\}## for the vector space in the Hamel sense (every element is the unique linear combination of basis elements). Then define

[tex]B\left(\sum_{\alpha\in A} \alpha e_\alpha,\sum_{\beta \in B}\beta e_\beta\right) = \sum_{\alpha\in A, \beta\in B} \alpha\beta[/tex]

The problem is that this inner product only provides you with continuous linear functionals (continuous with respect to the inner product),
  • #7
micromass said:
No, in fact no infinite dimensional space has the property that ##V\cong V^{**}## if you mean the algebraic dual.

Yes, of course, the continuous dual; I'm aware that by cardinality reasons alone they cannot be isomorphic, i.e., the algebraic dual is a product, compared to a sum ( finite support ).
  • #8
WWGD said:
Yes, of course, the continuous dual; I'm aware that by cardinality reasons alone they cannot be isomorphic, i.e., the algebraic dual is a product, compared to a sum ( finite support ).

So let me get this clear. In your posts you denote with ##V^*## the continous dual? Then what structure is there on ##V## that allows you to speak of continuity?
  • #9
micromass said:
I'm dense, but how can a function from ##V## to ##V^{**}## be a bilinear form? What does this have to do with anything?

The functor argument will likely use some basis for ##V## and the associated basis for ##V^{**}##. However, if ##V## is finite-dimensional, then you cannot show that the associated "basis" in fact does span the space. It works in the finite-dimensional case because you can just say a linear independent set with a given cardinality is a basis.

You are thinking of the continuous dual, the OP is asking about the algebraic dual.

Why can't you define a bilinear form between any two vector spaces? The existence of a non-degenerate form determines a natural (basis-free ) isomorphism between a space and its dual. I was wondering if the converse is also true, i.e ., if there is a natural isomorphism, is there a non-degenerate form that gives rise to this isomorphism?

And, thanks, I got the issue with the natural isomorphism in the infinite-dimensional case, but (at least ) my version of the proof is messy (not Messi ).
  • #10
micromass said:
You can equip any vector space with an inner product, so there is always a non-degenerate bilinear form. Just pick a basis ##\{e_i~\vert~i\in I\}## for the vector space in the Hamel sense (every element is the unique linear combination of basis elements). Then define

[tex]B\left(\sum_{\alpha\in A} \alpha e_\alpha,\sum_{\beta \in B}\beta e_\beta\right) = \sum_{\alpha\in A, \beta\in B} \alpha\beta[/tex]

The problem is that this inner product only provides you with continuous linear functionals (continuous with respect to the inner product),

Of course, but there must be some naturality/categorical choice of this non-degenerate form, otherwise any vector space would be isomorphic with its dual by just choosing/defining any non-degenerate form on the space.
  • #11
O.K, I think I know where I was confused: I thought, given any inner-product space (V, <,>) , why doesn't <,> give us a natural isomorphism with the continuous V*? Well, if we use the norm that originates from an inner-product (as a non-degenerate bilinear form), then we have a Hilbert space; but there are many cases in which the given norm does not originate from an inner-product (e.g., in the standard products in the ## L^p ## spaces) and this gives the necessary compatibility condition between the norm and the bilinear map, otherwise any inner-product space would be isomorphic to its (continuous dual) .I know this is true when V is a Hilbert space, so not just any inner-product will do. But I got it through writing out my confusions; thanks for letting me get rid of my confusions by writing things here, and sorry if I was not too clear; feel free to delete this if it seemed confusing, and thanks again for letting me clear my confusions, and sorry for the confusion.

Please remind me from time-to-time that others cannot read my mind and that I need to explain myself instead :) .
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  • #12
micromass said:
No, in fact no infinite dimensional space has the property that ##V\cong V^{**}## if you mean the algebraic dual.
I am not sure what your point is. However Lp and Lq are dual for p, q > 1 and 1/p + 1/q = 1.
Therefore V = V** in all these cases.
  • #13
Mathman, I just meant to ask whether there is a pairing V-->V** like the pairing v-><v,.> in V-->V* given when there is an inner-product that allows us to define a natural isomorphism between V, V**, or, more generally, if V,W are any two naturally-isomorphic vector spaces, can this isomorphism always be described using a non-degenerate form, i.e., by assigning ?
  • #14
micromass said:
I'm dense, but how can a function from ##V## to ##V^{**}## be a bilinear form? What does this have to do with anything?

The functor argument will likely use some basis for ##V## and the associated basis for ##V^{**}##. However, if ##V## is finite-dimensional, then you cannot show that the associated "basis" in fact does span the space. It works in the finite-dimensional case because you can just say a linear independent set with a given cardinality is a basis.

You are thinking of the continuous dual, the OP is asking about the algebraic dual.
QUOTE=micromass;4769684]I'm dense, but how can a function from ##V## to ##V^{**}## be a bilinear form? What does this have to do with anything?

The functor argument will likely use some basis for ##V## and the associated basis for ##V^{**}##. However, if ##V## is finite-dimensional, then you cannot show that the associated "basis" in fact does span the space. It works in the finite-dimensional case because you can just say a linear independent set with a given cardinality is a basis.

You're right (and, of course, I am wrong here), it is not really a bilinear form

( unless maybe one may construct one by playing

around with pairings) , but an isomorphism from V to V** , i.e., an assignment v-->v**

maybe of a sort similar to the one we have between V and V** when we have an associated

non-degenerate form < , >, where the assignment v-->< v, .> gives us a natural isomorphism.

In this case, the isomorphism V-->V** is given by: v-->v**:=v*(v); I am curious as to

what type of algebraic object this is; is it a bilinear form, a general tensor
  • #15
  • #16
Yes; that is the map, thanks. I think this comment fits-in here somewhere; in the finite dimensional case, a linear map is described by a matrix A; its dual map (i.e., the image of A in a non-canonical isomorphism between A and A*; in this case the transpose ## A^T##is the adjoint map) is given by ## A^T ##, and so its double dual is given by ## (A^T)^T=A## ( I just got paid $100 for product-placement by AT&T !) , which suggests the natural isomorphism

Related to (Non)Isomorphism of V with V** in Infinite-Dimension Case

What is the concept of isomorphism in mathematics?

Isomorphism is a mathematical concept that describes a relationship between two mathematical structures in which one structure can be transformed into the other while maintaining the same essential properties. In other words, isomorphic structures are considered to be identical in terms of their mathematical properties, even though they may look different.

What is the difference between isomorphism and non-isomorphism?

In mathematics, two structures are isomorphic if they have the same structure, while non-isomorphic structures have different structures. In other words, isomorphism refers to a situation where two structures are the same, while non-isomorphism refers to a situation where two structures are different.

Why is the concept of isomorphism important in the study of infinite-dimensional vector spaces?

Isomorphism is important in the study of infinite-dimensional vector spaces because it allows us to compare and understand different vector spaces that may be structurally different. This helps us to identify important properties and relationships between these spaces and make connections between seemingly distinct concepts.

What is the significance of studying the (non)isomorphism of V with V** in the infinite-dimensional case?

The study of the (non)isomorphism of V with V** in the infinite-dimensional case is significant because it helps us to understand the relationship between a vector space and its dual space, and the role of isomorphism in this relationship. This has important implications in areas such as functional analysis and physics.

How can one determine if two infinite-dimensional vector spaces are isomorphic?

Determining if two infinite-dimensional vector spaces are isomorphic can be a complex task, as it involves comparing the structures of these spaces. In general, it is necessary to identify a bijective linear map between the two spaces that preserves the algebraic and topological properties of the spaces. Additionally, one can use tools such as basis and dimension to help determine if two spaces are isomorphic.

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