Non-linear difference equation transformation

In summary, the conversation is about a tough problem that the person is having trouble typing out correctly. They provide links to images of the problem statement and their attempt at a solution. They are looking for guidance on how to proceed with the problem, not just the answer. They are stuck on how to eliminate the x and y terms and have tried using a GP series sum but it introduces a restriction on x and y. They ask for suggestions and someone suggests posting in a different section. The person also mentions that they ignore posts with image links and someone else says they are not comfortable with LaTeX and prefer typing out equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The problem is tough to type out correctly. Pasting problem statement image

The Attempt at a Solution

I just need to know how to proceed with the problem. Not the answer. This is the scan of my attempt.

I stuck about how i eliminate the x and y terms. I thought replacing it with GP series sum would help but it unnecessarily introduces a restriction on x and y.

Is the initial process in my worked out solution correct?
if not what direction do you suggest ?
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Physics news on
  • #2
.bump. either the question is tough or i ll have to type up the problem as they can't be bothered to see the images ...or question is too easy ..
  • #3
I suggest posting this in the 'calculus & beyond' section. This definitely does not belong under the rubric 'introductory physics'.
  • #4
leothorn said:
.bump. either the question is tough or i ll have to type up the problem as they can't be bothered to see the images ...or question is too easy ..

I have to say that every time somebody links to an image which contains the problem statement and solution, I ignore the post.
  • #5
micromass said:
I have to say that every time somebody links to an image which contains the problem statement and solution, I ignore the post.

Well not everyone is comfortable with latex and well some equations are just easier to write out. Each to his own I guess. Ill type them out if i can

Related to Non-linear difference equation transformation

1. What is a non-linear difference equation transformation?

A non-linear difference equation transformation is a mathematical process that describes how a variable changes over time by taking into account its previous values. It involves using a non-linear function to model the relationship between a variable and its past values, instead of a linear function.

2. Why is non-linear difference equation transformation important?

Non-linear difference equation transformation is important because it allows us to model and understand complex systems that exhibit non-linear behavior, such as population growth, economic trends, and weather patterns. It also helps us make predictions and forecast future values based on past data.

3. How is non-linear difference equation transformation different from linear difference equation transformation?

The main difference between non-linear and linear difference equation transformation is the type of function used to model the relationship between a variable and its past values. Linear difference equation transformation uses a linear function, such as a straight line, while non-linear difference equation transformation uses a non-linear function, such as an exponential or quadratic function.

4. What are the applications of non-linear difference equation transformation?

Non-linear difference equation transformation has a wide range of applications in various fields such as physics, biology, economics, and engineering. It can be used to model and analyze complex systems, make predictions and forecasts, and understand the behavior of dynamic systems.

5. What are the challenges of using non-linear difference equation transformation?

One of the main challenges of using non-linear difference equation transformation is finding an appropriate non-linear function that accurately describes the relationship between a variable and its past values. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, as it requires choosing the right function and estimating its parameters. Another challenge is that non-linear models can be more difficult to interpret and may not always provide clear insights into the underlying dynamics of a system.

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