Non quadratic potentials and quantization in QFT (home exercise)

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the stationary points and solutions for the potential ##V(\phi)##, and using these solutions to approximate the potential and find the mass spectrum for a fermion field ##\Psi## and a neutral scalar particle ##\chi##. It is noted that the process $$\pi\pi\rightarrow\pi\pi$$ cannot be described at tree level using only Yukawa vertices, leading to confusion about whether expanding the potential loses interactions. The expert suggests that the Taylor expansion is unnecessary and that the mass terms are enough to determine the masses of the fields. Dropping terms in the expansion will result in losing interactions.
  • #1
Homework Statement
I'm given a field theory described by the lagrangian density

I'm asked to (1) find all the particles described by this theory, (2) find the Feynman rules and then (3) compute the differential cross section at tree level for the process $$\pi\pi\rightarrow\pi\pi$$, where ##\pi## is the particle described by excitations of ##\phi##
Relevant Equations
I wrote the potential for the ##\phi## field as
I noticed that ##V(\phi)## has nonzero minima, therefore I found the stationary points as ##{{\partial{V}}\over{\partial\phi}}=0##, and found the solutions:
$$\phi^0_{1,2}=-{{m}\over{\sqrt{\lambda}}}\quad \phi^0_3={{2m}\over{\sqrt{\lambda}}}$$
of these, only ##\phi^0_3## is a stable minimum, while the other two solutions are inflection points of ##V##. (I attached a plot of such potential)

Now, I expect that expanding ##V(\phi)## around ##\phi^0_3## should give me the so called "mass spectrum" (because I was told so), so what I did was to approximate ##V(\phi)## around the minimum configuration and substitute such approximated potential in the lagrangian density ##L## as follows:


dropping constant terms and higher orders, I found the approximated potential as:

Then, I defined a new field ##\chi## as the oscillation from the equilibrium position: ##\chi=\phi-{{2m}\over{\lambda}}## and by substituting ##\chi## in ##L## I found a new lagrangian in terms of the fields ##\Psi## and ##\chi##:
So I conclude that this lagrangian describes a fermion field ##\Psi## of mass ##m_{\Psi}=2mg/\sqrt{\lambda}## and a neutral scalar particle ##\chi## of mass ##m_{\chi}=3m##. The Feynman rules consist of those from Yukawa theory and come from the ##g\chi\bar{\Psi}\Psi## term.

This is where I get confused. Assuming that the ##\pi## particle is the one associated with the field ##\chi##, the process $$\pi\pi\rightarrow\pi\pi$$ cannot be described at tree level using only Yukawa vertices. This makes me believe that I got the interaction terms wrong, and that I should not have expanded ##V##, however I remember hearing something about "fields are just excitations around stable configurations" and "we can only quantize around the minimum" which was the initial motivation to do all of the above.

I guess my question is if it is always sensible to expand the potential at quadratic order, or if in doing so I loose interactions?
Am I missing something?


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    Schermata 2023-01-23 alle 15.33.36.png
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  • #2
You don't need the Taylor expansion part. You get the masses by looking at the mass terms, ie the ones quadratic in fields. Where did you see that you have to do the Taylor expansion? Perhaps they didn't mean Taylor expansion but rather what you did with the χ field. After all doing a Taylor expansion doesn't make that much sense here, it is already a polynomial. Dropping terms will cost you interactions.
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FAQ: Non quadratic potentials and quantization in QFT (home exercise)

What is a non-quadratic potential in the context of quantum field theory?

In quantum field theory (QFT), a non-quadratic potential refers to a potential term in the Lagrangian or Hamiltonian that is not a simple quadratic function of the field variables. While quadratic potentials (like the mass term) lead to linear equations of motion and are relatively straightforward to handle, non-quadratic potentials introduce interactions between particles and can lead to more complex, often non-linear, equations of motion. Examples include cubic and quartic potentials, which are common in interacting field theories.

Why is quantization more challenging with non-quadratic potentials?

Quantization is more challenging with non-quadratic potentials because these potentials lead to interactions that cannot be solved exactly using standard techniques. In the case of quadratic potentials, the equations of motion are linear, and the quantization procedure can be carried out using well-understood methods like canonical quantization or path integral quantization. Non-quadratic potentials, however, introduce non-linearities that often require perturbative methods, renormalization, and other advanced techniques to handle the resulting infinities and complexities.

What methods are commonly used to handle non-quadratic potentials in QFT?

Several methods are commonly used to handle non-quadratic potentials in QFT, including:

  • Perturbation theory: Expanding the interaction terms in a series and treating them as small perturbations to the quadratic part.
  • Renormalization: Dealing with infinities that arise in perturbative calculations by redefining the parameters of the theory.
  • Path integral formalism: Using functional integrals to systematically include the effects of interactions.
  • Numerical methods: Employing lattice QFT and other computational techniques to simulate the behavior of fields with non-quadratic potentials.

Can you provide an example of a non-quadratic potential and its implications?

An example of a non-quadratic potential is the quartic potential, given by \( V(\phi) = \frac{\lambda}{4!} \phi^4 \), where \( \lambda \) is the coupling constant. This potential appears in the theory of scalar fields, such as the Higgs field in the Standard Model of particle physics. The quartic term introduces self-interactions among the scalar particles, leading to rich phenomenology, including spontaneous symmetry breaking and the generation of particle masses through the Higgs mechanism.

How does the presence of non-quadratic potentials affect the physical predictions of a QFT?

The presence of non-quadratic potentials significantly affects the physical predictions of a QFT by introducing interactions between particles. These interactions can lead
