Non renormalizability non predictiveness

  • Thread starter Jim Kata
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of non-renormalizability in pure gravity, where an infinite number of counter terms are needed to cancel out divergences in the path integral. This leads to an infinite number of degrees of freedom and makes the theory less useful. Possible solutions include using an "ansatz" for the infinite quantities or treating the theory as an effective field theory.
  • #1
Jim Kata
Ok, I know Goroff and Sagnotti proved that the two loop contribution to pure gravity is divergent, but I guess I don't understand non - renormalizability. Looking, at the BPHZ method it seems that you could subtract out the divergences at each level. Although, you need an infinite number of counter terms for the entire path integral. It seems to me that at each loop level it would only take a finite number of counter terms to cancel the divergences. What am I missing here?
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  • #2
Nothing. But if you need to subtract out an infinite number of independent terms than your theory has an infinite number of degrees of freedom, i.e. you would need to make an infinite number of observations to extract any useful prediction. This makes the theory less useful...
  • #3
but although you need an infinite number of parameters could not try an 'ansatz' for the infinite quantities ? or if the problem of divergences is that integrals are divergent could not approximate these divergent integrals by divergent series and then use resummation methods to obtain finite values for these series ?? or at least assume that all the particles have a 'radius' proportional to their Compton wavelent [tex] \lambda = \hbar (mc)^{-1} [/tex] .

Also i am not sure but i think that at least for low energies we have only a finite number of divergences, in case you increase the energy scale then the infinite terms become relevant and spoil your prediction.
  • #4
Jim Kata said:
Ok, I know Goroff and Sagnotti proved that the two loop contribution to pure gravity is divergent, but I guess I don't understand non - renormalizability. Looking, at the BPHZ method it seems that you could subtract out the divergences at each level. Although, you need an infinite number of counter terms for the entire path integral. It seems to me that at each loop level it would only take a finite number of counter terms to cancel the divergences. What am I missing here?

But the problem is that every time you bring in a new interaction that is required to patch up the divergences, you need to fix the finite piece as well! Sure, you can fix the divergent part of the bare coeffcient to insure that you result is finite but you are left with an arbitrary finite piece. How to fix this finite piece? By performing a new experiment. So you end up losing predictive power. If you can't make any prediction without requiring extra measurements to fix the constants of your theory, the theory is useless.

The way out is of course to treat the theory as an effective field theory.
  • #5
The way out is of course to treat the theory as an effective field theory.

This much should be apparent just from the fact that Newton's constant is dimensionful. Just as we don't expect Fermi Theory to hold in the infinite energy (zero length) limit, we shouldn't expect gravity to hold in that regime either.

FAQ: Non renormalizability non predictiveness

1. What is non-renormalizability in science?

Non-renormalizability refers to a theory or model that cannot be properly defined or predicted due to the presence of infinite or divergent quantities in its calculations. This means that the theory cannot be used to make accurate predictions or explain physical phenomena.

2. How does non-renormalizability impact scientific theories?

Non-renormalizability can limit the predictive power and usefulness of a scientific theory. If a theory is non-renormalizable, it means that it cannot be used to make accurate predictions and may need to be revised or replaced with a more complete and consistent theory.

3. What is the difference between non-renormalizability and non-predictiveness?

Non-renormalizability refers to the mathematical properties of a theory, while non-predictiveness refers to its ability to make accurate predictions. A theory can be non-renormalizable but still be predictive, meaning it can make accurate predictions even though its calculations may contain divergent quantities.

4. Why are non-renormalizable theories problematic?

Non-renormalizable theories are problematic because they cannot be used to make accurate predictions or explain physical phenomena. This means that they cannot be fully tested or validated through experiments, and may not accurately describe the underlying laws of nature.

5. Can non-renormalizability be resolved in scientific theories?

Yes, non-renormalizability can often be resolved by incorporating additional mathematical techniques or by revising the underlying principles of the theory. However, in some cases, non-renormalizability may indicate a fundamental flaw in the theory and may require a complete overhaul or replacement.

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