Non-Rotating Charged Black Holes: Mass, Electric Field, & Quantum Charges

In summary, the metric for a charged non-rotating black hole is the same as plugging in M* = M - Q2/2r into the Schwarzschild metric. This means that the electric field of the black hole contributes to its mass, but this solution may break down due to the infinite self-energy of the point charge. This solution is purely classical and does not account for quantum mechanical effects, so it should not be taken as a definitive answer.
  • #1
Here is the metric for an uncharged non-rotating black hole:

Here is the metric for a charged non-rotating black hole:öm_black_hole

Note that this is the same as plugging M* = M - Q2/2r into the Schwarzschild metric.

My question is: If there is energy in the electric field of a charged particle, why doesn\'t this increase the effective mass?

Is this true for any quantum \"charge\"? For instance, if the black hole has excess \"weak charge\" or \"color\", does this decrease the radius of its event horizon/effective mass?
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  • #2
don't take it as a bible but you can't consider an electric field like such and mass both, otherwise you would have got its energy doubled...
  • #3
JustinLevy said:
Here is the metric for an uncharged non-rotating black hole:

Here is the metric for a charged non-rotating black hole:öm_black_hole

Note that this is the same as plugging M* = M - Q2/2r into the Schwarzschild metric.My question is: If there is energy in the electric field of a charged particle, why doesn\'t this increase the effective mass?

Is this true for any quantum \"charge\"? For instance, if the black hole has excess \"weak charge\" or \"color\", does this decrease the radius of its event horizon/effective mass?

The charged black hole is not a vacuum solution. What the solution is saying is that the electric field of the black hole does contribute to its mass.

Look at the M* at r=infinity. This is equal to be 'M', the mass of the black hole.

At r < infinity, M* < M. You've excluded part of the electric field of the black hole. By this exclusion, you've reduced its "mass".

To really make this more formal, we need a couple of things,.

1) Birkhoff's theorem tells us that any spherically symmetric solution is going to be a Schwarzschild solution. The agreement of the R-N solution with the Schwarzschild solution with a variable substitution is therefore expected.

2) We can't (quite!) apply Gauss's law to a black hole unmodified. With a static metric, we can define a "gravitational field". We can multiply this falue of the "field" by the area of an enclosing sphere. This gives us our first shot at Gauss's law for gravity - but we find that this result (field * area) is not independent of r. Remember that in electromagnetism, the intergal of the field (E-field) times the area IS a constant, and equal to the charge - this is Gauss's law.

But we can "fix up" Gauss's law so that it does work for gravity, by adding a correction factor that's related to the time-dilation factor at the value of 'r' that our enclosing sphere is at (relative to an obsever at infinity).

This "fixed up" Gauss-law mass is known as the Komar mass. I wrote a short piece about it" which is still just a very brief overview compared to the typical textbook treatment.

This "fixed up" gauss-law mass, i.e the Komarr mass, is just the parameter M that is constant in the Schwarzschild solution, and is not constant in the R-N solution.

Therefore the solution is telling us that the R-N solution is a spherically symmetric non-vacuum solution, where the electric field contributes to the mass, thus the solution has its full value of mass only at r=infinity. The Gass-law intergal excludes some of the electric field at r<infinity, and hence excludes some of the mass of the black hole.

The remaining issue is that GR is a classical theory. Therefore it is running into the same problem that classical E&M has with the self-energy of a point charge - it's infinite :-(.

Probably the R-N solution breaks down at some point because of this issue, which isn't solved in GR (yet another issue for quantum gravity).

Note that the field from a static black hole is likely to exceed the "Schwinger limit", the maximum field that can exist without pair creation if you take the R-N equations too literally. So remember that the R-N solution is purely classical, because GR is a classical theory, therefore such quantum mechanical effects are not modeled correctly. The problem with the self-energy of an infinite point charge is only solved in QM, not classical mechanics.
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FAQ: Non-Rotating Charged Black Holes: Mass, Electric Field, & Quantum Charges

1. What is a non-rotating charged black hole?

A non-rotating charged black hole is a theoretical type of black hole that has a charge but does not have any angular momentum, meaning it does not rotate. This type of black hole is described by the Kerr-Newman metric, which takes into account both the mass and electric charge of the black hole.

2. How is the mass of a non-rotating charged black hole determined?

The mass of a non-rotating charged black hole is determined by using the Kerr-Newman metric, which is a mathematical formula that takes into account both the mass and electric charge of the black hole. This metric can be solved to find the mass of the black hole.

3. What is the electric field of a non-rotating charged black hole?

The electric field of a non-rotating charged black hole is the force field created by the electric charge of the black hole. This electric field can be measured and calculated using the Kerr-Newman metric.

4. Can non-rotating charged black holes have quantum charges?

Yes, non-rotating charged black holes can have quantum charges. A quantum charge is a discrete unit of electric charge, and it is possible for a black hole to have multiple quantum charges. These charges can affect the behavior of the black hole and its interactions with other particles.

5. How do non-rotating charged black holes differ from rotating black holes?

The main difference between non-rotating charged black holes and rotating black holes is that non-rotating charged black holes do not have any angular momentum, while rotating black holes do. This means that the non-rotating charged black hole does not rotate on its axis, while a rotating black hole does. Additionally, the Kerr-Newman metric is used to describe non-rotating charged black holes, while the Kerr metric is used for rotating black holes.

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