Nonconservative collision - Work

In summary, a 85kg baseball player running at 8.0 m/s crashes into a 95kg catcher at rest and the two players slide together along the base path. Using the equations Wnc = ΔKE + ΔPE and mv + mv = (m+m)v, the final velocity is found and used to find the distance the players will slide, which is approximately 1.04m.
  • #1
en bloc

Homework Statement

An 85kg baseball player is running towards home base at 8.0 m/s when he crashes into the catcher who is initially at rest. the two players slide together along the base path toward home plate. If the mass of the catcher is 95 kg and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the players and the ground is .70, how far will the players slide?

Homework Equations

1) Wnc = ΔKE + ΔPE

2) mv + mv = (m+m)v

The Attempt at a Solution

I found the final velocity using equation 2, and used it to find Δx in equation 1. I'm not sure if this is right.

.70*1764N*Δx*cos180=(1/2)*180kg*(3.78 m/s)^(2) - (1/2)85kg*(8 m/s)^(2)
-1235N*Δx = -1434N
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  • #2
The initial velocity seems correct.

For the next part try this:

[tex]\frac{1}{2}(M+m)v^{2} - W_{f} = \frac{1}{2}(M+m)v^{2}[/tex]

That is, their initial kinetic energy, minus the work done by friction, equals their final kinetic energy. Well, after they are done sliding their final KE is 0 right?

[tex]\frac{1}{2}(M+m)v^{2} - u(M+m)gx = 0[/tex]
  • #3
QuarkCharmer said:
Well, after they are done sliding their final KE is 0 right?

Oooooh. That's right. KEf is 0, so equation 1 should've been like this:

Wnc= ΔKE + 0

.7 * 1764N * Δx * cos180 = 0 - 1/2 * 180kg * (3.78 m/s)^2
Δx= 1.04m

  • #4
Thats it!
  • #5

Based on your attempt at a solution, it seems like you have correctly applied the equations for nonconservative collisions and conservation of momentum. However, it is important to note that the work done in a nonconservative collision is not just equal to the change in kinetic energy, but also includes the change in potential energy. In this case, the potential energy would be due to the force of friction acting on the players as they slide along the base path.

To find the correct solution, you would need to set up the equation for work done by friction (Ffriction * distance) and solve for the distance. This would give you the total distance the players slide, taking into account both the change in kinetic energy and potential energy. Additionally, it may be helpful to draw a free body diagram to better visualize the forces acting on the players during the collision.

FAQ: Nonconservative collision - Work

1. What is a nonconservative collision in physics?

A nonconservative collision is a type of collision in physics where the total mechanical energy of the system is not conserved. This means that the total energy of the system before and after the collision is not the same. In these collisions, some energy is converted into other forms, such as heat or sound, and is lost from the system.

2. How is work related to nonconservative collisions?

Work is related to nonconservative collisions because work is defined as the energy transferred to or from a system by a force acting on it. In a nonconservative collision, some of the energy is transferred to other forms, such as heat or sound, through work done by external forces on the system.

3. What types of forces are involved in nonconservative collisions?

In nonconservative collisions, both external and internal forces can be involved. External forces, such as friction or air resistance, can do work on the system and convert some of its energy into other forms. Internal forces, such as those between colliding objects, can also play a role in transferring energy and changing the total mechanical energy of the system.

4. How is the work done by external forces calculated in nonconservative collisions?

The work done by external forces in a nonconservative collision can be calculated using the formula W = Fdcosθ, where W is the work done, F is the applied force, d is the displacement of the object, and θ is the angle between the force and the displacement. This formula takes into account both the magnitude and direction of the force and displacement.

5. Can nonconservative collisions be perfectly elastic?

No, nonconservative collisions cannot be perfectly elastic. In a perfectly elastic collision, the total mechanical energy of the system is conserved, meaning no energy is lost to other forms. In nonconservative collisions, some energy is always converted into other forms, making them inherently non-elastic.

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