Nonlinear Differential Equation solving help please

In summary, the conversation discusses a differential equation and how to determine if it is linear or non-linear. The participants consider using the Bernoulli differential equation method to solve it, but struggle with rearranging the equation. Another participant suggests using a basic substitution method, but there is uncertainty about the exact steps needed. Ultimately, it is mentioned that the equation may be a Riccatis Equation, and the participants are encouraged to look into how to solve it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the following differential equation:
State whether this equation is linear or nonlinear and find all it's solutions

Homework Equations

I think that the Bernoulli differential equation is relevant, but I'm not sure:

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok, so this is really a past exam question, and I've been struggling to remember the method & can't find it anywhere in my notes.

First, I tried to rearrange into something similar to the Bernoulli equation, so I could solve using the method from the wikipedia article (wikipedia dot org slash)wiki/Bernoulli_differential_equation.

The rearrangement I got is


and then I'd use the substitution w=1/y, w'=(-1/y^2)y' but I'm not sure what to do about that pesky -1/y2 in the middle. If someone could point me towards the right method to sovle this, I'd be very greatful.

N.B. The course I'm on doesn't cover nonlinear DE's very much, and the only ones that we do have exact solutions. So this should have an exact solution.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Edit. Yes you can use Bernoulli's Equation since you have the y^2

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  • #3

I might be neglecting something that makes this more difficult, but wouldn't a basic "z(x)=y/x" substitution work?

I mean, if you divide the original equation with x², you get

[itex]\frac{dy}{dx} = 1 - \frac{y}{x} + \frac{y^2}{x^2}[/itex]

I haven't studied DEs that much and have never had to use anything fancy like the Bernoulli differential equation, but from what I can tell, z=y/x seems obvious here. The DE that follows after the substitution is easy to solve, unless I made a mistake somewhere.
  • #4
Dustinsfl said:
Edit. Yes you can use Bernoulli's Equation since you have the y^2


That's what I thought, but dividing


by y2 doesn't yield something of the form Q(x), it leaves


Unless I'm approaching that method entirely wrong, which I may well be, I don't see how I can use the [itex]w'=\frac{-1}{y^{2}}y'[/itex] substitution to then solve it.
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  • #5
I am sorry you have a Riccatis Equation.

Take a look at how to solve this equation and then give it a try.

FAQ: Nonlinear Differential Equation solving help please

1. How do you solve a nonlinear differential equation?

To solve a nonlinear differential equation, one must first rewrite the equation in a standard form. Then, various techniques such as separation of variables, substitution, or series solutions can be used to find a solution.

2. What are some common methods for solving nonlinear differential equations?

Some common methods for solving nonlinear differential equations include numerical methods such as Euler's method or Runge-Kutta methods, as well as analytical methods such as power series solutions or Laplace transforms.

3. Can all nonlinear differential equations be solved analytically?

No, not all nonlinear differential equations can be solved analytically. In some cases, the equations may be too complex to find an analytical solution and numerical methods must be used instead.

4. Are there any software tools available to help solve nonlinear differential equations?

Yes, there are various software tools such as Mathematica, Maple, or Matlab that can assist in solving nonlinear differential equations. These tools use algorithms to numerically solve the equations and provide accurate solutions.

5. How can I check if my solution to a nonlinear differential equation is correct?

To check if a solution to a nonlinear differential equation is correct, you can plug the solution into the original equation and see if it satisfies the equation. You can also use software tools to plot the solution and visually compare it to the graph of the original equation.
