Nonlinear differential equation to state space form

In summary, you are trying to solve a nonlinear differential equation for a metallic ball under magnetic levitation. To do this, you need to rewrite the equation in the form of x*(t)=f(x,u,t) where x(t)=[y(t),y*(t)]. You can do this by separating the terms involving y and y* and substituting them back into the equation, resulting in f(x,u,t)=(x1+1)^2*x2*=9.81(x1+1)^2-(0.981u(t)). Good luck with your assignment!
  • #1

Homework Statement

The problem gives a nonlinear differential equation for a metallic ball suspended under maggnetic levitation:

y**(t)=9.81- (0.981u(t))/(y+1)2
(note: y**= second derivative of y)\
where y(t) is the position of the ball and u(t) is the voltage applied ti the magnet

Homework Equations

Rewrite the above equation in the form of x*(t)=f(x,u,t) where the state vector x(t)=[y(t)/y*(t)]

The Attempt at a Solution

First I try to bring the equation down to ist order by assuming x1=y, x2=y*
(d/dt)x1=x1*=y*=x2 => x2=x*1
and the given equation can be rewriten as
Then I believe I have to write the equation in the form of matrix
which I got
(d/dt)[ x1/x2 ]= [ 0 1/X X ] [x1/x2] + [X/X]u+ [0/9.81]
(note: square bracket means matrix, where "/" is used to divide the rows of the matrix)
X is where I got stuck and don't know what to put in there, I am thinking I have to somewhat separate the u(t) and y2, but can't figure out a way to do it...and this is only the first part of the question later I have to linearize...

Any hint or point in direction will be great! This is a homework question from my first year Master in control theory, and my major in undergrad was not control so I am pretty clueless right now...

Thank you for looking at my question.
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  • #2

Hello, thank you for your post. It looks like you have made some good progress so far. In order to continue, you need to separate the terms involving y and y* in the equation. You can do this by multiplying the equation by (y+1)^2. This will give you:


Now, you can substitute x1=y and x2=y* back into this equation to get:


This is now in the form of x*(t)=f(x,u,t) that you were looking for. The state vector x(t)=[y(t),y*(t)] and the function f(x,u,t) is (x1+1)^2*x2*=9.81(x1+1)^2-(0.981u(t)).

I hope this helps. Good luck with the rest of your assignment!
  • #3

I would approach this problem by first understanding the physical system being described - a metallic ball suspended under magnetic levitation. I would then use my knowledge of differential equations and state space representation to rewrite the given nonlinear equation in a form that is more suitable for analysis and control design.

To rewrite the equation in state space form, we need to define the state variables and their derivatives. In this case, we can choose the state vector x(t) = [y(t), y*(t)] and its derivatives as follows:

x1(t) = y(t)
x2(t) = y*(t)
x1*(t) = y*(t)
x2*(t) = y**(t) = 9.81 - (0.981u(t))/(y+1)2

Now, we can rewrite the given equation as:

x1*(t) = x2(t)
x2*(t) = 9.81 - (0.981u(t))/(x1+1)2

This can be further simplified by defining a new variable z = x1+1, which gives:

x1*(t) = x2(t)
x2*(t) = 9.81 - (0.981u(t))/z2

Now, we can write the equation in state space form as:

x1*(t) = x2(t)
x2*(t) = 9.81 - (0.981u(t))/z2
z*(t) = x1*(t) + 1 = x2(t) + 1

Note that the state variable z is not directly affected by the control input u(t), so we can treat it as a constant. This means that we can write the above equations in matrix form as:

(d/dt)[x1/x2/z] = [0 1 0; 0 0 -0.981/z2; 0 0 0] [x1/x2/z] + [0; 0; 0]u + [0; 0; 1]z

This is the desired state space representation of the given nonlinear differential equation. From here, we can proceed to linearize the system and design a control strategy to stabilize the metallic ball in its desired position.

Related to Nonlinear differential equation to state space form

1. What is a nonlinear differential equation?

A nonlinear differential equation is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between a function and its derivatives, where the function and its derivatives are not linearly related. This means that the terms in the equation cannot be expressed as a constant multiple of the dependent variable and its derivatives.

2. What is state space form?

State space form is a mathematical representation of a system, where the system's behavior is described using state variables and their derivatives. It is commonly used to model dynamic systems, such as electrical circuits, mechanical systems, and chemical processes.

3. Why convert a nonlinear differential equation to state space form?

Converting a nonlinear differential equation to state space form allows us to use tools and techniques from linear systems theory to analyze and understand the behavior of the system. It also makes it easier to design controllers and predict the system's response to different inputs.

4. What is the process for converting a nonlinear differential equation to state space form?

The process for converting a nonlinear differential equation to state space form involves first finding the state variables for the system, which are typically the variables that change over time. Then, the state equations are derived by expressing the derivatives of the state variables in terms of the state variables and any inputs to the system. Finally, the output equation is determined by expressing the output variable in terms of the state variables and inputs.

5. Are there any limitations to converting a nonlinear differential equation to state space form?

Yes, there are some limitations to converting a nonlinear differential equation to state space form. The process may not be feasible for highly complex systems, and the resulting state space model may not accurately capture all aspects of the system's behavior. Additionally, the conversion process may be time-consuming and require extensive mathematical calculations.

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