Nonlinear ODE by an infinite series expansion

In summary: Basically, you need to transform the equation into a form that contains Bessel functions of the first and second kind.
  • #1
I have to solve the nonlinear DE y'=x²-y² by using an infinite series expansion y=[tex]\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n x^n[/tex], but I've tried in vain. Maybe a change of variables would make it easier, but I don't know which one.

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  • #2
I don't think you need to change variables: just attack it directly. The trick is in writing [tex]y^2[/tex] as a double sum so that if you substitute the series into the ODE you get:

\sum_{n=0}^\infty n a_n x^{n-1} = x^2 - \sum_{n=0}^\infty\sum_{m=0}^\infty a_n a_m x^{m+n}

Next equate coefficients of like powers of [tex]x, i.e., x^{-1}, x^0, x^1,[/tex]etc.
As an example, suppose you are equating coefficients of [tex]x^5[/tex], say. Then you get

6 a_6 = -(2a_0a_5 - 2a_1a_4 - 2a_2a_3)
and you can solve for [tex]a_6[/tex] from the previous coefficients you know.

You should see a pattern after a while.
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  • #3
I had done it the way suggested by loveequation, and you do end up with a pattern after you equate for the [tex] x^2 [/tex] coefficient. I spent a couple of hours trying to find another way and was unsuccessful. The recurrence relation we obtain for the coefficients is not nice at all, but would be computable, given some initial condition, which would give us the first coefficient. The thing with infinite series solutions is that we almost never end up with something nice for the coefficients, but we do have a series that will allow us to compute approximations as close to the actual solution as we want. Good for engineering applications.
  • #4
javicg said:
I have to solve the nonlinear DE y'=x²-y² by using an infinite series expansion y=[tex]\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n x^n[/tex], but I've tried in vain. Maybe a change of variables would make it easier, but I don't know which one.


Look like the equation is a special riccati equation. I had similar problem in the past and manage to get help from fellow PF.
  • #5
matematikawan said:
Look like the equation is a special riccati equation. I had similar problem in the past and manage to get help from fellow PF.

Okay,when I use a riccati substitution I get
\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} - x^2u = 0
But now how to solve this? If I use a series expansion on this I get a solution, but it has a rather ugly recurrence relation. Maybe there is another way to solve this particular ODE, and I am totally brain farting on it.
  • #6
I do not expect that the recurrence relation will be nice in this case, although the transformed equation is.

The one that I solved before
[tex]\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} + x^2u = 0[/tex]
contain Bessel functions of the first and second kind as closed form.

I suspect that the equation you are solving
[tex]\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} - x^2u = 0[/tex]
will have modified Bessel functions for closed form solution.
  • #7
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FAQ: Nonlinear ODE by an infinite series expansion

What is a nonlinear ODE by an infinite series expansion?

A nonlinear ODE (ordinary differential equation) by an infinite series expansion is a method used to solve nonlinear differential equations by expressing the solution as an infinite series. This allows for a more accurate and precise solution compared to traditional methods.

Why is an infinite series expansion necessary for solving nonlinear ODEs?

An infinite series expansion is necessary because nonlinear differential equations often do not have closed-form solutions, making it difficult to solve them using traditional methods. The infinite series expansion allows for the solution to be expressed as an infinite sum of simpler functions, making it more manageable to solve.

What is the process for solving a nonlinear ODE by an infinite series expansion?

The process for solving a nonlinear ODE by an infinite series expansion involves substituting the infinite series into the original ODE and solving for the coefficients of each term in the series. This is typically done through a recursive process, where each coefficient is dependent on the previous ones.

What are the advantages of using an infinite series expansion to solve nonlinear ODEs?

One advantage of using an infinite series expansion is that it allows for a more precise and accurate solution compared to traditional methods. Additionally, the series can often be truncated to a finite number of terms, making the solution more manageable and easier to work with.

Are there any limitations to using an infinite series expansion for solving nonlinear ODEs?

One limitation is that the convergence of the infinite series may be slow or not guaranteed, making it difficult to obtain an accurate solution. Additionally, the process of solving for the coefficients can be complex and time-consuming, especially for more complicated ODEs.
