Nonlinear optics: second order polarization calculation

In summary, the problem involves calculating the amplitude of the component of nonlinear polarization oscillating at 2ω frequency in a crystal with given parameters. The solution involves finding the value of E_0 using the equation I=P/A and then using it in the equation P(2ω)=εo*χ(2)*E2/4. There may be discrepancies in notation between different sources, but using the correct formula yields a value of 4.7*10-11, which matches the given value.
  • #1
This is a problem from Boyd Nonlinear Optics chptr 1 problem 2.

Homework Statement

Numerical estimate of nonlinear optical quantities. A laser beam of frequency ω carrying 1 W of power is focused to a spot size of 30μm diameter in a crystal having a refractive index of n =2 and a second order susceptibility of [itex]\chi^{(2)}=4\times 10^{-11} m/V[/itex]. Calculate numerically the amplitude P(2ω) of the component of the nonlinear polarization oscillating at frequency 2ω.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I solved for [itex]E_0[/itex] assuming a uniform distribution across the spot, with I=P/A and got
[tex] E_0=\sqrt{\frac{2P}{Acn\epsilon_0}}[/tex]
and put that into the equation I gave for [itex]P(2\omega)[/itex]. The value I got was [itex]1.89\times 10^{-11}[/itex], which is almost exactly 4 times the value given in the text of [itex]4.7\times 10^{-11}[/itex]

I feel like it's possible that the value given in the text accidentally uses the diameter of the spot to calculate the area, which would give them a factor of 1/4 that I don't have, but I also thought that maybe my problem lies in my assumption that the spot is uniform. Maybe I actually need to integrate numerically assuming a gaussian beam profile-which would kind of make sense considering the problem title (numerical estimate of nonlinear optical quantities).
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  • #2
Hello, dnp33.

Here's a possibility. Note that below (1.2.14b), Boyd (3rd edition) gives the expression for intensity as ##I = \frac{1}{2}n_0\epsilon_0c\varepsilon^2## where ##\varepsilon## is the field amplitude as defined by (1.2.12). But this definition of field amplitude differs by a factor of 2 from the field amplitude ##E## defined by (1.2.1). Note ##\varepsilon = 2E##.

Very confusing. Would have been nice if Boyd had given an explicit numerical example to help sort out the notation.
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  • #3

FAQ: Nonlinear optics: second order polarization calculation

1. What is nonlinear optics?

Nonlinear optics is a branch of optics that deals with the behavior of light in materials that have a nonlinear response to the electric field of the light. This means that the polarization of the material is not directly proportional to the electric field, as it is in linear materials.

2. What is second order polarization?

Second order polarization is the nonlinear response of a material to the electric field of light, where the polarization is proportional to the square of the electric field. This is in contrast to first order polarization, where the polarization is directly proportional to the electric field.

3. How is second order polarization calculated?

The calculation of second order polarization involves solving the nonlinear Maxwell's equations for the electric field in the material. This requires knowledge of the material's properties, such as its second order susceptibility, and the incident light's characteristics, such as its intensity and frequency.

4. What are some applications of second order polarization?

Second order polarization has many important applications in modern technology, including in telecommunications, optical computing, and imaging. It is used to create nonlinear optical effects such as frequency doubling, parametric amplification, and optical rectification.

5. What are some challenges in calculating second order polarization?

Calculating second order polarization can be challenging due to the complexity of the nonlinear Maxwell's equations and the need for accurate knowledge of material properties. Additionally, the calculations may become more difficult for materials with higher nonlinearities or when multiple nonlinear processes are involved.

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