Normal force for a lever model

In summary, the conversation discusses a model of a lever on a table top, with one arm raised at an angle alpha and the other arm horizontal. The equilibrium torque equation is given, and the need to eliminate the normal force is mentioned. There is a suggestion to assume that N=0 in order to simplify the equation, with the understanding that this is a contradiction. The conversation also considers the role of the normal force in different scenarios and its impact on the equation. It is suggested to take moments about the center of gravity to calculate the location of N. Finally, the conversation acknowledges the changing geometry of the lever and the need to assume N acts through the fulcrum.
  • #1
My model is a lever on a table top. One arm is horizontal on the table, while the other arm is raised at an angle alpha. I'm assuming the weight of the horizontal lever (F) acts at its center of gravity at a distance f from the pivot, while the weight of the raised lever (W) acts at its center of gravity at a distance s from the pivot. Finally, the normal force is N. At static equilibrium the torque equation would be:

f x F - N = s x W x Cos α

To simplify the equation, I need to eliminate the normal force.
Can I assume that the torque of the raised lever (s x W x Cos α) is such that it ever so slightly exceeds the term (f x F), so that N is approximately zero yet the system still remains at static equilibrium? I realize this is a contradiction of terms, but I can't think of another way to assume N=0.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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  • #2
Is N the reaction of the table on the lever arm?
  • #3
Yes, N is the force of the table opposing that of the weight of the resting lever arm when the latter is not balanced by the raised arm.
  • #4
When the system is just balancing on its "corner", N acts thru the fulcrum so exerts no torque and can be ignored.
When the horizontal arm is resting firmly on the table, N acts thru the CG of the complete system (including both arms). So calculate the location of this point and then take moments about it.
You have here a machine whose geometry changes depending on loading.
  • #5
I suppose I can assume that N acts thru the fulcrum even when the horizontal arm is on the table & therefore, ignore it. Otherwise the equation becomes useless for my purpose.

FAQ: Normal force for a lever model

1. What is the normal force for a lever model?

The normal force for a lever model is the force that is exerted perpendicular to the surface of the lever. It is the reaction force to the weight or load that is being supported by the lever.

2. How is the normal force calculated for a lever model?

The normal force is calculated by multiplying the weight or load being supported by the lever by the sine of the angle between the lever and the horizontal surface it is resting on.

3. Does the normal force change with the position of the lever?

Yes, the normal force changes with the position of the lever. As the angle of the lever changes, the normal force changes as well.

4. What is the relationship between the normal force and the weight of the load?

The normal force is equal in magnitude to the weight of the load being supported by the lever. This means that if the weight of the load changes, the normal force will also change accordingly.

5. How does the normal force affect the stability of a lever model?

The normal force plays a crucial role in the stability of a lever model. It helps to keep the lever in place and prevents it from tipping over. If the normal force is not enough to counterbalance the weight of the load, the lever will become unstable and may tip over.
