Normal Operator Proof: Proving ##T \in L(V)## is Normal

In summary: You used it to prove that ##TT^* - T^*T = 0##. The result is right, what I'm pointing out is the reason for why the result holds.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Normal Operator Proof

Homework Statement

Prove an operator ##T \in L(V)## is normal ##⇔ ||T(v)|| = ||T^*(v)||##.

Homework Equations

(1) ##T \in L(V)## is normal if ##TT^*= T^*T##.

(2) If T is a self-adjoint operator on V such that ##<T(v), v> = 0, \space \forall v \in V##, then ##T=0##.

The Attempt at a Solution

##"\Rightarrow"## Assume ##T## is normal (1) :

##TT^*= T^*T##
##TT^* - T^*T = 0##

Now using (2) we can write :

##<(TT^* - T^*T)(v), v> = 0, \space \forall v \in V##

Using some inner product rules yields :

##<T^*T(v), v> = <TT^*(v), v>, \space \forall v \in V##
##||T(v)||^2 = ||T^*(v)||^2, \space \forall v \in V##
##||T(v)|| = ||T^*(v)||, \space \forall v \in V##

##"\Leftarrow"## : The proof will be exactly as above, except I start at ##||T(v)|| = ||T^*(v)||## and I finish at ##TT^*= T^*T## I believe?
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  • #2
TT ∗ −T ∗ T=0

Now using (2) we can write :

<(TT ∗ −T ∗ T)(v),v>=0, ∀v∈V

You cannot use (2) here since T=0 is not the assumption rather the result.
  • #3
ulyj said:
You cannot use (2) here since T=0 is not the assumption rather the result.

This confused me a bit, I used (2) because ##TT^* - T^*T## is a self adjoint operator.

Using the fact it is self adjoint, and that ##TT^* - T^*T = 0##, I could choose any vector in ##V## and still get a result of zero.
  • #4
Zondrina said:
This confused me a bit, I used (2) because ##TT^* - T^*T## is a self adjoint operator.

Using the fact it is self adjoint, and that ##TT^* - T^*T = 0##, I could choose any vector in ##V## and still get a result of zero.

The result is right, what I'm pointing out is the reason for why the result holds. From what I understand, you didn't use (2) to deduce that ##<(TT^* - T^*T)(v), v> = 0, \space \forall v \in V##

FAQ: Normal Operator Proof: Proving ##T \in L(V)## is Normal

1. What is a normal operator?

A normal operator is a linear operator on a complex inner product space that commutes with its adjoint. In other words, if T is a normal operator, then T and its adjoint T* satisfy the commutative property T*T = T*T*. This means that the eigenvectors of T and T* are the same, and that T and T* have the same eigenvectors. Normal operators are important in the study of functional analysis and linear algebra.

2. Why is it important to prove that a given operator is normal?

Proving that an operator is normal is important because it allows us to make certain conclusions about the operator and its behavior. For example, we can determine that the operator has a complete set of eigenvectors, which can be useful in solving problems and making further calculations. Additionally, normal operators have many useful properties that can be used to simplify proofs and calculations in linear algebra.

3. How do you prove that an operator is normal?

The most common method for proving that an operator T is normal is to use the spectral theorem. This theorem states that a linear operator on a finite-dimensional complex inner product space is normal if and only if it has an orthonormal basis consisting of eigenvectors. So, to prove that T is normal, we need to show that it has an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors. This can be done by showing that T is self-adjoint, or that T and T* commute.

4. What is the significance of the spectral theorem in proving normal operators?

The spectral theorem is significant because it provides a direct way to prove that an operator is normal. As mentioned before, the theorem states that a linear operator is normal if and only if it has an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors. This allows us to simplify the proof by focusing on finding an orthonormal basis instead of directly showing that T and T* commute. Furthermore, the spectral theorem also provides us with useful information about the operator, such as its eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

5. Are there any alternative methods for proving that an operator is normal?

Yes, there are alternative methods for proving that an operator is normal. One approach is to use the definition of normality and directly show that T and T* commute. Another method is to use the polar decomposition theorem, which states that any linear operator can be decomposed into a self-adjoint operator and a unitary operator. If T is normal, then its polar decomposition will also be normal. However, the spectral theorem is the most commonly used method for proving normal operators due to its simplicity and directness.
