Normal subgroup of prime order in the center

In summary, it is proven that if H is a normal subgroup of prime order p in a finite group G, where p is the smallest prime dividing |G|, then H is in the center Z(G). This is shown by the fact that H is cyclic and abelian, thus satisfying the condition for being in the center, and by observing that if H was not in the center, its orbit would have order that does not divide |H| or |G|.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let H be a normal subgroup of prime order p in a finite group G. Suppose that p is the smallest prime dividing |G|. Prove that H is in the center Z(G).

Homework Equations

the Class Equation?
Sylow theorems are in the next section, so presumably this is to be done without them.

The Attempt at a Solution

Not completely sure of a solution, but here's (at least some of) what we know:

1. Since H is normal, [tex]ghg^{-1} \in H[/tex].
2. Since [tex]|H|[/tex] is prime, [tex]H[/tex] is cyclic and abelian.
3. [tex]G[/tex] is finite, with order [tex]|G| = p^nq[/tex].
4. The normalizer [tex]N(H)[/tex] (stabilizer under conjugation) is all of [tex]G[/tex]...
5. [tex]|G| = |N(H)|[/tex] ??
6. Probably some more relevant properties.

And we want to show that [tex]H \subseteq Z(G)[/tex], i.e. [tex]H \subseteq \{g \in G | gx = xg \forall x \in G\}[/tex]
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  • #2
So would these things imply that H = G is cyclic, thus abelian and is the center?
  • #3
Well, from the facts you've given, since H has prime order, it's cyclic, and every cyclic group is abelian. Now since H is normal, like you've also shown we have

[tex]ghg^{-1} \in H[/tex]

It can quite easily be shown that this is true if

[tex] \forall g \in G[/tex] [tex] \forall h \in H, gh \in Hg[/tex]

that is, [tex] \exists h' \in H[/tex] such that

[tex] gh = h'g[/tex]

but H is abelian so...make some conclusion.

Since this holds for every member of H when applied to every member of G, the result follows
  • #4
I misinterpreted the problem. i was thinking of G acting on H, as a subgroup, and not of G acting on H element-wise, by just permuting the elements around in H.

this means if H was not in Z(G), then its orbit would have order 2,...,p-1, none of which divide |H| and |G| since p is prime and it's the least prime that divides |G|.

i believe this does it.

FAQ: Normal subgroup of prime order in the center

What is a normal subgroup of prime order in the center?

A normal subgroup of prime order in the center is a subgroup of a group that has a prime number of elements and is contained within the center of the group. This means that the subgroup is invariant under all inner automorphisms of the group.

How do you determine if a subgroup is normal and of prime order in the center?

A subgroup is normal and of prime order in the center if it satisfies two conditions: 1) it is a subgroup with a prime number of elements, and 2) it is contained within the center of the group. To determine if a subgroup is contained within the center, you can check if all elements of the subgroup commute with all elements of the group.

What is the significance of a normal subgroup of prime order in the center?

A normal subgroup of prime order in the center has several important properties. It is an abelian subgroup, meaning that all its elements commute with each other. It is also a characteristic subgroup, meaning that it is preserved by all automorphisms of the group. Additionally, it is a maximal subgroup, meaning that there are no larger subgroups containing it.

Can a group have multiple normal subgroups of prime order in the center?

Yes, a group can have multiple normal subgroups of prime order in the center. In fact, if a group has one such subgroup, it must have multiple, as the center itself is a normal subgroup of prime order in the center.

How is a normal subgroup of prime order in the center related to the structure of a group?

A normal subgroup of prime order in the center is related to the structure of a group in that it provides information about the commutativity and automorphisms of the group. It can also help in understanding the subgroups and quotient groups of the group. In some cases, it can also be used to prove the simplicity of a group.

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