Normal subgroups, isomorphisms, and cyclic groups

In summary, the original poster is stuck on two questions. He has concluded that G is isomorphic to the product of H and K, but he is having trouble proving it. He needs to show that H is a normal subgroup of G, but he is stuck.
  • #1
I'm really stuck on these two questions, please help!
1. Let G={invertible upper-triangular 2x2 matrices}
H={invertbile diagonal matrices}
K={upper-triangular matrices with diagonal entries 1}
We are supposed to determine if G is isomorphic to the product of H and K. I have concluded that this is true, but I'm having trouble proving it.
I need to show three things: (1)H,K are normal subgroups of G; (2)the intersection of H and K is the identity; (3)HK=G
I can do (3), I can see that (2) is true (though I haven't written it up formally yet), and I can show that K is a normal subgroup of G.
I'm having trouble showing H is a normal subgroup of G. I tried finding a homomorphism between G and K and showing the kernal of that homomorphism is H (this is how I showed K is normal), but I can't find a function that works. I've also tried showing that there are elments g in G and h in H such that ghg[tex]^-^1[/tex] is in H, but to no avail. So I'm stuck.
2. Prove that the product of two infinite cyclic groups is not infinite cyclic.
So far, this is what I have:
Let H and G be two infinite cyclic groups. Let H be generated by h and G by g. Also, the product of G and H, GxH={(g,h) such that g is in G and h in H}. So I need to show there is no element (a,b) in GxH suth that (a,b) generates GxH. That is, show there is no (a,b) in GxH such that (a[tex]^n[/tex],b[tex]^n[/tex])=(g[tex]^i[/tex],h[tex]^j[/tex]) for any i,j. This is where I'm stuck.
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  • #2
I've also tried showing that there are elments g in G and h in H such that ghg is in H, but to no avail. So I'm stuck.
No, what you have to do is show that for ALL h in H and for ALL g in G, ghg-1 is in H. This can be shown by a simple computation.

Suppose (a,b) generates GxH. Then for all g in G, h in H, there is an m such that (a,b)m = (g, h). In particular, there must be some m such that this holds when g = an and h = bn+1 for some n, so:

(a,b)m = (an, bn+1)
(am,bm) = (an, bn+1)
(am-n,bm-n-1) = (eG, eH)

So either one of a, b is the identity, or both m-n and m-n-1 is zero. Clearly, the second option is impossible. But if one of a, b is identity, you can easily show that (a,b) won't generate the group.
  • #3
Hrm. Just to make sure I haven't made a silly mistake, H and K are both abelian groups, right?
  • #4
They are abelian subgroups, but this doesn't help in showing that they're normal. Consider An for n > 5. The group is simple, thus has no non-trivial normal subgroups, but any subgroup generated by a single element is of course abelian.
  • #5
It helps for showing something else though!
  • #6
What else needs to be shown?
  • #7
Well, if H and K are both abelian groups, then so is HxK!
  • #8
Why do we need to know that?
  • #9
Well, any group isomorphic to an abelian group must be abelian, right?
  • #10
Yes, I still don't see why it's relevant. There's a theorem which states that if H and K are normal subgroups of G, H and K intersect only at identity, and HK = G, then G is isomorphic to H x K. Why does he need to know anything about them being abelian? My book actually states a slightly different theorem, replacing the condition that H and K be normal with the condition that every element of H commute with every element of K. However it can be proved that if H and K are normal, then every element of H commutes with every element of K. At no point, however, do you need to consider whether or not H or K are abelian.
  • #11
Well, G isn't abelian, and thus cannot be isomorphic to HxK.
  • #12
I see the problem. I erred when I said that:

No, what you have to do is show that for ALL h in H and for ALL g in G, ghg-1 is in H. This can be shown by a simple computation.

H is not even normal. I assumed it was because I thought the original poster had concluded that it was true, and figured that it was. If H were normal, then a simple computation would have sufficed to prove it. In fact, H is not (which is why the theorem doesn't apply), and a simple computation is enough to show this. Of course, showing H is not normal is unnecessary (and insufficient) to show that G is not isomorphic to H x K, what Hurkyl said is perfect.

FAQ: Normal subgroups, isomorphisms, and cyclic groups

1. What is a normal subgroup?

A normal subgroup is a subgroup of a group that is invariant under conjugation by elements of the larger group. This means that if a subgroup is normal, then it will remain unchanged when each of its elements is multiplied on the left and on the right by an element of the larger group.

2. How do you determine if a subgroup is normal?

To determine if a subgroup is normal, you can use the Normal Subgroup Test. This states that a subgroup H of a group G is normal if and only if for every element g in G, the conjugate gHg^-1 is a subset of H. In other words, every element of the larger group must "normalize" the subgroup by keeping it within the subgroup.

3. What is an isomorphism?

An isomorphism is a bijective (one-to-one and onto) homomorphism between two algebraic structures. In the context of groups, an isomorphism is a function that preserves the group operation and the group structure.

4. How can you tell if two groups are isomorphic?

To determine if two groups are isomorphic, you can check if there exists a bijective homomorphism between them. This means that the two groups must have the same number of elements, and the operation must be preserved between the two groups. In other words, the two groups must have the same structure.

5. What is a cyclic group?

A cyclic group is a group that is generated by a single element. This means that all the elements in the group can be expressed as powers of the generator element. For example, in the group of integers under addition, the element 1 generates the group (since all integers can be obtained by adding 1, -1, or 0). Cyclic groups are denoted by the symbol Zn, where n is the order or number of elements in the group.
