Normal vs. LaPlace Distributions: Critical Values

Essentially, they are just the values of the inverse CDF at 0.05 and 0.01. In summary, the conversation discusses the differences between the Normal and Laplace distributions, including their kurtosis, skewness, and central tendency. It also mentions the difficulty in finding Z-scores and critical values for the Laplace distribution and the potential values for a two-sided test. The conversation concludes with a reference to the inverse CDF formula for finding these values.
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Hello all. With the standard caveat that my background is neither in math nor science, I've nonetheless been conducting some further independent study in various areas of statistics that are of interest to me.

With the foregoing as background, I'm trying to appreciate the material difference(s) between the Normal distribution and the Laplace distribution. My understanding thus far is that the principle difference is that an ideal Normal distribution has a Kurtosis of 3/Excess Kurtosis of 0 while a LaPlace distribution has a Kurtosis of 6/Excess Kurtosis of 3. It's also my understanding that each has a Skewness of 0 and their points of Central Tendency are their arithmetic Means.

What I haven't been able to find, however, are the Z-scores/critical values for a LaPlace distribution. By this I specifically mean the two-tailed .01, .05, .3173 levels which, for a standard normal, would be 2.576, 1.96 and 1. Typically, if I'm looking for Z-scores/critical levels for a Normal distribution I specifically use the Student's T Table to get my Z-scores for the given sample size, or use the T Inverse function found in most software. Am I not able to find any literature/tables with regard to these critical levels because they are the same for the Laplace and Normal Distributions, or am I simply not looking in the right place or missing something? Stated in the simplest terms, are 95% of all values in a standard LaPlace distribution +/- 1.96 from the arithmetic mean also? I found one cryptic reference that mentioned 3.842 and 6.635 standard deviations as the .05 and .01 levels for a LaPlace, but frankly I had difficulty following the general topic to attach any weight to the reference.

Your response would be very much appreciated. As always,


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  • #2
kimberley said:
Am I not able to find any literature/tables with regard to these critical levels because they are the same for the Laplace and Normal Distributions,
or am I simply not looking in the right place or missing something?
Laplace is not a "staple" distribution so its tables may be difficult to find. This page tells you the inverse CDF formula F-1. If you assume mu = 0 and b = 1/Sqrt 2, you will have the standard Laplace. To find the 95% value in a two-sided test, just evaluate F-1(0.025). Note, sgn(x) = -1 if x < 0, sgn(x) = 1 if x > 0 and sgn(0) = 0.
Stated in the simplest terms, are 95% of all values in a standard LaPlace distribution +/- 1.96 from the arithmetic mean also?
I'd guess not necessarily.
I found one cryptic reference that mentioned 3.842 and 6.635 standard deviations as the .05 and .01 levels for a LaPlace, but frankly I had difficulty following the general topic to attach any weight to the reference.
You can verify these values by using the inverse CDF formula.
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Hello Kimberley,

Thank you for your question. The Normal and Laplace distributions are both types of continuous probability distributions, but they have some key differences. As you mentioned, the Normal distribution has a kurtosis of 3 and an excess kurtosis of 0, while the Laplace distribution has a kurtosis of 6 and an excess kurtosis of 3. This means that the Laplace distribution has a more peaked and pointed shape compared to the Normal distribution.

In terms of critical values, the Laplace distribution does not have specific Z-scores like the Normal distribution. This is because the Laplace distribution does not have a standard deviation like the Normal distribution does. Instead, the Laplace distribution has a scale parameter that determines the shape and spread of the distribution. Therefore, there is no specific value that corresponds to a certain percentage of the distribution, like the 1.96 for the 95% confidence interval in the Normal distribution.

However, there are some approximate critical values that can be used for the Laplace distribution. As you mentioned, the values 3.842 and 6.635 correspond to the .05 and .01 levels, respectively. These values are based on the asymptotic normality of the Laplace distribution, which means that for large sample sizes, the Laplace distribution approximates the Normal distribution. These values are not exact, but they can be used as a rough estimate for critical values in the Laplace distribution.

I hope this helps clarify the difference between the Normal and Laplace distributions and their critical values. It's always important to check the assumptions and characteristics of the data before deciding which distribution to use in statistical analysis. Best of luck in your studies!

FAQ: Normal vs. LaPlace Distributions: Critical Values

1. What is the difference between a Normal distribution and a LaPlace distribution?

A Normal distribution, also known as a Gaussian distribution, is a symmetric bell-shaped curve that is commonly used to model continuous data in statistics. It is characterized by its mean and standard deviation. On the other hand, a LaPlace distribution, also known as a double exponential distribution, is a symmetric distribution that has a sharper peak and heavier tails than a Normal distribution. It is commonly used to model data with outliers or heavy-tailed data.

2. What are the critical values in a Normal distribution?

In a Normal distribution, the critical values refer to the values at which the probability of observing a value beyond that point is equal to a specified significance level. For example, the critical values for a 95% confidence interval in a Normal distribution are ±1.96 standard deviations from the mean.

3. How do critical values differ in a LaPlace distribution?

In a LaPlace distribution, the critical values also refer to the values at which the probability of observing a value beyond that point is equal to a specified significance level. However, the critical values in a LaPlace distribution are typically larger than those in a Normal distribution due to its heavier tails.

4. How are Normal and LaPlace distributions used in hypothesis testing?

In hypothesis testing, Normal and LaPlace distributions are used to calculate critical values and p-values to determine the statistical significance of a test. The choice of which distribution to use depends on the type of data being analyzed and the assumptions of the test being performed.

5. What are some common applications of Normal and LaPlace distributions?

Normal distributions are commonly used in fields such as finance, economics, and psychology to model data such as stock prices, test scores, and human characteristics. LaPlace distributions are often used in fields such as signal processing, image processing, and Bayesian statistics to model data with heavy tails or outliers, such as noise in a signal or extreme values in a dataset.
